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Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon - Run

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Virginia Beach, Virginia
United States
Shamrock Sportsfest
Total Time = 4h 39m 13s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 40-45
Age Group Rank = 55/
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 6, ate 1/2 a cliff bar and drank a little Gatorade.
Event warmup:

None. Stretched a lot.
  • 4h 39m 13s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 10m 40s  min/mile

We watched the start of the 1/2 marathon, that was very exciting. They sang the national anthem and then two jets flew over right at the start. We stood on the street with our BT poster as everyone ran by. We hard one person yell BT!

We headed over to the marathon start. And that is where Laura(StartingtoTri) found us. Laura and I both had the same race goal so we ran together.

The start wasn't as exciting as the 1/2, no songs or planes. My kids gave me a hug and said don't die. My hands were so cold and they hurt, I wasn't expecting it to be so cold.

Laura kept track of our times. We had better than 10 min miles for the first few miles, I wasn't out of breath or anything and I felt pretty good. Had to hit the porta potty at 6 because I thought I had to go, didn't really but I didn't have to stop again. Ditched the jacket at mile 6.

The clock said 2:04 at mile 12. I tried to have one gel per 1/2 hour, once we started heading in to the wind I forgot and between that and the running into the freezing cold wind I wanted to walk around mile 12/13....but Laura was there and I was thinking there is no way I am walking. She kept me moving. I started back up on my gels and started feeling better.

My hat blew off and I had to run back and get it. I remember on the way back when the wind was in my back there was a paper cup blowing down the street and passed me.

Finally got off the boardwalk and into this road that went through the woods. It was really nice in here, no wind, calm quiet. Laura stopped and wanted me to go on, I really didn't want to leave her, I wanted to make her run with me. I wasn't sure how much to push her since I had just met her a few hours ago. So I kept on going. I am really glad we ran together and she really got me threw the hardest part of the race.

I celebrated every mile post. 18, 19, 20. I would yell and put my hands in the air like I was crossing the finish line.

After awhile it was hard to walk, because it really hurt to start running again. That is the only thing that kept me running. I only walked a bit at each water station but I wouldn't let myself walk anywhere else.

The wind was at our backs from 19 on, that was heaven!!! I was kindof nervous because the longest I had ever gone was 19 miles, besides my quads hurting I felt really good! I found myself shuffling along and passing people one by one.

Somewhere around mile 21 or 23 they had Coke. Wow! That stuff is awesome! I really picked it up that mile. At mile 23 it said 4:05, I had wanted to finish around 4:30, so I tried to pick it up but I knew I would be over my time.

I didn't stop the last three miles there was no way I was going to walk (it hurt too bad to start running again)

We turned left and then right and we were on the board walk and you could see the beer tent. Woohoo!!! I tried to run faster, atleast in my head I was running faster. Then I saw mile marker 26, I smacked it with my hand and then tried to sprint the last .2 miles. I did go faster and then I thought I was going to be sick. Woohooo I did a marathon!
What would you do differently?:

I think I could have pushed myself a little harder after I got out of the wind. I wasn't sure what I would feel like after 20, so I was a little tentative.
Post race
Warm down:

I was a little disappointed at the end, the friend I went down with was in a hurry to leave. It hadn't even been finished for 5 min. and she said let's start walking to the truck. I wanted some food from the tent. So we atleast got to walk through the tent. I would have liked to walk around for a bit. Oh well.

We walked about a mile or so to the feet were tired.

Last updated: 2005-12-18 12:00 AM
04:39:13 | 26.2 miles | 10m 40s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: Flat! but windy and cold
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Yes
Course challenge
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2006-03-20 6:05 AM

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Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

2006-03-20 6:34 AM
in reply to: #373930

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
Thats cute.  "Mommy don't die"  I guess that a good goal.
2006-03-20 6:37 AM
in reply to: #373930

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Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
Wow, I am so impressed!! That is a FANTASTIC time for your firt marathon!!! Congratulations on a very successful race!! Woohoo!!!
2006-03-20 6:51 AM
in reply to: #373930

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Extreme Veteran
coastal NC
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

YOU RAN A MARATHON! That is SO cool!

 I'm bummed I didn't see your BT signs--it would have been great to meet you!

And I completely spaced the fighter pilots/anthem in my RR. I was nervous and freezing, so I guess it slipped my mind...


Congratulations! Your family must be so proud of you!

2006-03-20 10:27 AM
in reply to: #373930

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Extreme Veteran
Waterboro, Maine
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
A Marathon! I am so jealous!! Sounds like a great race, and your pace is awesome. Wow, you ran for over four hours...
2006-03-20 10:40 AM
in reply to: #373930

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Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

Nice job! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to meet up with you -- the whole day was kind of a blur!

fanTAStick time!

2006-03-20 11:23 AM
in reply to: #373930

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Herndon VA
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

Way to go!  Great race and report.  It sounded like you had a good race and were able to stick with your race plan.  That's a good time for a first marathon.  Congratulations.


2006-03-20 11:46 AM
in reply to: #373930

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
You did a GREAT job and I'm glad that I had the chance to meet you. And your BT sign was by far the coolest!!
2006-03-20 12:21 PM
in reply to: #373930

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
Good for you!! Yeah-it can be anticlimactice to just "leave"...need time to soak it up & do the Happy Dance..!Sounds like you were well prepared & met your goals. Congrats!
2006-03-20 4:28 PM
in reply to: #373930

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
Well deserved kudos, congrats etc...totally amazing time !!!  I'm so impressed
2006-03-20 4:45 PM
in reply to: #373930

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Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
Great job!!  Excellent first marathon!! 

2006-03-20 5:36 PM
in reply to: #373930

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

hey chica.... Wow... YOU DID it...  you are a marathoner now....  Great stuff...    You can call yourself a MARATHONER....    OOOHHHYYYEEEAAAAHHHH BABY,,,


keep on running it is good for the soul


2006-03-20 5:38 PM
in reply to: #373930

Online or Offline
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

You left shortly after? Undecided I was sure I was interrupting your post-race celebration when I called to congratulate your GREAT TIME!

I hope you got to go through the big tent for some warm Stew and the beer, not just the bagel/banana tent.

Besides, getting that sand in your shoes was annoing anyways.

WOO HOO you did a marathon, and you didn't die!

2006-03-20 5:49 PM
in reply to: #373930

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Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

Yippee!!!!!! Great job on your marathon!!!! and I loved reading your race report.


2006-03-20 11:33 PM
in reply to: #373930

Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

OK that's it...I'm taking running lessons from you and Trixie and fitphd...y'all are just way too freaking fast!  Great race, you should be smiling from ear to ear.  Marathon Princess!!


2006-03-21 10:50 AM
in reply to: #373930

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
Wow...your time was great!!!  Congratulations again on finishing your first marathon!  It was great to get to meet you and your boys!

2006-03-21 1:24 PM
in reply to: #373930

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Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

Congratulations on a great marathon!  I liked your pictures and the 'smacked the sign' comment.  Isn't it a great feeling when you know you will finish; just awesome.


2006-03-21 7:29 PM
in reply to: #373930

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
Great job with your marathon, way to go!! I never saw the BT sign, but I'm pretty sure I saw you finish because I had other friends finishing in the same time period. Great job!!!
2006-03-22 6:21 AM
in reply to: #373930

Extreme Veteran
Cary, NC
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

What an awesome race report! And you were the ones with the BT sign.... some of the guys that did the 1/2 mary said they saw a BT sign! What a great idea! You did great... the cold was an absolute bitch--not so nice for your 1st marathon. I get the same way about walking towards the end--I hate restarting the running.... so hard, so I just don't let myself fully walk at all--for better or worse.

Anyhoo, I'm bummed we didn't get to meet up, but way to go and I'm sure we'll end up meeting at a future race!

2006-03-22 8:16 AM
in reply to: #373930

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

AWESOME race, Mary Ann!!  And I like the change of avatars!  (I took that very same picture the next day as we were walking back from breakfast down the boardwalk....)

I'm so glad you had that sign and we met up!  Made the first 16 miles go a heck of a lot better than they otherwise would have.

Congratulations, marathoner!!!! 

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General Discussion Race Reports! » Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon Rss Feed