General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard... Rss Feed  
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2010-01-21 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2624922

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2010-01-21 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

A couple of years ago, we were going to my in-laws for Fathers’ Day.  I decided to ride my bike to their house (about 40 miles) and have my wife & son meet me there.  

When I rolled into the driveway, all proud of myself for having made it all the way there (it was right after I started doing tris and I hadn’t done many long bike rides), my Mother-in-law saw me and said, “Oh, you’re here.  I was sure you would get in a terrible accident and we’d have to spend Fathers’ Day in the emergency room.”  

Umm, thanks, Captain Buzzkill. 

2010-01-21 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
My father-in-law who is 57, used to do tris. His last one was 15 years ago. A few years back I signed up for my first HIM. When he found out he dug through his file cabinet to find his finishing times for the last HIM he did, which was over 35 years ago. When he found them he said "You need to beat my times." I told him that, as a female, those times would qualify me for Kona. I just wanted to finish my first HIM. So I responded with, "That's great, but I really don't care about your or anyone else's times. I'm out there to finish for myself."
2010-01-21 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
To this day, the one thing that bothers me most in sports is when I was in middle school and I didn't make the soccer team.  I played a bunch of other sports but I wanted to be on the soccer team more than the other sports and the coach told me I was too small and would never make it.  He was a jerk about it too and I was just a kid.

Saw that A-hole my junior year in high school at one of my games when I was starting varsity for the 9th ranked team in country with offers to play in college.  . 

there are some good ones in here!
2010-01-21 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2626102

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
PirateGirl - 2010-01-21 10:32 AM My father-in-law who is 57, used to do tris. His last one was 15 years ago. A few years back I signed up for my first HIM. When he found out he dug through his file cabinet to find his finishing times for the last HIM he did, which was over 35 years ago. When he found them he said "You need to beat my times." I told him that, as a female, those times would qualify me for Kona. I just wanted to finish my first HIM. So I responded with, "That's great, but I really don't care about your or anyone else's times. I'm out there to finish for myself."

Funny how he showed you his last race times. Ask him what his times were for his first race (HIM or not).
2010-01-21 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2625194

The Redlands, FL
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

justtrichris - 2010-01-20 7:56 PM After every race I've ever run, I've come into my third grade classroom excited the next day to tell my students all about it. After telling them about the experience, and having them ask a a bunch of questions, one boy always raises his hand and asks, "Did you win?" I of course then explain how I run because I love it and do it because it makes me feel fantastic. I also talk about sportsmanship, discipline, self-esteem, the racing atmosphere, etc... This past November after a half marathon, his friend then raises his hand and asks, "Well, did you at least come in second?"

LOL...Love this one...made me laugh...LOL  !!! 

Edited by velorider62 2010-01-21 10:04 AM

2010-01-21 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
"Oh yea, you're out there pretending to be an athlete"

Ouch. That one stung. I keep it in check by remembering where it came from. A bitter old hag at my office who no one wants to work with. We were just pleasantly talking about the big park in our neighbourhood when I mentioned I run through there all the time. Granted, I don't necessarily think of myself as an athlete and I am not ever going to the olympics or anything but by that time i'd already run 2 marathons.  Not really a passing fad. 
2010-01-21 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2625576

The Redlands, FL
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

DaveH - 2010-01-20 11:00 PM

In one of my first races I had not trained very well as I had been sick, and I was having a terrible day. I came up to an aid station on the run and a very bored looking volunteer who clearly wanted to go home said "so, are you the last one?"

LOL...These one is other good one...made me laugh...LOL

2010-01-21 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Not so much of a motivator as a funny comment. A good friend of mine was quoted as saying "Triathlon? All you do is see who is the best at working out..." Cut to today, a year or so later, where he is now training and racing. Guess he wanted to see how good he was at "working out"
2010-01-21 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
My co-worker smirking "Yeah ok, good luck with that".  More of a motivator really.

Things that demotivate me are more like: When I suffer a violent wipeout (this happens a lot to me in skiing) that robs me of my confidence and makes my body hurt.

Edited by ionlylooklazy 2010-01-21 10:23 AM
2010-01-21 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
seems there are always snide remarks by people but for the most part they just roll right off me and I don't find them demotivating (usually they fire me up).  This was several years ago and I was running a 5-mile race on a very hilly course.  The start was a screaming downhill and I went out way too fast.  I knew the course but I was really struggling to get up one of the hills.  Some guy passed me and grunted "if this hurts wait till the next hill".  I knew the next hill would be a mother...but I just wanted to get through this one!  Totally ruined me for that race.  I in my car and drove home.  For being a fellow runner...he was a total dick! 

2010-01-21 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
In my first sprint, when we waded into the water to await our AG start, there were two guys tethered together and I asked what that was about, and they explained that one guy was blind and the other was his guide. Very cool!...Until they passed me. I was having a really hard time sighting. I guess I need a guide too.
2010-01-21 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2624922


Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
So its my wife's first tri in Brigantine NJ (a beach town), after making it out of the water she jumps on one of my old road bikes with clip-ons and begins the ride. After getting passed by basically everyone and anyone on the bike course she spots a biker in front of her. With her chance at redemption or at least to inflict the same pain on someone else she gears up, goes out on the bars and hammers until she passes the biker like he was standing still.  As she "screams by him at 15mph" (her words not mine) she looks up and realizes its a little old lady on a beach cruiser with a handlebar-basket full of bagels she just picked up heading for home for breakfast.

Side note: that was in 2000. The wife just completed IMFL in Nov in 13hrs!! (She crushed the bike)........ 
2010-01-21 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2625857

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
turtlegirl - 2010-01-21 7:57 AM

My favorite what NOT to say when spectating at a ten mile race:

At mile 4, someone yelled, "hey, you're almost halfway there!"


Someone posted a picture here (I think) of a sign placed 100 yds into a marathon that said - "Only 42,000 yards to go!"


2010-01-21 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2626116

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
acumenjay - 2010-01-21 9:36 AM To this day, the one thing that bothers me most in sports is when I was in middle school and I didn't make the soccer team.  I played a bunch of other sports but I wanted to be on the soccer team more than the other sports and the coach told me I was too small and would never make it.  He was a jerk about it too and I was just a kid.

What a d###.  Seriously, soccer is the one sport where size matters much, much less than other sports (basketball, football, etc.).  Maradonna was, what, 5'3"? 
2010-01-21 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2626814

A van down by the river
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
After a Stats 260 class that I, like everyone else, was struggling in (but not failing) I went to the professor's office to ask some questions.  I walked in and he didn't look up.  This guys looked like a squirrely, cross-eyed Jeff Foxworthy.  It was a large class so he wouldn't have known who I was.  He passively asked what I needed still looking down and  I said well, "I'm struggling in your class and needing a little help".   He kept writing for a few seconds then looked up and started telling me a story about this plumber that had just come to his house to fix the kitchen sink over the weekend.  My mind is swirling trying to figure out how he was going to tie this story into statistics.  He then blasts me for being a slacker, because only a slacker would need to go see his professor.  Then he tells me to drop out and learn a, he says, there's a lot of money in that.  And its not too late.  He goes back to whatever it was and I'm still just standing there in awe....  I made a 96 on the next test and 100 on the final.  That was 10 years ago, but I still harbor some ill will toward that guy.

2010-01-21 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

Ex-girlfriend telling me that I didn't have the physique to do triathlons.

Ex-coach telling me after our first session together that  my "maximum potential" was a 1:45 sprint (I did my next race in 1:30).

Guess I'm not very good at picking girlfriends or coaches...



2010-01-21 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
2010-01-21 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
To be honest, I have had family and friends question my focus on the sport and they have certainly hurt my feelings (and I have no doubt reciprocated in kind), but I can honestly say there's nothing anyone on this planet could say to me that would cause me to loose motivation. I just get angry and fight.
2010-01-21 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

The funniest thing was; 

“Does my a$$ look fat in these jeans?”

Personally when after 20 years away from triathlons and my return.  My wife said you can’t do that you’ll have a heart attack.  My answer was I will probable get hit by a car first. 

2010-01-21 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
There's an older (like 70) guy in my area that runs road races while dribbling 3 basketballs at once.  He starts way, way back so he's not in traffic bumping into people and then works his way through the race. 

When I was first getting into running he'd pass me.  You could hear him coming for some time before he even pulled even with you, "THUMP, THUMP, THUMP", next thing you know an old guy dribbling three  basketballs passes you and slowly makes his way out of your sight.  After a couple times you hear that thumping and think "oh crap".

Through the years I got to know him and actually he's a really cool guy.

2010-01-21 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2624922

The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Mine came from 2 people

Doctor: "You have an infection in the lining of your heart. Please don't even walk up any stairs for the next 6 weeks"

Mike Plant, Legendary triathlon announcer and tv analyst from the 80's and 90's: " TJ, the last guy I knew who got what you got was the first person to ever finish a triathlon after a heart transplant".

Took the wind right out of my sails...
2010-01-21 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

This was another fun one.  My friend and I were doing a half IM that was amid a full-im.  Neither of which were M-dot related, just small races (Chesapeakeman and the ill-fated, one and done half we did).

I was coming down our finishing chute when the first guy for the IM was going out on the run.  What was I told? 

"Get out of the way, first place man coming".

Uh, I'm finishing my HALF??

Then to make matters worse, we went to look at our scores.  An older couple came up and said "Oh do they have the times up so far?  Oh no, they ONLY did the half."


No surprise they never held that half again!

2010-01-21 10:11 PM
in reply to: #2625281

Bessemer, AL
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
MDHillSlug - 2010-01-20 7:39 PM When I first told my parents that I wanted to do triathlon my Dad said "What? are you crazy?!?!"

So many people have told me that.  I consider it motivation though.  I just laugh and consider them to be jealous, even if they don't know it yet.  Wink
2010-01-21 11:06 PM
in reply to: #2627350

Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
GorgeousGeorge - 2010-01-21 1:38 PM

After a Stats 260 class that I, like everyone else, was struggling in (but not failing) I went to the professor's office to ask some questions.  I walked in and he didn't look up.  This guys looked like a squirrely, cross-eyed Jeff Foxworthy.  It was a large class so he wouldn't have known who I was.  He passively asked what I needed still looking down and  I said well, "I'm struggling in your class and needing a little help".   He kept writing for a few seconds then looked up and started telling me a story about this plumber that had just come to his house to fix the kitchen sink over the weekend.  My mind is swirling trying to figure out how he was going to tie this story into statistics.  He then blasts me for being a slacker, because only a slacker would need to go see his professor.  Then he tells me to drop out and learn a, he says, there's a lot of money in that.  And its not too late.  He goes back to whatever it was and I'm still just standing there in awe....  I made a 96 on the next test and 100 on the final.  That was 10 years ago, but I still harbor some ill will toward that guy.

You know George, I had a professor like that once. Good for you on that 100 on the final. That really rocks.
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