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2016-01-23 8:30 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

We got in our trail run this morning. J did a little too much this week and his energy was low. We fast hiked to 3.5, then I wanted to run back. Mostly did, except for about 5min of walking to get my brain off having to pee.   Tomorrow I'm taking the kids out to hike a new section of trail they just put in going up to the ridge (I think). It wasn't there at all two weeks ago so I'm really curious!

Part of today's run...


trails.jpg (70KB - 3 downloads)

2016-01-23 9:08 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by DaveL
Originally posted by jmkizer

YakTrax Run or YakTrax Pro?

Neither - try sheet metal screws into an old pair of shoes. It works really well and costs a few $'s.
I use YakTrax. They are tight enough or I am slow enough that I don't need the extra strap

Which model?

I have the YakTrax walk $19.99 pair (I'm cheap). I have had them for 6 years. I also choose the glow in the dark neon green pair. I can be tacky like that. haha

What does the ground look like for you guys? In my neighborhood I'll go between shoveled & unshoveled a dozen times in just a couple miles, whereas on a trail it'll be snow the whole way around. For me, the cheap yaktrax were terrible in the neighborhood. Felt very unstable on the pavement and it was ridiculous taking them on & off again so often.

People don't shovel sidewalks here.  Never in neighborhoods.  They just wait until it melts which, in this case, will be several days. My plan is to have them on hand for running on a rails trails system here (the ATT).  Also, we frequently get sleet or freezing rain and not snow.  In fact, it's been a few years since we got straight now.  Right now we have an inch and a half of sleet on the ground.

My first and last half milf are plowed ice (my road) After that roll the dice, none of it is in Neighborhoods. A state park which closes in November and a bike path that may be asphalt, snow or ice. They do feel odd on cement.
2016-01-24 10:02 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Sorry everyone, I'm super late to the new thread.  Here are my vitals.  This also explains why I might have just added you on the Strava group.

NAME: I'm Tom. I'm 32 and from Dayton, OH.  
STORY: I first got into triathlon after my brother did a super-sprint.  Of course, I couldn't let him be the only one to do a tri.  I figured if I could swim and bike and run, it shouldn't be too bad.  This will be my fifth year as a triathlete.
FAMILY STATUS: Single with no pets.  Which makes me an outlier so far as this group goes, I think.
CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently using this year to focus on running.  I want to run some fast 5Ks.  I've been building up mileage in the last few months to do a couple HMs before getting into 5K training.  I managed to pick up an overuse foot injury the Wednesday before New Year.  So I've been cooling my heals the last few weeks, and am just getting back into things.
THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I'll do 3-5 tris, as I'm still a member of a local tri club.  But I'm mainly focusing on running, and 5Ks specifically.  I'll be updating my training logs with my races.
BODY COMPOSITION: I gained five pounds after finishing my tri season and cutting back the training at the end of tri season in September.  That has NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE! Uh oh. Welcome to the 30s.

Add me on Strava! Follow me on the Twitter!

Once a Manatee, always a manatee.  Even 44 pages late into a new thread.

2016-01-24 10:02 AM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

I'm kind of on the disabled list.  I injured myself right before this race.  It felt like a stress fracture at first, but I got an X-ray and it was negative.  Symptoms also line up with peroneal tendonosis.  So hopefully if I quiet things down, I'll get better sooner.  But it also puts my Phoenix HM in jeopardy.  :/

Did my first post-injury run today after three weeks off.

2016-01-24 10:04 AM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

We got in our trail run this morning. J did a little too much this week and his energy was low. We fast hiked to 3.5, then I wanted to run back. Mostly did, except for about 5min of walking to get my brain off having to pee.   Tomorrow I'm taking the kids out to hike a new section of trail they just put in going up to the ridge (I think). It wasn't there at all two weeks ago so I'm really curious!

Part of today's run...

Erin, I'll be in Phoenix for the Arizona Half Marathon coming up.  Hopefully I won't be injured like last time.  You going to be doing it?

2016-01-24 10:11 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

2016-01-24 11:08 AM
in reply to: CRFTX2001

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I know, right? I mean ... it was perfectly fine here at 41.2 degrees ... uh, Celsius (that was 106F near sunset time and my run ... I was sweating BEFORE)

How is your weekend otherwise, Connor? Did you have a chance to talk about bike assembly with the other coach or the original coach?


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2016-01-24 11:15 AM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by ponderingfox

I'm kind of on the disabled list.  I injured myself right before this race.  It felt like a stress fracture at first, but I got an X-ray and it was negative.  Symptoms also line up with peroneal tendonosis.  So hopefully if I quiet things down, I'll get better sooner.  But it also puts my Phoenix HM in jeopardy.  :/

Did my first post-injury run today after three weeks off.


Welcome back I saw your nice blue pre-run pic on FB.

Keep on favoring your legs and take care of yourself. Remember that an X-ray can positively diagnose a fracture or stress fracture, but it can't always rule one out. So, basically, be careful.

And whatever I'd do, don't.

2016-01-24 12:39 PM
in reply to: CRFTX2001

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I didn't get hit by the blizzard either.  But it did miss me by about a 45 min drive south, I think.  I had a preaching engagement yesterday that was canceled because of snow, but I had no idea, because there was no snow where I was.

2016-01-24 12:41 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ponderingfox

I'm kind of on the disabled list.  I injured myself right before this race.  It felt like a stress fracture at first, but I got an X-ray and it was negative.  Symptoms also line up with peroneal tendonosis.  So hopefully if I quiet things down, I'll get better sooner.  But it also puts my Phoenix HM in jeopardy.  :/

Did my first post-injury run today after three weeks off.


Welcome back I saw your nice blue pre-run pic on FB.

Keep on favoring your legs and take care of yourself. Remember that an X-ray can positively diagnose a fracture or stress fracture, but it can't always rule one out. So, basically, be careful.

And whatever I'd do, don't.


Anyhow, the positive thing about being a triathlete, is that I have two other disciplines I can jump to.  But I do have running goals I want to hit, so it's frustrating.  Anyone who's been a Manatee for a while knows that running injuries and I are inseparable companions.

2016-01-24 1:36 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I didn't get hit by the blizzard either.  But it did miss me by about a 45 min drive south, I think.  I had a preaching engagement yesterday that was canceled because of snow, but I had no idea, because there was no snow where I was.

Been fine over here too, just a little existing snow. Have gone through storms before. I do still have to be rather careful now as even if I don't land directly on the shoulder, such use of that arm will involve forces way more than my shoulder can handle. Otherwise I'd be out running in it most days.

2016-01-24 1:40 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by jmkizer

YakTrax Run or YakTrax Pro?

Neither! Your regular tread should be totally fine unless it's icy. If it's icy, I might not running it. Itherwise. Microspikes (or Nanospikes) if it's deep, snowshoes (unfortunately ) or skis!

After the brief time with yaktrax before, I just use a decent pair of trail shoes. If those don't seem good enough I'll go inside instead. Might go skiing or otherwise, but haven't counted that as running, like how the elliptical isn't running either.

2016-01-24 2:01 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I didn't get hit by the blizzard either.  But it did miss me by about a 45 min drive south, I think.  I had a preaching engagement yesterday that was canceled because of snow, but I had no idea, because there was no snow where I was.

No snow in Orlando either 

2016-01-24 2:58 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I didn't get hit by the blizzard either.  But it did miss me by about a 45 min drive south, I think.  I had a preaching engagement yesterday that was canceled because of snow, but I had no idea, because there was no snow where I was.

No snow in Orlando either 

No snow in Northern Michigan. Who would think that.
2016-01-24 3:52 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I know, right? I mean ... it was perfectly fine here at 41.2 degrees ... uh, Celsius (that was 106F near sunset time and my run ... I was sweating BEFORE)

How is your weekend otherwise, Connor? Did you have a chance to talk about bike assembly with the other coach or the original coach?

Jeez Yanti it was cooler outside by then. You guys need some air conditioning
But it does explain why I got so hot mowing the lawns.
2016-01-24 3:53 PM
in reply to: 0

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ponderingfox

I'm kind of on the disabled list.  I injured myself right before this race.  It felt like a stress fracture at first, but I got an X-ray and it was negative.  Symptoms also line up with peroneal tendonosis.  So hopefully if I quiet things down, I'll get better sooner.  But it also puts my Phoenix HM in jeopardy.  :/

Did my first post-injury run today after three weeks off.


Welcome back I saw your nice blue pre-run pic on FB.

Keep on favoring your legs and take care of yourself. Remember that an X-ray can positively diagnose a fracture or stress fracture, but it can't always rule one out. So, basically, be careful.

And whatever I'd do, don't.


Anyhow, the positive thing about being a triathlete, is that I have two other disciplines I can jump to.  But I do have running goals I want to hit, so it's frustrating.  Anyone who's been a Manatee for a while knows that running injuries and I are inseparable companions.

Yay Tom welcome back and welcome to the disabled list jump on in the waters warm.

Speaking of warm water, took the dogs to the beach on Saturday. It was glorious, the water was a flat as a millpond and crystal clear. And there were NO STINGERS!

Edited by StaceyK 2016-01-24 3:58 PM

2016-01-24 5:25 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I know, right? I mean ... it was perfectly fine here at 41.2 degrees ... uh, Celsius (that was 106F near sunset time and my run ... I was sweating BEFORE)

How is your weekend otherwise, Connor? Did you have a chance to talk about bike assembly with the other coach or the original coach?

Love how you've modestly called your pic "hot2" The mind boggles as to what "hot1" depicts. ;-)
2016-01-24 5:44 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I know, right? I mean ... it was perfectly fine here at 41.2 degrees ... uh, Celsius (that was 106F near sunset time and my run ... I was sweating BEFORE)

How is your weekend otherwise, Connor? Did you have a chance to talk about bike assembly with the other coach or the original coach?

It's always a good weekend when I don't have homework. The bike issue hasn't really come up much since I took it into the shop, but I'm sure the coaches will work something out. I'll probably bring it up again when my team goes for a ride on Tuesday, though.
2016-01-24 8:04 PM
in reply to: CRFTX2001

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Mary S in CO checking in here.

Doing okay but not great.  This past week has been fairly rough, in fact.  I've been hurting from the prior week's training, frustrated with my former employer over incorrect paychecks, stirring up all kinds of emotional stuff by studying for my social work licensure exam, depressed about having to go apply for disability services and writing an appeal letter to the insurance company explaining that I still can't work and need to have my disability claim reopened, and having lots of problems with nausea from the stoopid head injury.  I feel like an emotional wreck and it hasn't helped that my last 2 runs have been lousy.  I'm really hoping I can get back on track this next week.  Grief+physical pain+nausea+frustration+stirred-up emotional crap is not a recipe for fun.

On the plus side, I got a new bike yesterday.  I'd been planning on re-gearing the one I have because I'm anticipating doing a lot of hill riding this year.  Then I got an email from a LBS that's consolidating stores.  I really should have deleted it before I read it.  They just happened to have a 2015 Specialized Amira SL4 Comp all-carbon 11-speed roadie in my size for half price.  I'd ridden one before and totally loved it so I was pretty much ready to plunk down my money when I walked in the door.  It was completely irresponsible financially but I'll admit, the retail therapy did me good.  Haven't named her yet.  I'm considering Jett (as in Joan), Simone (de Bouvoire, a female French existentialist philosopher), and "the Punk" (cuz she has pink on her and she's badazz).  DH suggested Aretha R-E-S-P-E-C-T!).  I can't remember how to put a picture here so I've just put it in my log.  She's awful purty and fast and did lighten my mood a little. Can't wait to take her for a spin!

I think my tri team is making me sick.  I've left my house before 6:30 a.m. for a team workout, run 7 mi. when it was 12* outside, bought a new bike, am going to ride a metric century in October, might do the run leg of a HIM relay in June, and am considering doing a HIM in September if I can get back to swimming in time!!  It doesn't "help" that I've found a training buddy who described me as being as "bat- crazy" as she is and who keeps egging me on!   She's doing the HIM to give the middle finger to the surgeons who told her she'd never run again after her 5 ankle surgeries.  Given all the ongoing issues from my various injuries, I can totally relate and she inspires me.  In all truth, having the team has been really good for my mental health.  It gets me out among like-minded people and away from my negative thoughts, plus the organized workouts help give me some structure and exercise is a good antidote to depression.

Speaking of depression, Laura, depression sucks.  I'm proud of you for saying something here. That took real courage.  There's so much stigma around depression ("Just cheer up, it'll get better"--Ha, easier said than done!!) and as others have said, we've got your back.  I have it too and have had it for years and yeah, pasting on the happy face gets really old. In fact, 2 years ago this month, I asked DH lock up all the medications in the house because I wanted to die and I didn't feel safe.  Luckily, over the years, I've found good therapists, good meds, and friends and a partner who understand.  Without them, I wouldn't be here. I have no magic formula for getting through, but just remember, if you had something like a broken leg, you'd go get it treated, right?  Well, depression is no different and it's okay to say you're having a hard time and to reach out for help.  (((Hugs))), friend.

Hope you all have a good week.  I get to meet Melanie this coming weekend when I come out her direction to visit relatives.  We'd planned to do a run on Sunday morning. Might have to find some other way to get those miles in, given that last I heard, her area had gotten over 2 feet of snow.  Still, I'm excited to meet another Manatee.  Manatee Meet-Ups are the best and I'm really glad the trip wasn't planned for this past weekend!!

That's about all I got for today.  Well, other than "Go Broncos!", stay warm everybody, heal up DLers, and GOOOOOOOOOO racers!


2016-01-25 4:19 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
No snow in Saigon either. The low this morning was (I think) 71. Made for a pleasant ride to work, and probably the coolest day so far this "winter" (as in maybe it didn't make it past 90). But still too warm to trade my usual iced latte for a hot one. Gotta be under about 65 for that.

But this morning IT ACTUALLY SNOWED IN VIETNAM, just not anywhere near us. There were pictures online of snow around Sapa near the Chinese border. This might be a record--I know there has been snow on top of the highest mountain there (Fansipan), but it's pretty high, so not that remarkable. These pics were of snow in hill tribe villages, fields and Sapa town. Wow!

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-01-25 4:24 AM



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2016-01-25 7:48 AM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Atlantia Quick pre-blizzard drive by. We're ready for the snow, pantry is stocked, cars are gassed up. We usually lose power during thunderstorms, so we're expecting to lose power with this one, and are as prepared as we can hope to be. If I disappear from BT for awhile due to power outages, find me on Instagram, as my phone has a decent battery and my dog loves to pose! It seems a bit shallow to say this, since so many of us deal with such intense life issues. But I need to get it off my chest: I am struggling very hard with a bout of depression right now. The last day has been extremely challenging. I say this not because I need anything in particular from the Pod, but because I think too often those of us who struggle with this keep it hidden and put on the happy face. That is not the right thing to do. I wish I had the courage to say something like this to my IRL friends, but saying it to the Pod is a first step. Love you guys!!!

Laura, I've been meaning to get back to this. It is not shallow at all, it is real and can be truly challenging at times. Thank you for your honesty and willingness to open up. That is a huge step and one that can be hard to take. I've been thinking and praying for you since I read this. You are strong and I believe your future far outweighs your present. Keep working through it! And work through the snow as well!!!!

2016-01-25 8:50 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
All this talk of snow!

We are sorely lacking snow and the ski hills are just now coming up to having all the runs open. I would certainly welcome a foot to be dumped in my area of the world. We did make it out for 4hours yesterday which made climbing onto the trainer with sore legs a little more difficult even for a low slow ride.

For those battling the black dog just keep going, talk to someone and get help, as seen in this thread there are plenty of people who have gone through the struggle and even more that have but choose not to say anything. Just keep fighting.
2016-01-25 9:31 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I know, right? I mean ... it was perfectly fine here at 41.2 degrees ... uh, Celsius (that was 106F near sunset time and my run ... I was sweating BEFORE)

How is your weekend otherwise, Connor? Did you have a chance to talk about bike assembly with the other coach or the original coach?

I can't quite read your energy rating in the photo...

And yes, 106 is HOT HOT HOT (just like you!)

2016-01-25 9:37 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by jmkizer

YakTrax Run or YakTrax Pro?

Neither! Your regular tread should be totally fine unless it's icy. If it's icy, I might not running it. Itherwise. Microspikes (or Nanospikes) if it's deep, snowshoes (unfortunately ) or skis!

After the brief time with yaktrax before, I just use a decent pair of trail shoes. If those don't seem good enough I'll go inside instead. Might go skiing or otherwise, but haven't counted that as running, like how the elliptical isn't running either.

I'm really on the fence. Every year I want ... something ... for a few weeks to help especially with running but now also with dog walking (Emma was old enough that we'd just let her in the back yard, Zoe is young enough that she makes "projects" in the yard and while we support furthering her education, landscape architect was not really the career that we had in mind for her.)  So it snows -- the last few years it's been sleet and not actual snow -- and I want YakTrax or similar and I don't know if they would help or not and then I shop around and forget about them and then 11 months passes and...

Ben - skip the YakTrax, use the treadmill

TJ - get Nanospikes instead

Dave - put screws in old shoes

Salty - just run (but not on ice)

2016-01-25 9:38 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 I feel like I'm the only one who didn't get hit by the blizzard. We had a few irregularly cold days, then it was back to normal winter temps. I'm sure the other Texans on this thread will say they haven''t seen any blizzard-like weather either, but it seems like everywhere I look people are complaining about snow.

I didn't get hit by the blizzard either.  But it did miss me by about a 45 min drive south, I think.  I had a preaching engagement yesterday that was canceled because of snow, but I had no idea, because there was no snow where I was.

No snow in Orlando either 

It only snows/sleets in Orlando if I'm in town!

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.