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2016-01-20 3:45 PM
in reply to: RookeyDavid

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by RookeyDavid

Quick update on the fly:

New bike arrives today, pedals arrive tomorrow and then all my tri bike bits arrive over the next week - also have a kinetic trainer I'm picking up on Saturday too I'll make sure to get some pics up in the gallery.

Also, day two of new training session from Mike Ricci. Killer workouts but leave me feeling good and not lethargic like before... Increasing my load to 11 hours/week.
How exciting that your new bike is getting here!

2016-01-20 3:45 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.
2016-01-20 3:47 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by DaveL
Originally posted by johnthecat My first mile during a run always sucks. I try to warm up and while that seems to help a little bit my first mile still is worse than my later miles. What do I mean by that exactly? My breathing is heavier than later in the run and my heartrate seems to spike about 10-15 beats higher than later in the run. I have to slow down my pace by 0:30 to 1:00 minute per mile. On the bright side of things once I'm past mile 4 or 5 it seems like I can go on forever. Anyone have an explanation for this? Is it the warmup? If yes what do you guys do to not have to deal with this? Anything else it could be?
I cant give an explanation but I have a tough time for the first bit of a run as well. I almost think I run better off the bike as my body is already well warmed up and ready to take on the load. Looking at my HR files I can see the first 5min really seem to jump around then stabilize later in the run. Good job on getting the 4miles in, while it may not have been the plan its always better to get at least something in the bank.

What does the warm-up look like for each of you and how is the pace/effort throughout the run? First and early miles, and then the later ones? Sometimes the HR could be explained by static interfering with everything being dry. Then it stabilizes after you start sweating some, wetting things down. What you guys see may still be a little weird, but needed to filter that out first to be sure of what's being seen.

The first 5-10 minutes of a run always sucks big hairy dogs balls for me. It just takes me that long to settle into a good breathing pattern. Maybe for me the trick is that I need to warm up for longer. Thanks for the info Ben.

About a year ago when I was running more, had picked up doing some quick things before the run too. Just some high knee skips and heel kicks to get the legs used to moving. Maybe a couple minutes to get through. Energy level was still low and built still built into it, but my stride tended to feel rather good from the start. Don't know that it's always necessary to do, but if the time is there it doesn't hurt.

Thanks Ben. I think I'm going to be cleared to train at my appointment on Friday. I'm gonna have to start back slow and easy, but it will be good to be out.
2016-01-20 4:10 PM
in reply to: TXTriRook

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by TXTriRook Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.

I rename mine on my iphone so if you are using a droid or a computer it may be different..

Select the workout you want to name then toward the top there is a pencil icon. Select the pencil, then select the name and at that point you should be able to edit the name. this is the same page where you would add pix, if you are so inclined

2016-01-20 4:15 PM
in reply to: TXTriRook

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by TXTriRook Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.

The phone app has an edit feature, IIRC. To do so on the website, you need to open the activity by clicking on it or the map. Then click on "Edit the Description" or the Pencil icon on the left of the activity. The Title will be "Morning Swim" or some such boring description. Make change as you see fit, then click the "Save & View Activity" button.

2016-01-20 4:20 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by TXTriRook Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.

The phone app has an edit feature, IIRC. To do so on the website, you need to open the activity by clicking on it or the map. Then click on "Edit the Description" or the Pencil icon on the left of the activity. The Title will be "Morning Swim" or some such boring description. Make change as you see fit, then click the "Save & View Activity" button.

Song lyrics that get stuck in Manatee's heads are always a good choice

2016-01-20 4:39 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by TXTriRook Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.

The phone app has an edit feature, IIRC. To do so on the website, you need to open the activity by clicking on it or the map. Then click on "Edit the Description" or the Pencil icon on the left of the activity. The Title will be "Morning Swim" or some such boring description. Make change as you see fit, then click the "Save & View Activity" button.

Song lyrics that get stuck in Manatee's heads are always a good choice

You'll get nothing from Julie Andrews from me. Louie Armstrong, maybe. But no Julie Andrews.

2016-01-20 4:40 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by TXTriRook Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.

The phone app has an edit feature, IIRC. To do so on the website, you need to open the activity by clicking on it or the map. Then click on "Edit the Description" or the Pencil icon on the left of the activity. The Title will be "Morning Swim" or some such boring description. Make change as you see fit, then click the "Save & View Activity" button.

Song lyrics that get stuck in Manatee's heads are always a good choice

Justin Bieber? Hmm...."Boyfriend" that Swim was Brutal! I'll have to work on that
2016-01-20 5:10 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Munich, Bayern
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by DaveL
Originally posted by johnthecat My first mile during a run always sucks. I try to warm up and while that seems to help a little bit my first mile still is worse than my later miles. What do I mean by that exactly? My breathing is heavier than later in the run and my heartrate seems to spike about 10-15 beats higher than later in the run. I have to slow down my pace by 0:30 to 1:00 minute per mile. On the bright side of things once I'm past mile 4 or 5 it seems like I can go on forever. Anyone have an explanation for this? Is it the warmup? If yes what do you guys do to not have to deal with this? Anything else it could be?
I cant give an explanation but I have a tough time for the first bit of a run as well. I almost think I run better off the bike as my body is already well warmed up and ready to take on the load. Looking at my HR files I can see the first 5min really seem to jump around then stabilize later in the run. Good job on getting the 4miles in, while it may not have been the plan its always better to get at least something in the bank.

What does the warm-up look like for each of you and how is the pace/effort throughout the run? First and early miles, and then the later ones? Sometimes the HR could be explained by static interfering with everything being dry. Then it stabilizes after you start sweating some, wetting things down. What you guys see may still be a little weird, but needed to filter that out first to be sure of what's being seen.

The first 5-10 minutes of a run always sucks big hairy dogs balls for me. It just takes me that long to settle into a good breathing pattern. Maybe for me the trick is that I need to warm up for longer. Thanks for the info Ben.

About a year ago when I was running more, had picked up doing some quick things before the run too. Just some high knee skips and heel kicks to get the legs used to moving. Maybe a couple minutes to get through. Energy level was still low and built still built into it, but my stride tended to feel rather good from the start. Don't know that it's always necessary to do, but if the time is there it doesn't hurt.

It's funny, for me it is quite the opposite. When I start running I am full with energy and have great runs and great pace, after about 3 km I am getting slower and slower and slower... after a half-marathon distance I am like a snail. :-D
2016-01-20 5:41 PM
in reply to: TXTriRook

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by TXTriRook
Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by TXTriRook Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.

The phone app has an edit feature, IIRC. To do so on the website, you need to open the activity by clicking on it or the map. Then click on "Edit the Description" or the Pencil icon on the left of the activity. The Title will be "Morning Swim" or some such boring description. Make change as you see fit, then click the "Save & View Activity" button.

Song lyrics that get stuck in Manatee's heads are always a good choice

Justin Bieber? Hmm...."Boyfriend" that Swim was Brutal! I'll have to work on that

The website also has the pencil icon for editing a posted workout. You can also set it when loading a file. Once loaded, a screen will pop up for workout details and such.

2016-01-20 6:52 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by TXTriRook Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.

I rename mine on my iphone so if you are using a droid or a computer it may be different..

Select the workout you want to name then toward the top there is a pencil icon. Select the pencil, then select the name and at that point you should be able to edit the name. this is the same page where you would add pix, if you are so inclined

I can rename initially before saving it on my S5, or use the edit option later. 

2016-01-20 9:00 PM
in reply to: RookeyDavid

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by RookeyDavid

Quick update on the fly:

New bike arrives today, pedals arrive tomorrow and then all my tri bike bits arrive over the next week - also have a kinetic trainer I'm picking up on Saturday too I'll make sure to get some pics up in the gallery.

Also, day two of new training session from Mike Ricci. Killer workouts but leave me feeling good and not lethargic like before... Increasing my load to 11 hours/week.

Sounds like you are going to have a fun weekend. You have to post a pic when its all together.
2016-01-21 5:07 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

It's funny, for me it is quite the opposite. When I start running I am full with energy and have great runs and great pace, after about 3 km I am getting slower and slower and slower... after a half-marathon distance I am like a snail. :-D

Quite a few of my former running partners have been like that. Nothing personal, but it's one reason I like to do pretty much all my running solo. I'm never up to much of anything for the first 15-20 minutes (unless it's a brick, and I've already biked), and sometimes I don't really get into a run until an hour or so has passed. I am always faster when running off the bike in training. My best (well, over 40) 5K in a sprint tri is only 32 seconds off my best open 5K--probably due to being really, really warmed up. The "slow warmer upper" and the "charge out of the gate, then fade epically" type just do nothing but aggravate each other! Plus I have this hang-up about hearing other people breathe--it makes me feel tired and out of breath. Worse yet for multiple feet pounding on treadmills at the gym. For me....the loneliness of the long-distance runner!

In other (kinda related) news, I finally got my new power meter and Garmin set up on the bike and (kinda sorta) figured out how it works. I must be right up there with Ben in the group of slow warmer uppers--a good 45 minutes into the workout, the power I could put out at the same (mid Zone 2) heart rate was still increasing. Not admitting my actual numbers, but happy to see that (unlike when I first started tri, and occasionally got to use a Computrainer at our old tri club in Oregon) my watts now consistently exceed my heart rate. (There was one point at which they would pretty much go up and max out in tandem.)

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-01-21 5:10 AM
2016-01-21 6:33 AM
in reply to: 0

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Funny you should mention songs stuck in the head. Not sure if this happens to anyone else, but I get this when I am doing really long races, and mostly on the run. It's a random song, I can't control it, and it's been different for every race. It's almost to the point where I can hear the song, but I know it's in my head. No need for earphones. For my first aborted HIM (they cut the bike to 29 miles due to snow, and I switched to the du as water was below 60 and air temps below 40), it was classical music (Grieg). (Maybe cold = Norway = Grieg?) For my first real one, for some reason, "I think I can" from "The Little Engine that Could" (not a song, but whatever) was stuck in my head for most of the bike leg, and for the run, "Battle Hymn of the Republic". For the next one (Vietnam), sadly it was the refrain from "American Pie" (This'll be the day that I die....). And for my last one, a Hawaiian reggae song by Bruddah Iz. I was really jamming for that one. I had them when I ran marathons too, but can no longer remember most of the playlist. Only "California Dreaming" (when I qualified for Trials, of course in California) and "Sound of Silence" (Beijing). Maybe I am mangling the titles. What's weird is I don't pick the music. It just happens, like someone turns on a tape.

Yes, I am nuts. I think I did too many solo long runs and swim hypoxic sets when I was a kid, and my brain developed this as a defense mechanism.

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-01-21 6:40 AM
2016-01-21 9:01 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Hot Runner Funny you should mention songs stuck in the head. Not sure if this happens to anyone else, but I get this when I am doing really long races, and mostly on the run. It's a random song, I can't control it, and it's been different for every race. It's almost to the point where I can hear the song, but I know it's in my head. No need for earphones. For my first aborted HIM (they cut the bike to 29 miles due to snow, and I switched to the du as water was below 60 and air temps below 40), it was classical music (Grieg). (Maybe cold = Norway = Grieg?) For my first real one, for some reason, "I think I can" from "The Little Engine that Could" (not a song, but whatever) was stuck in my head for most of the bike leg, and for the run, "Battle Hymn of the Republic". For the next one (Vietnam), sadly it was the refrain from "American Pie" (This'll be the day that I die....). And for my last one, a Hawaiian reggae song by Bruddah Iz. I was really jamming for that one. I had them when I ran marathons too, but can no longer remember most of the playlist. Only "California Dreaming" (when I qualified for Trials, of course in California) and "Sound of Silence" (Beijing). Maybe I am mangling the titles. What's weird is I don't pick the music. It just happens, like someone turns on a tape. Yes, I am nuts. I think I did too many solo long runs and swim hypoxic sets when I was a kid, and my brain developed this as a defense mechanism.

That is NOT a good race song!

2016-01-21 9:35 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by Hot Runner

Funny you should mention songs stuck in the head. Not sure if this happens to anyone else, but I get this when I am doing really long races, and mostly on the run. It's a random song, I can't control it, and it's been different for every race. It's almost to the point where I can hear the song, but I know it's in my head. No need for earphones. For my first aborted HIM (they cut the bike to 29 miles due to snow, and I switched to the du as water was below 60 and air temps below 40), it was classical music (Grieg). (Maybe cold = Norway = Grieg?) For my first real one, for some reason, "I think I can" from "The Little Engine that Could" (not a song, but whatever) was stuck in my head for most of the bike leg, and for the run, "Battle Hymn of the Republic". For the next one (Vietnam), sadly it was the refrain from "American Pie" (This'll be the day that I die....). And for my last one, a Hawaiian reggae song by Bruddah Iz. I was really jamming for that one. I had them when I ran marathons too, but can no longer remember most of the playlist. Only "California Dreaming" (when I qualified for Trials, of course in California) and "Sound of Silence" (Beijing). Maybe I am mangling the titles. What's weird is I don't pick the music. It just happens, like someone turns on a tape.

Yes, I am nuts. I think I did too many solo long runs and swim hypoxic sets when I was a kid, and my brain developed this as a defense mechanism.

You could probably just barely finish American Pie once in a sprint tri. That is a LONG song.

2016-01-21 10:39 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Has anyone heard from Mary in Chicago?  She's been MIA for a while and I'm getting concerned.

2016-01-21 10:40 AM
in reply to: TXTriRook

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by TXTriRook Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.

Looks like you got that working! :-D

2016-01-21 10:55 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Hot Runner
It's funny, for me it is quite the opposite. When I start running I am full with energy and have great runs and great pace, after about 3 km I am getting slower and slower and slower... after a half-marathon distance I am like a snail. :-D
Quite a few of my former running partners have been like that. Nothing personal, but it's one reason I like to do pretty much all my running solo. I'm never up to much of anything for the first 15-20 minutes (unless it's a brick, and I've already biked), and sometimes I don't really get into a run until an hour or so has passed. I am always faster when running off the bike in training. My best (well, over 40) 5K in a sprint tri is only 32 seconds off my best open 5K--probably due to being really, really warmed up. The "slow warmer upper" and the "charge out of the gate, then fade epically" type just do nothing but aggravate each other! Plus I have this hang-up about hearing other people breathe--it makes me feel tired and out of breath. Worse yet for multiple feet pounding on treadmills at the gym. For me....the loneliness of the long-distance runner! In other (kinda related) news, I finally got my new power meter and Garmin set up on the bike and (kinda sorta) figured out how it works. I must be right up there with Ben in the group of slow warmer uppers--a good 45 minutes into the workout, the power I could put out at the same (mid Zone 2) heart rate was still increasing. Not admitting my actual numbers, but happy to see that (unlike when I first started tri, and occasionally got to use a Computrainer at our old tri club in Oregon) my watts now consistently exceed my heart rate. (There was one point at which they would pretty much go up and max out in tandem.)

Ha I am very much like you. Sloooooooooowwwww to get going. If I am running late to a race and don't get a nice warmup forgetaboutit! 

2016-01-21 11:01 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

So, here we are at Thursday already but I had such a fantastic weekend.

I got to do some backcountry snowboarding at this private "resort" that you get to by sno cat (or in my case, snomobile because I was the only one to make it over the pass before it closed.) If there are too many people for the sno cat they throw out ropes and you get drug behind on skis or snowboard. I kid you not! Then you get there and it's kind of a commune, they cook for you and you help out, washing your own dish and can stay the weekend dorm style or take the sno cat out at the end of the day. Anyway, it was a pretty excellend experience. Additionally, I went and did a little skimo (ski mountaineering) on my XC skis. Now THAT is excellent compliment to running! Here are some photos from the weekend:


2016-01-21 11:33 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Hot Runner Funny you should mention songs stuck in the head. Not sure if this happens to anyone else, but I get this when I am doing really long races, and mostly on the run. It's a random song, I can't control it, and it's been different for every race. It's almost to the point where I can hear the song, but I know it's in my head. No need for earphones. For my first aborted HIM (they cut the bike to 29 miles due to snow, and I switched to the du as water was below 60 and air temps below 40), it was classical music (Grieg). (Maybe cold = Norway = Grieg?) For my first real one, for some reason, "I think I can" from "The Little Engine that Could" (not a song, but whatever) was stuck in my head for most of the bike leg, and for the run, "Battle Hymn of the Republic". For the next one (Vietnam), sadly it was the refrain from "American Pie" (This'll be the day that I die....). And for my last one, a Hawaiian reggae song by Bruddah Iz. I was really jamming for that one. I had them when I ran marathons too, but can no longer remember most of the playlist. Only "California Dreaming" (when I qualified for Trials, of course in California) and "Sound of Silence" (Beijing). Maybe I am mangling the titles. What's weird is I don't pick the music. It just happens, like someone turns on a tape. Yes, I am nuts. I think I did too many solo long runs and swim hypoxic sets when I was a kid, and my brain developed this as a defense mechanism.

It doesn't even have to be a race for me. If I'm on a long run my mind will latch on to a song and play it over and over. It's often a song I don't even know all the words

2016-01-21 12:07 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Proof of life drive-by... 

Salty - I wish I liked snow, I really do... your adventures (and your pictures of them) are always totally amazing, but I absolutely abhor the cold!  I'll have my adventures on a warm, sunny beach with cocktails, thankyouverymuch.   

2016-01-21 12:32 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Oh trust me, I was not cold for a second.

I think that is the misconception. One does not have to suffer being cold to enjoy the snow. You just need to be dressed appropriately.

In fact, the most important part is managing sweat. If you don't, you WILL be cold. 

2016-01-21 12:33 PM
in reply to: TXTriRook

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by TXTriRook Does anyone know how to name your workout on Strava? I'm getting tired of the pre-set "Afternoon Run," "Morning Swim," etc that's somehow automatically designated for me.

Everyone, please remember that keeping up your training log here on BT and opening it to other group members is a requirement of being in this group.  (Matt, Troy, I hope that you are listening...)

2016-01-21 12:34 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Oh trust me, I was not cold for a second.

I think that is the misconception. One does not have to suffer being cold to enjoy the snow. You just need to be dressed appropriately.

In fact, the most important part is managing sweat. If you don't, you WILL be cold. 

Right, the trick is to stay dry.

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.