BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket) Rss Feed  
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2015-10-26 1:18 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Tony and I camped in the Canyonlands in August 2010 and it was GORGEOUS.  Hot as h3ll, but also amazingly beautiful.  We hit Arches on our last day, and while it was crowded, we were still able to get some good shots. 



2015-10-26 1:31 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Great pics Erin and Monica!  it's odd, when I was in Arches it really wasn't that crowded - at least not as crowded as Zion anyway!!

2015-10-26 1:45 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Tony and I camped in the Canyonlands in August 2010 and it was GORGEOUS.  Hot as h3ll, but also amazingly beautiful.  We hit Arches on our last day, and while it was crowded, we were still able to get some good shots. 

I can imagine. Was out there in 2012 for the Las Vegas race. Breaking 110 every day for at least 3 weeks leading in. 103 the day before and then "only" 95 the day of. Lucked out for the hiking in the days after in that it was only 70-80 of so with a storm coming through. Missed doing some things I wanted, but really changed around the experience of what I did do.

2015-10-26 2:12 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Tony and I camped in the Canyonlands in August 2010 and it was GORGEOUS.  Hot as h3ll, but also amazingly beautiful.  We hit Arches on our last day, and while it was crowded, we were still able to get some good shots. 



Nice! I can imagine August temps

This weekend was upper 40s at night and upper 60s day. Ahhhhhh...just right.  Probably why it was so busy, too. You went during last weeks of summer break and ours was last weeks of "good" weather.

2015-10-26 2:33 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Yayyyy!!  I knew the lure of cookies would draw you to the Manatee side!  


Besides, what's not to like about Pet Pics and Pop-Tarts?

2015-10-26 2:51 PM
in reply to: 0

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Man, this thread is moving fast today! Its lovely to see everyone's pictures, and hear from new podmates.
In exciting Monday news: I did some run/walk today! There hasn't been running from this body in quite a long time, but now that I've peeled some weight off, adding a few minutes of running to my morning power walking seemed like the thing to do. So excited!

Edited for clarity

Edited by Atlantia 2015-10-26 2:53 PM

2015-10-26 3:21 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Man I almost couldn't find the forums since they moved to the bottom of the page - it's not just me, right? WOOOOOOO

Busy weekend - lots of errands and a swim/bike/run or 3.


Lisa - welcome and total bummer on the IM. Are you going back in 2016?

ok back to work!

2015-10-26 4:17 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk DRIVE BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Man I almost couldn't find the forums since they moved to the bottom of the page - it's not just me, right?  

All this scrolling down is ridiculous!

2015-10-27 1:02 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk DRIVE BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Man I almost couldn't find the forums since they moved to the bottom of the page - it's not just me, right?  

All this scrolling down is ridiculous!

Save it to your Favourite Threads and then you will be able to access it from the top of the page
2015-10-27 1:02 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
In another birthday suprise, this is Coco


Coco.JPG (61KB - 2 downloads)
2015-10-27 2:27 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by StaceyK In another birthday suprise, this is Coco

i LOVE cocoa!! Happy birthday?  How old is she??

2015-10-27 7:05 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by StaceyK

In another birthday suprise, this is Coco

Coco!!! Too cute!

2015-10-27 8:04 AM
in reply to: 0

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Now getting dog envy as well. Not much athletic action this weekend as recovering from three days of pretty rough kayaking in Laos (two days of muscling through flat water and one day of rapids with one capsize), getting back to Saigon on Sunday, and feeling a bit under the weather Sunday and Monday--sore throat, tired, and queasy--thought I was getting a cold but now suspect it was just one of those "blech" reactions to getting dirty water in mouth/nose/etc. (happens even in races sometimes here in the developing world). I managed a short run around the old town in Luang Prabang on Sunday but not feeling too good. Did have two awesome runs on the trip, though--one before kayaking in Luang Prabang, and one in the small town of Nong Khiaw before the start of our kayak trip. Prior to this trip, my only Laos runs had been in the capital, where there's a riverside run/bike path.

Not a long run--only about 35 minutes, but it was just peaceful and beautiful and so different from where I run in Saigon. (Basically, I have only one loop here, around the residential area where I live. Everything else is all motorbikes, all the time. So running anywhere else is a real treat.)

Attempting to post a pic of my run in Nong Khiaw-- sorry about the sideways orientation.

Edited by Hot Runner 2015-10-27 8:13 AM


DSCN5684.JPG (3653KB - 2 downloads)
2015-10-27 8:10 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

I think that all of you know about the immanent arrival Sir Puppy.  I spoke with the breeder yesterday about the puppy she thought would be the best lifetime match for us.  I said that I felt like I signed up for an online dating site and I'm waiting to see what happens.  Who will be my match? In a very surprising turn of events, after the temperament testing was done, we were matched with a girl. All signs pointed to a boy up until that point. We're back to the drawing board with the name.

Now I think that Bodie wouldn't be such a good name after all!

2015-10-27 8:13 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by Hot Runner Now getting dog envy as well. Not much athletic action this weekend as kind of recovering from three days of pretty rough kayaking (two days of muscling through flat water and one day of rapids with one capsize), getting back to Saigon on Sunday, and feeling a bit under the weather Sunday and Monday--sore throat, tired, and queasy--thought I was getting a cold but now suspect it was just one of those "blech" reactions to getting dirty water in mouth/nose/etc. (happens even in races sometimes here in the developing world). I did manage a short run around the old town in Luang Prabang on Sunday but not feeling two good. Did have two awesome runs on the trip, though--one before kayaking in Luang Prabang, and one in the small town of Nong Khiaw before the start of our kayak trip. Prior to this trip my only Laos runs had been in the capital, where there's a riverside run/bike path. Not a long run--only about 35 minutes, but it was just peaceful and beautiful and so different from where I run in Saigon. (Basically, I have only one loop here, around the residential area where I live. Everything else is all motorbikes, all the time. So running anywhere else is a real treat.) Attempting to post a pic--

My husband calls those "out of boat experiences."  Similarly, if he is mountain biking and stuff happens those are "off bike experiences."

It sounds like a great trip.  It's nice to find peaceful places and soak that in.

I'm glad that you are feeling a bit better!

2015-10-27 8:41 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by jmkizer

I think that all of you know about the immanent arrival Sir Puppy.  I spoke with the breeder yesterday about the puppy she thought would be the best lifetime match for us.  I said that I felt like I signed up for an online dating site and I'm waiting to see what happens.  Who will be my match? In a very surprising turn of events, after the temperament testing was done, we were matched with a girl. All signs pointed to a boy up until that point. We're back to the drawing board with the name.

Now I think that Bodie wouldn't be such a good name after all!

I'm on puppy overload this morning!  She who has no name is so cute!!

2015-10-27 9:00 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by StaceyK In another birthday suprise, this is Coco

Oh my! SO CUTE! I just want to get on the floor and rub the belly of such a cute puppy-wuppy!

In other, non-dog related stuff - good morning! Had swimming last night - it's late on mondays and wednesdays - from 8:30 to 9:45. So i am pretty tired this morning. I rode into work - yeah!  and planning to run on my lunch today before the crazy rain starts. We are supposed to be washed out all wednesday. 

In non-sporting news we are meeting with our architect tonight for the next round of drawing and possibly looking at actually making the application for building permits!! woo hoo! 

2015-10-27 9:04 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by jmkizer

I think that all of you know about the immanent arrival Sir Puppy.  I spoke with the breeder yesterday about the puppy she thought would be the best lifetime match for us.  I said that I felt like I signed up for an online dating site and I'm waiting to see what happens.  Who will be my match? In a very surprising turn of events, after the temperament testing was done, we were matched with a girl. All signs pointed to a boy up until that point. We're back to the drawing board with the name.

Now I think that Bodie wouldn't be such a good name after all!

I think Bodie is a FINE name!!

She is so cute I want a puppy hug!
2015-10-27 9:04 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by jmkizer

I think that all of you know about the immanent arrival Sir Puppy.  I spoke with the breeder yesterday about the puppy she thought would be the best lifetime match for us.  I said that I felt like I signed up for an online dating site and I'm waiting to see what happens.  Who will be my match? In a very surprising turn of events, after the temperament testing was done, we were matched with a girl. All signs pointed to a boy up until that point. We're back to the drawing board with the name.

Now I think that Bodie wouldn't be such a good name after all!

HUGE amounts of cuteness overload!!  That face!  I just want to smoooooosh it! 

Also, I think Bodie could work - with people naming their kids anything under the sun these days, you can name her pretty much whatever you want.  :D 

2015-10-27 9:05 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by StaceyK In another birthday suprise, this is Coco

i LOVE cocoa!! Happy birthday?  How old is she??

she is 11 weeks old. Her name is Coco Black, she is named after a chocolate shop here that hand makes small, sweet and expensive chocolates, which makes it perfect for a mastiff puppy
2015-10-27 9:06 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by jmkizer

I think that all of you know about the immanent arrival Sir Puppy.  I spoke with the breeder yesterday about the puppy she thought would be the best lifetime match for us.  I said that I felt like I signed up for an online dating site and I'm waiting to see what happens.  Who will be my match? In a very surprising turn of events, after the temperament testing was done, we were matched with a girl. All signs pointed to a boy up until that point. We're back to the drawing board with the name.

Now I think that Bodie wouldn't be such a good name after all!

I think Bodie is a FINE name!! She is so cute I want a puppy hug!

Bodie was our boy dog name.  We are thinking we want a girl dog name.

2015-10-27 9:06 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by jmkizer

I think that all of you know about the immanent arrival Sir Puppy.  I spoke with the breeder yesterday about the puppy she thought would be the best lifetime match for us.  I said that I felt like I signed up for an online dating site and I'm waiting to see what happens.  Who will be my match? In a very surprising turn of events, after the temperament testing was done, we were matched with a girl. All signs pointed to a boy up until that point. We're back to the drawing board with the name.

Now I think that Bodie wouldn't be such a good name after all!

oh my goodness she is beautiful. I find names really hard to decide on.
2015-10-27 9:08 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by StaceyK In another birthday suprise, this is Coco

i LOVE cocoa!! Happy birthday?  How old is she??

she is 11 weeks old. Her name is Coco Black, she is named after a chocolate shop here that hand makes small, sweet and expensive chocolates, which makes it perfect for a mastiff puppy

She's adorable!

2015-10-27 9:19 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Between Coco and Unnamed Goldie Girl, I am in puppy heaven this morning!
I need it, too. Wow my legs are feeling those kick sets from this morning.
2015-10-27 9:24 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by jmkizer

I think that all of you know about the immanent arrival Sir Puppy.  I spoke with the breeder yesterday about the puppy she thought would be the best lifetime match for us.  I said that I felt like I signed up for an online dating site and I'm waiting to see what happens.  Who will be my match? In a very surprising turn of events, after the temperament testing was done, we were matched with a girl. All signs pointed to a boy up until that point. We're back to the drawing board with the name.

Now I think that Bodie wouldn't be such a good name after all!

Sooooo sweet! Congratulations, You found your match :D And I like the name Bodie...even for a little girl. Lol. Makes me think bodacious, BOLD+AUDACIOUS.
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author : Scott Tinley
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There are races to prepare for and health to be found and a lot of adventure and release to be sought in the oceans of the world.
date : April 23, 2009
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The closed fist drill will ensure that you are pulling with your entire hand and forearm.