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Article title Date published
My Nemesis (333%) 2011-11-29
Being Motivated by the Why (326%) 2016-08-31
Took the First Step, And Still Going (320%) 2008-07-28
Your Success Depends on How You Deal with Failure (320%) 2015-12-17
Reasons why! (259%) 2004-09-04
"Good Brain - Good Bod: How To Get and Stay Motivated!" (252%) 2004-08-31
The Ten Pillars of Ultimate Fitness - Part 1 of 2 (246%) 2005-05-16
Training Your Mind For Running Races (233%) 2019-03-19
Member Question: Regarding Stress Fractures, Motivation and Coaching (226%) 2005-07-05
Heart (224%) 2012-01-25
Back in the Saddle (222%) 2012-02-06
Hitting The Re-Boot Button: Why Stepping Back, Allows You To Jump Forward! (222%) 2019-09-28
Getting into a Training Groove (216%) 2017-02-28
Triathlon Training in College (206%) 2011-12-22
Staying Motivated to Train (206%) 2015-07-31
2020 Free Mentor Program is OPEN. Come Join! (206%) 2019-12-29
2022 Free Mentor Program is OPEN. Come Join! (206%) 2020-12-31
Member Question: Getting to Iron Distance in One Year? (204%) 2009-02-23
Why Triathlon In College? (204%) 2012-05-21
My First Triathlon (and my Daughter's Third) (204%) 2016-06-30
Racing and Training With Purpose (196%) 2019-03-11
Member Question: How Long to Rest Following a Sprint Distance Race? (193%) 2008-12-22
Motivation: 9 Tips to Get Going in the Winter or Whenever (193%) 2012-11-14
The Benefits of Hiring a Coach-What You Should Look For, and What to Expect (188%) 2006-01-01
Be a mentor or find a triathlon mentor for 2017 (188%) 2016-12-24