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Ironman Canada - TriathlonFull Ironman

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Penticton, British Columbia
Ironman North America
90F / 32C
Total Time = 13h 14m 41s
Overall Rank = 1390/2851
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 197/313
Pre-race routine:

We arrived in Penticton on Tuesday with the family. It was hot down there. Hotter than we had been used to in Calgary. Checked in, and checked everything out that the town had for the kids,etc. I was getting antsy on Wednesday and was happy when others from my team started to show up. Did a few swims, easy runs, and a descent of Yellow lake a few days before the race. Which was nice to have in my pocket come raceday.
Had a bit of a blow the day before the race. My in-laws were supposed to make the drive out and watch the girls the night before in Kelowna. They werent going to drive, to my M-I-L hopped a plane(we have them in Canada) and got to Kelowna on Saturday morning. Luckily I was able to get a 2 bedroom for race night, so crisis was averted after a few hours of panic. Registered,expo and the an anxious few days.
Event warmup:

Michelle and I walked down and dropped off SN bags, I met up with Shannon from the team. The two of us got bodymarked, threw our nutrition on our bikes,etc. Nice to have to her around. This was her 2nd year in a row, so she calmed me down alot. Got the suit on with help from some friendly volunteers from our team, and it was go time. O Canada, then pro start, and O Canada again, then the gun went. I was a bit emotional as we sang. It's been an amazing 3 year journey from a 255 lb couch potato to here. A svelt ~200lb athlete!! This is what I trained for. This is why I didn't do any other RR's this year. This was the moment I had waited for.
2851 age groupers for the largest mass start in Ironman history.HERE WE GO!!!
  • 1h 14m
  • 3862 meters
  • 01m 55s / 100 meters

Decided against wearing the garmin in the water. Didn't want something crazy to happen and lose it. So left it in T1 bag.
Lots of action in the water.
Really felt like I was being pulled out to sea in the mass. I started off to the left and a few people back. Thought I could hang in the middle and enjoy the swim. Was a kickfest for the first few hundred metres, but it seemed to settle down for me a bit until the first turn. So much contact. Glad I am a bigger guy, and it didn't seem to phase me to much. At one point on the small 400m straight away, I got kicked in the gut. That actually stung a bit. I really questioned at that point how I could get kicked in the middle of my stomach,but kept going. the 1800m back seemed to take a while, but got to the shore, stood up, looked at my cheap old Nike watch and it read 1:13:xx. I was quite happy with that.
What would you do differently?:

Not alot. I felt under control, didn't want to push too much as it's a long day.
Transition 1
  • 09m 47s

I got nothing. I honestly have no idea why this took so long. I got out of the water, grabbed my T1 bag, ran into tent. opened bag up, got all lathered up in chamois butter, put on jersey,shorts,shoes,etc. walked out and got some sunscreen from a cute young girl. got on my bike.
9:47 was in the bottom 10% of racers. what a waste of time! Wasn't a potty break or anything. I am a talker. but I didn't sit down and chat. Whatever. My wife was on my case as to what took me so long. People thought I was sick in the bathroom.
What would you do differently?:

I guess everything. I would do everything different and maybe in a different order.
  • 6h 22m 23s
  • 180.25 kms
  • 28.28 km/hr

was rush coming out of T1. Biking down main street with the cowbells and 1000's of people was exciting. I wanted to ride easy today.It was going to be hot, and I needed everything in me for a the run. Spun up Mclean Creek. didn't see any tacks, but saw tonnes of flats. heard about the tacks after the race. Some people. Really? We come to your town to end oodles of money and you want to throw tacks on the road? Anyhow, road superduper easy out to Osoyoos. Turned at the Husky gas station and onto Richter's. Got in the granny gears and rode easy up the 4 tables of Richter's. Chatted with a few people as we were riding all of 10 km/hr. Really enjoyed the crowd once were closing in on the top. High 5'ed the announcer guy at the top, and then hit 70km/hr on the descent. Few near misses on the way down. Momentum carries me nicely downhill. The 7 rollers weren't all that much fun, but got through them, and onto the out and back. Saw a few people I knew on that road, and hit SN. Stopped and grabbed my bag, and enjoyed some Salt&Vinegar chips. Took a boy's bathroom break on the roadside, and off I went to Yellow Lake. It's such a slow 17km climb, that sometimes you don't feel like you are climbing. I felt at times like I was just getting lazy on the pedals, as the false flats maek you rethink your pedalling. Felt very TourDeFrance-ish as we were all single laned in by people as we were hitting the top. AHA the top of Yellow Lake. Its all downhill from here. Except when it's windy, like it was that day. So there was some free speed out there, but a few of the spots I felt like I had to pedal to maintain my balance and speed. But got through there and came back into town. Was great seeing my team tent set up at Cherry Lane Mall. So I got a big cheer as I rode in past them, and back down to T2. Dismounted and gave me bike to another super volunteer.
Stayed on top of nutrition with the Infinit and some gels. Felt good coming of the bike.
What would you do differently?:

I think next time I could push a wee bit harder on the bike. I was pleased with how I executed the ride, but felt like I could maybe have pushed more. First time at the distance though, so I wasn't sure how hard to push.
Transition 2
  • 06m 46s

Blistering fast pace! Was a little freaky getting into T2, and seeing a guy on a stretcher and a guy puking as I arrived in the tent. I did chat here a bit. Saw a guy that looked familar from previous RR's I've read. It was Birkierunner. He didn't seem to be having a very fun day.
Full kit change, and out for the run.
Got sunscreened by the same girl again. I think she was waiting for me.
What would you do differently?:

I guess this one was smoother? Not sure. I debating keeping the Desoto tri shorts on for the run, but thought running shorts might feel better in the heat.
  • 5h 21m 46s
  • 42.16 kms
  • 07m 38s  min/km

I had no idea how this was going to go. It was hot. I had this crazy orange scarf that you could put ice into one end and then velcro around your neck. It was a lifesaver. I didn't need to worry about sponges in the top or anything. I looked a little like a boy scout, but looks were pretty much irrelevant at this point. Anyhow, planned on running 5 min and walking 1 for the first bit. I wanted to keep my HR under control and not get too crazy on the way out to OK Falls. So ran through the first funky out and back in town. I KNEW this is where Michelle and the girls were going to be. I hadn't seen her since the swim, and the girsl all day. Sure enough they were there with there "DADDY IS SUPERMAN" and "RUN FASTER DADDY" signs. I really did not want to lose it so early in the run. So I ran to them, gave them all kisses and told them I'll see them soon. had a buddy at the next aid station, so chatted with him as I started to fuel up. Really tried to drink a cup of water at every aid station, and if I wasnt sucking back Pepsi, then it was a gel. Once I hit the hills of Okanagan Falls, I knew i was nearing the turnaround. Got there, grabbed my S&V chips and some notes from the girls. I walked and ate my chips, reading the notes as I walked up the hill out of the turnaround. It sucked not having any water while eating those chips! I have the 3 notes from Michelle and the girls sitting here in our computer room at home still. "Daddy don't give up. Just go again. Run as fast as you can. Daddy be as fast as a Superman.I love you Daddy, you have superpowers." That was the 4 year old's note. Reading them got my going again. It was so hot out there. Every aid station was stocked for me and I took advantage of anything and everything on the way back. Last few aid stations were 2 shots of pepsi, shot of chicken broth and a glass of ice water. It was nice when the sun FINALLY went behind the mountain top. I hit Skaha Lake and ran into a teammate who was out biking around. It was nice to see a familiar face again. I knew I only had around 8k left, and the day was going to be over. I came around the corner and my coach was out there. Today was not a day about time goals, but of course we all set them in our mind. she asked me what mine was. I told her I thought 14hrs would be great, but super secret awesomeness goal would be 13:30. I had around 6.5k left and an hour to get there in to break 13:30. So off I went. The crowd started to pick up as I hit town main street. Turned off left towards the out and back which sucked when the finish line is just to the right. and the turn around here is longer than it was on the way out. I kept running down to the turnaround, and once I saw our hotel I saw the family and the team. I lost it. I started crying big time. Ran up to the girls gave them big kisses and I'm sure nice and sweaty hugs. I thanked Michelle for being there for me through this all. Or at least I think I did. I was blubbering. I left with Michelle and my coach running with me but I left them in my dust for the last 700m. I was so focused on getting there before 13:15. I passed a few people before the blue carpet. I had it all to myself. I heard my name, looked at the clock and knew I was going to break 13:15. I did a few fist pumps and allowed myself to celebrate a bit, but didn't doddle, and crossed the line.

Oh, and I am an IRONMAN!
What would you do differently?:

It was a hot,hot run. I probably could have ran a bit more than I did. but I enjoyed the run. I can't believe I can say that now. But I did feel like I enjoyed it. It hurt some, but I got through it.
Celebrate a bit more in the chute. I don't know if I fully enjoyed that moment as much as I could/should of.
Post race
Warm down:

crossed the line, had a couple catch me and grabbed a medal tshirt and hat. Couple teammates who were volunterring back there took over and brought me to the recovery area tp get a pic and sit down. We chatted for a bit about the day,and they tried to give me some food but all I wanted was some water. Michelle came and rescued me from the recovery area and we gathered up my bike and bags. Went back to where the team was and ate a couple ham buns and a triple chocolate brownie ice cream cone while watching other come in.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I felt like I hit the majority of my key workouts along the way, but maybe I didn't take nutrition along the process as seriously as I could have.
another 10 or so lbs off this frame, and I'd be a machine!! :)

Event comments:

Awesome volunteers everywhere. Great,great race. heard they ran out of water at a few aid stations on the bike. I think that is due to them throwing PERFORM at us instead of gatorade. PERFORM wasn't available up here until a month or so before the race. So I believe everyone was taking water on the bike.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2010-08-31 12:00 AM
01:14:00 | 3862 meters | 01m 55s / 100meters
Age Group: 156/313
Overall: 994/2851
Performance: Good
Suit: Blue Seventy Helix
Course: straight out for 1600m,turn right for 400m and then right again and return 1800m
Start type: Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Remainder:
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 09:47
Performance: Bad
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
06:22:23 | 180.25 kms | 28.28 km/hr
Age Group: 204/313
Overall: 1327/2851
Performance: Good
Course: Through town, up mclean creek, out to Osoyoos, up Richters, 7 rollers, out and back, yellow lake, and back into town.
Road:   Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks:
Time: 06:46
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
05:21:46 | 42.16 kms | 07m 38s  min/km
Age Group: 213/313
Overall: 1573/2851
Performance: Average
Course: Out and back from downtown to Okanagan Falls. Quite a few hills once you get close to Ok falls.
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2011-09-03 10:44 PM

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Subject: Ironman Canada

2011-09-03 11:51 PM
in reply to: #3672386

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Way to go Ironman! Nice race report. Certainly was one of those days which tested your mettle but sounds like you handled the heat pretty well. Nice job!
2011-09-04 12:22 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
WoW!!  Loved the RR.  Fantastic effort and what a great time for your first IM.   
2011-09-04 1:21 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
GREAT rr....been waiting for this!!   Nice job out there, in rough conditions, for you, Michelle, and the girls.   Hat's off!!! What's next?!?
2011-09-04 1:40 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Congrats Ironman! I see why it took so long to had to have it Terped! Love the notes in SN! Awesome time!
2011-09-04 2:52 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
That's a great RR!Sounds like you planned a good race and followed that plan brilliantly. I love the idea of notes from the kids in your SN bag, made me tear-up a bit reading that...Glad you enjoyed the day, what an amazing achievement!

2011-09-04 5:51 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Great job Trevor!  Very impressed with your couch to IM progression and the strategy you used throughout the race!
2011-09-04 6:22 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Great race Trevor. It so fantastic to have come so far is such a short time. Congratulations. Started to tear up a bit when you were taking about seeing the family.. It must have been fantastic to have them there to support you.
2011-09-04 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Subject: RE: Ironman Canada

way to crush michelle in the final 700.  i knew you could do it!


awesome job m'man!   you've come a long way, ironman. 

2011-09-04 7:00 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Wow Trevor, I am so happy for you, reading this RR is just amazing hearing your story and now you are an ironman! I am glad the tacks did not effect you, mean people suck! I also love the notes from the kids and how you could blow away Michelle at after 140 miles!!
2011-09-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3672483

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Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Fantastic, Trevor! What an amazing journey. Thank you for sharing it with us!

2011-09-04 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada


Really cool to hear how far you have come in three years.  Just reading about the notes from your girls made me tear up.  The time and effort you put into preparing for this day is evident.  You ROCKED it!!!

2011-09-04 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Great job!  Very inspiring.  Thanks for sharing your tremendous journey and accomplishment.
2011-09-04 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada

Way to go fellow Ironman!!   I am completely steeling the idea of notes in the SN bag for Doug. That is fabulous.   I am beyond words impressed by your performance out there.   WE ARE IRONMEN!!!!!

2011-09-04 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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san francisco
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
So proud of you and happy for you and the race you had out there. You did all the hard work in your training and then put it together on the big day. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, I am honored to have had a front row seat over the past three years. Here's to many more...bask in your glory, Ironman! Super props to Michelle and the girls and all of their support, you are their Superman.
2011-09-04 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3672386

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Subject: RE: Ironman Canada

Great job putting together a great day/race.  You've done an awesome job getting to this point and this day.

Have to say I love the notes from the girls.  Keep those safe, and treasure them.

BTW - did I read somewhere in your rac report "next time..." ?  Smile

Great job Ironman!

2011-09-04 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3672386

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Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Congratulations, Trevor!! Super-duper-awesome Ironman work on a tough day! You are amazing and I'm impressed by and in awe of you! Your daughters are precious -- love their notes. I can only imagine how touching that was. You are Superman!!
2011-09-04 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3672386

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada

Congratulations, Iron Man!!!  Sounds like you really soaked in the whole experience.  Amazing to see how far you've come in three years.  I'm excited to see where you go from here.

2011-09-04 7:24 PM
in reply to: #3672386

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Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Huge congratulations Trevor!  What a great RR... and you did a fantastic job on a hot and difficult day.  I loved watching you finish with a big smile.  NICE JOB IRONMAN!!
2011-09-04 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3672386

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Trevor, thanks for sharing the journey!  Enjoy the break and be proud Ironman!!!
2011-09-05 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada

Excellent race report.  Very emotional and exciting.

As Penticton residents we're very embarassed about the "Tacks on the road" incident.  I'm afraid there are idiots everywhere and I have to hope/believe in Kharma for the person or persons that stupid.  Obviously not working their way through higher education.

Can't wait for next year.  Hope to see you here again.

2011-09-07 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3672386

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada

Aha good work lad! Told you that you'd be pretty close to me on the bike! Did you go a bit too hard on the swim or did it feel good? Pros were saying it was a bout 5 mins slow so your time was even more impressive!

Next time skip the mani/peti in T1.


2011-09-08 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3672386

Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Great race!  At just a shade under 11 minutes, my T1 time should make you feel better!  I had my bag knotted too tight and I couldn't get it undone. . .
2011-09-14 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3672386

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada
Congratulations,Trevor! Awesome job and fantastic report. You are an IRONMAN!
2011-09-14 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3672386

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Ironman Canada

Somehow missed the RR until now.  Great job Trevor, sounds like you had a pretty awesome day.


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