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2007-08-10 10:59 AM
in reply to: #920969

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Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
teechur - 2007-08-10 10:05 AM
  • .......That and there is an idea in some segments of our society that being thin doesn't mean you have to exercise or watch what you eat. Yet most thin people I know who are over the age of 25 perform some sort of food/exercise monitoring. ...

  • I can be thin without exercising and with minimal watching what I eat. However, I learned long ago I cannot be HEALTHY without both. I have read articles recently that people that outwardly look thin can have fat surrounding organs if they do not exercise and eat right, and have many of the same health risks as obese people. This supports what I experienced; thin doesn't mean fit.

    It is a little embarrassing because I look fast. People expect me to be a great runner and good biker, and I am neither. I am working on it though.

    2007-08-10 11:00 AM
    in reply to: #921043

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    the colony texas
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    - 2007-08-10 10:37 AM

    SKINNY?  The word to my doesn't have negative connotations. So I welcome it. But no one has said to me yet, "Damn Laura, your muscular legs are HOT"   That would be the ulitmate compliment. 


    But for now, in my work environment I settle for the focus on "weight" loss or how my clothes don't fit any more, and I thank them sincerly with a smile and "Thank you for saying so, i'm hoping to PB in my next race"  It works for me.

    However I have been known to reply to the Jelous sneer of "you're thin" with "Yeah I literally worked my a$$ off to look like this"


    "Damn Laura, your muscular legs are HOT!!!!!!!!

    2007-08-10 11:09 AM
    in reply to: #921091

    Sydney Australia
    2007-08-10 11:16 AM
    in reply to: #921043

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    St. Louis
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    Personally, I do think muscular legs look great. They look way better than some skinny little pencils with no muscle. I think athletes are hot in general, so be proud of your hot legs :D
    2007-08-10 11:51 AM
    in reply to: #918958

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    State of Confusion
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

    Aikidoman - 2007-08-08 7:12 PM I don't get the skinny thing too much, but I do feel uncomfortable during this one recurring thing: I get asked how much weight I have lost and I tell them, but then add that I have about 15 to 20 to go. THEN I get the whole speech that I don't need to lose any more and I am already skinny. It's JUST like one of the first responses, that I have to justify or I feel guilty that I don't want to be 20 lbs overweight. That it's somehow "cocky" or "wrong" to be athletic or skinny. They don't realize that I'm losing weight not to just look thin (I'm NOT thin - really) but to compete and race AND be in the best shape of my life. I want to have sub 10% BF not 20% like I am now. This also reminds me about being "smart" in gradeschool. It seemed like I got called so many names just because I got good grades and was smart. I even "acted" like I was dumb just to fit it. Since when is it wrong to be smart, or in this case skinny?

    Why even say that you want to lose MORE weight?? Just leave it at answering the question about how much weight you've lost without elaborating,  then feeling you have to justify yourself.

    2007-08-10 7:35 PM
    in reply to: #916799

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    Extreme Veteran
    The Great Pacific Northwest
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

    Thank you Jessica! Like Laura I've literally worked my a$$ off! Unfortunately I do have to monitor every morsel because it isn't natural for me to be thin. So I completely understand. In fact the only reason I'm as thin as I am is that I had a very serious surgery in 2003 and it left me underweight (96 pounds) and as I regained I decided I really liked 115 so I worked VERY hard to stay there. However, in training for triathlons and marathons, I've gained 5 pounds of muscle. I was SO frustrated at first, but a BFA reassured me. (The fact that my clothes still fit should have, but when you have weight issues, the scale is your friend and enemy.) I have to stay between a net of 1200 and 1400 calories per day...which is why I train. I eat, therefore I train.

    I have had people compliment me on my legs but it's always other athletes. I had one woman pace behind me on a 30k, because, she said, I had great calves and she figured I would give her a good run.  That is a HUGE compliment to me because so much of my muscle used to be hidden under fat. It proves that my efforts are paying off and others can see it.

    2007-08-11 6:44 AM
    in reply to: #916799

    Lutz, Florida
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

    Skinny - Good

    Scrawny - Bad 

    2007-08-11 12:05 PM
    in reply to: #916799

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    Royersford, PA
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    When I was in high school I was 5'11, 133. Now that was skinny even though I was constantly eating, my metabolism was thru the roof. Of course that changed as I got older (and stopped running 35-50 miles a week). Five years ago I was up to 225 and I finally decided to get back in shape. The first year I lost 60 pounds down to 163 and a good number of my coworkers thought I was sick. Since, I put on 10 pounds and stabilized between 170-175 reguardless of how much training I do. I think its a healty weight for me. But I do get the your so skinny comment every once in a while, usually when I'm eating something bad for me out of the vending machines. I actually take it as a complement.
    2007-08-11 1:24 PM
    in reply to: #916799

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    Henderson NV
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

    TEECHUR:  Can I apply for the job?

    MsCullen:  Hot Legs!!  Okay send a pic and then I will see them.

    Aikidoman:  You are "Skinny"  almost lost you behind that flat tire....LOL. 

    2007-08-11 1:34 PM
    in reply to: #918907

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    I used to be thin, when I smoked.

    Since I quit, I gained 35 pounds that just won't come off. And, yes, I think my body has changed, but it is really discouraging for the scale to not change.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond.
    2007-08-11 4:30 PM
    in reply to: #920839

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    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    kmann21 - 2007-08-10 8:55 AM

    What really tweaks me though is when I am eating my healthy, nutritionally balanced vegetarian meal (with plenty of protein, mind you) and someone scoffs and says something along the lines of, "Where's the protein, you can't be healthy without eating enough protein."  As if protein is the only nutrient that matters.  One day I'm gonna snap back at that person, who is most often eating a big meaty, fatty sandwhich on white bread, and say, "well, where's the fiber, vitamin c, vitamin a,vitamin k, folic acid, omega 3's, lycopene, antioxidants, etc. in your meal?!"

    This happens to me way too often.  Your response is so perfect that I'm afraid I may need to USE it next time. 


    2007-08-15 1:22 PM
    in reply to: #916799

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    Memphis, TN
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    I'm 5'11" and had always been very skinny in my youth...through college (graduated in '96, weighing 140lbs). But then I got a desk job (architect) and got up to 192lbs at my heaviest. I felt horrible being that heavy. And instead of "you look so skinny"...I got something I hated a lot more..."you look better with some weight on you".
    I started running last year and I'm doing my first tri on Aug. 26th (Chicago - sprint)...I'm 35 yrs. old now and down to 160lbs or so. Hoping for 155lbs by the race. I'm SO much happier being "skinny". I'll take the "you're too skinny" comments all day long...I'm happier that way.

    Edited by mhapner 2007-08-15 1:26 PM
    2007-08-15 1:56 PM
    in reply to: #927007

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    , Minnesota
    Bronze member
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

    I think about this a lot since I lost about 30 lbs since Jan of 2006.  I am now a "super thin" size 8  -  I say this with sarcasm, of course.  But I have a few girlfriends and my mom that obsess about how thin I am, even describing it as "exceptionally" thin.  I still qualify for the Athena division, I'm not that thin.    My mother actually makes negative comments about my training, reminding me how dangerous running and biking can be for injuries and accidents.   She even threw in some crap about how it raises insurance rates, after she heard about a coworker's son who had the audacity to break an arm while snowboarding and rack up big medical medical bills.  Yes, much worse than heart bypass surgery I am sure...

    The people who say it with a tone of derision, are always heavier and usually the type that swear they just can't lose weight no matter how much they try.  So I am somehow suspect because I used the tricky formula of more activity and less food.  How dare I?

    In the end I also blame the societal norm of the new average.  Last I heard, the average adult American woman is a size 14 and weighs 145 (which must be a lie, but whatever).  I bet that's gone up even in the last few years.  I feel that Old Navy is a good barometer.  Now they carry sizes up to 20+ and I now wear a small top.  That's just plain wacked.

    2007-08-15 3:57 PM
    in reply to: #927107

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    St. Louis
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    BikerGrrrl - 2007-08-15 1:56 PM

    The people who say it with a tone of derision, are always heavier and usually the type that swear they just can't lose weight no matter how much they try. 

    This is so true. I have heard this NUMEROUS times from heavy people. I always just want to say "Its cause you arent trying hard enough."
    2007-08-15 4:15 PM
    in reply to: #916799

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    Extreme Veteran
    Budapest, Pest Megye
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    I used to have more muscles in my arms so now when I get 'you look skinny' it annoys me because I miss my muscles in my arms. I'm 6' and 175lbs.
    2007-08-15 4:24 PM
    in reply to: #927365

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    Sin City
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    The whole thread reminded me of something I read in a book from a marathon runner. It was touched on in some of the other posts and sort of obvious. There is a difference between thin and fit. This author did his first marathon, but had to walk half of it and almost collapsed due to joint pain and injury and needed medical help at the end. He realized that he was “unfit” even though he was "skinny"

    Our society focuses SO much on image and "thin is in" Especially for you women (I’m sorry about that) – But us guys get some of it too with all the beefcake on all the adds and commercials.

    I just want to be FIT. I would rather be 10 to 20 lbs overweight with a non-existent six-pack but with a resting HR of 35 and can run a marathon in less than 3 hours than some skinny "waif" that smokes, drinks, or does crack to be thin!

    Good luck to all of us to be healthy and fit no matter the weight or image.

    P.S. - Michael Jordan was listed at 6'6" and 205. He never looked skinny to me. So if I can get to 6'8" and 210 - I will be STOKED!!!! Down from 256 to 226 since Dec - just 16 more to go!!!!!!

    Edited by Aikidoman 2007-08-15 4:28 PM

    2007-08-15 5:20 PM
    in reply to: #916799

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    I JUST got that comment for the first time yesterday, along with "wow, you have a big butt".
    I'm thankful the butt comment was a compliment, otherwise it would have been "snapshow" Derek!!

    I'm still not sure whether the skinny comment was a compliment or not, but it came from a girl, and I would consider myself "toned" not skinny, but apparently I'm skinny!

    I've swam competitively since I was 7, until last year (Varsity at my University) but then quit in favour of triathlon, and I have NEVER had that said to me!! RAWR!

    I eat a lot more, but I also train a ton, WHAT'S GOING ON?
    I guess that's fitness eh?

    PS: I'm 165 and 6'1
    2007-08-15 5:22 PM
    in reply to: #916799

    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

    Just so everybody knows:

    I have found that the reply "Yeah, well training for 5 to 10 hours a week and skipping dessert for 6 months will do that," while it may be the honest answer, is not always the reply that the complimenter was seeking.

    2007-08-15 8:28 PM
    in reply to: #916799

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    St. Louis
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    Aikido, I definitely agree with the distinction between thin and fit. I would put me in the fit category for sure, but you cant really tell when I am in my business attire. I think thats the problem. Since the average joe doesnt see us with our clothes off, we just look like a skinny wimp who "smokes and does crack."
    2007-08-15 9:26 PM
    in reply to: #916799

    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

    Here's my story:  I am 5 feet tall and currently weigh 158#.  When I first started swimming (2004) I was at 178# and then tri training a year later, 168#.  I dropped down to 148 by November 2006.  I am built like a fire plug, I am short but thick.  During this time we had a new person start in the department.  One day while talking in a major intersection at work, there must have been at least 10 people come by and comment about how good I looked or how different I looked, or how skinny I was now.  After about 6 of these comments, the new girl looks at me and says "my god, you must have been a cow!". 

    I will continue to work to not ever be a "cow" again.

    2007-08-15 9:33 PM
    in reply to: #927708

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    Ft Gordon, GA
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    Nette213 - 2007-08-16 11:26 AM

    Here's my story:  I am 5 feet tall and currently weigh 158#.  When I first started swimming (2004) I was at 178# and then tri training a year later, 168#.  I dropped down to 148 by November 2006.  I am built like a fire plug, I am short but thick.  During this time we had a new person start in the department.  One day while talking in a major intersection at work, there must have been at least 10 people come by and comment about how good I looked or how different I looked, or how skinny I was now.  After about 6 of these comments, the new girl looks at me and says "my god, you must have been a cow!". 

    I will continue to work to not ever be a "cow" again.

    Are you serious? That new girl must have some serious issues, maybe one of them not being the center of attention.

    Awesome job on getting fit!

    Edited by Karl Hungus 2007-08-15 9:34 PM

    2007-08-16 4:43 AM
    in reply to: #916799

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    Loughborough, England
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    I really don't care if people call me skinny.  Usually people mean it in a good way but if they don't mean it as a compliment I just invite them on a 3h ride with me.  That shuts them up.  The thing that really annoys me are comments like "Oh, your so lucky that you never put on weight" or "you're so lucky that you can just eat what you want".  You think that's down to luck?
    2007-08-16 8:59 AM
    in reply to: #927414

    Iron Donkey
    , Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

    I'm 6' 2-1/2" tall, and weigh 160 lbs.  A lumberjack-looking friend of mine told me once to "turn sideways", then said, "Now, stick out your tongue".  Then he laughingly said, "you look like a zipper!  How about gaining some weight?".

    I was laughing.   It was all in good humor.

    Whenever someone pokes at me about my being skinny, I just tell them what my friend said, and then ask if they want to go train with me.  The usual response is an emphatic "No".

    I just happen to have fast metabolism and was always active.  I have never used drugs nor care to ever be near them.  I like being healthy, even though I wonder if I could put on some muscle.

    To anyone who is working out, eating the right stuff, being healthy (AND enjoying it), regardless of your size,  then more power to you!

    Happy training! 

    2007-08-16 12:17 PM
    in reply to: #916799

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!

    Let's face it we "Skinny" people are now the new fat. When I went to school It was all the fat kids that got teased. Given the current upsizing of the American and worldwide population we are rapidly heading into the minority. I can see my kids being teased for being skinny.

    I have in the last 12 months gone from 6'3 215lbs to 188lbs only 3lbs off my college weight. It amazes me how many people call me skinny and look at me like I have cancer. I have a BMI now of 24.5 which is perfectly healthy and I went for check up and the doctor told me all of my BP and HR etc were equivalent to some one 10 years younger. I say Fk'em there payback will be an early death and health problems..


    2007-08-16 7:31 PM
    in reply to: #928331

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: You look so skinny!
    It is unfortunate that nowadays being fat in our society is the norm and accepted. They even came up with phrases like "large, football player type,full figured, etc.."
    So when I am being called skinny or asked if I am sick at 6' 174# I just laugh.
    Personally I think people lost their self respect.
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