Sprint - Balanced Lifestyle - 8 Week Training Plan
- Week 1Expand
- Time: 15m
- Distance: 800.00 yards
- WU: 300
- MS: 8x50 at Sprint pace on 20" rest
- CD: 100 cool down
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 10.00 miles
- WU: 3 mile warm up
- MS: Ride 5 miles at Sprint effort
- CD: 2 mile cooldown
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- WU: 300 warm up
- MS: 4x200 at medium effort (RPE 6) on 20" rest.
- CD: 100
- Time: 55m
- Distance: 15.00 miles
- Bike 15 miles at an easy effort followed by a 2 mile run at an easy effort.
- Time: 20m
- Distance: 2.00 miles
- 2 miles off the bike at an easy effort.
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 4.00 miles
- Run 4 miles – middle 2 miles at Zone 2 effort
- Week 2Expand
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1000.00 yards
- WU: 200 swim, 100 kick warm up
- MS: 4x25, 4x75, 2x100 all at a Sprint race pace - rest is 10" on all.
- CD: 100 cool down
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 12.00 miles
- After 5 mile warm up, ride 6 miles at Sprint effort, then 1 mile cooldown.
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- WU: 400 warm up
- MS: 7x100 at medium effort (RPE 6), working on form, 15" rest interval.
- CD: 100 cooldown
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 14.00 miles
- WU: 3 miles of warm up
- MS: 2x2 miles at a very good effort - 8.5/10 effort - take an easy 2 miles to recover after each set.
- CD: Finally warm down with 3 miles of cooling down.
- Time: 15m
- Distance: 1.50 miles
- 1.5 miles off the bike in half mile increments: medium effort, hard effort, then the last half mile is an easy effort.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 4.50 miles
- WU: Start with 2 miles of an easy warm up
- MS: Then run 3' hard, 3' easy for the next 2 miles.
- CD: The last .5 mile is just an easy cool down, no concern for pace.
- Week 3Expand
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- WU: 300 swim, 100 kick warm up.
- MS: Then 4x100, 4x50, 4x25 all at Sprint pace - rest is 15" on all.
- CD: 100 cool down
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 10.00 miles
- After 3 mile warm up, ride 2x2.5 miles at Sprint effort with recovery being an easy 1.5 mile spin. Then .5 mile cooldown.
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- WU: 300 warm up
- MS: 500 for time at Sprint race pace, rest 1 minutes, then 3x100 at the same pace with 20" rest interval.
- CD: Then 100 cooldown.
- Time: 55m
- Distance: 16.00 miles
- WU: 4 miles of warm up
- MS: Then 2x4.5 miles at a very good effort - 8.5/10 effort - take an easy 1 mile to recover in between.
- CD: Finally warm down with 2 miles of cooling down.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 2.00 miles
- 2 miles off the bike as medium effort for 0.5mile, hard effort for 0.5mile, then the last mile is an easy effort.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 3.00 miles
- 1 mile warm up, 1 mile moderate effort, 1 mile easy. Easy walking for 10' to cool down.
- Week 4Expand
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1500.00 yards
- WU: 300 swim, 100 kick warm up
- MS: Then 3x300 on 20" rest - same pace as your 500 for time from last week.
- Then 4x25 very fast - rest is 15" on all.
- CD: 100 cool down
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 4.00 miles
- Warmup for 1.5 miles, then run 6x400 with a 200 recovery at an easy jog - easy cool down to finish-up.
- Time: 45m
- Time: 55m
- Distance: 16.00 miles
- Alternate 2 miles easy, 2 miles at Sprint race effort - do this 4 times.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1400.00 yards
- WU: 300 warm up
- MS: 6x50 on 10" rest at Sprint pace. Then swim 4x150 on 20" rest at RPE 7.
- CD: 200 cooldown.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Distance: 20.00 miles
- Whatever you have time for this weekend- 15-20 miles - as easy or as hard as you like.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 3.00 miles
- 3 miles off the bike as medium effort.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 6.00 miles
- Run 4-6 miles – take this as easy or as hard as you like.
- Week 5Expand
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1100.00 yards
- WU: 50 swim, kick, pull, swim - (200 warm up)
- MS: Then 4x100 on 20" rest at Sprint Pace
- 6x50 at Sprint pace on 15" rest
- 4x25 on 10" rest at Sprint pace.
- CD: 100 cool down.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1356]Pull Drill[/url]
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 5.00 miles
- WU: Warm up for 1.5 miles
- MS: Run 8x400 at 5k pace, no faster with a 200 recovery at an easy jog in between sets
- CD: Eeasy cool down to finish up.
- Time: 45m
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 15.00 miles
- WU: 4 mile warm up
- MS: 10 miles at Sprint race pace!
- CD: 1 mile easy cool down
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1350.00 yards
- WU: 400 easy swim.
- MS: 4 x 50 very fast (30” RI).
- 50 kick easy.
- 4 x 50 very fast (30” RI).
- 50 kick easy.
- 4 x 50 very fast (30” RI).
- 50 kick easy.
- CD: 200 easy swim.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 20.00 miles
- 20 miles broken down into:
- WU: 3 mile warm up.
- MS: 2x6 miles at Sprint pace with 2 mile recovery between each.
- CD: 1mile cool down and right into the run.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 3.00 miles
- 3 miles off the bike - 1 mile easy to warm up, then 2 miles at Sprint race pace.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 6.50 miles
- 6.5 mile run today as 2.5 mile warm up, 3 miles at tempo (HR Zone 3 or 7/10 RPE), then 1 mile easy.
- Week 6Expand
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 1750.00 yards
- WU: 400 easy swim.
- 4 x 50 very fast (30”).
- 50 kick easy.
- 4 x 50 very fast (30”).
- 50 kick easy.
- 4 x 50 very fast (30”).
- 50 kick easy.
- 4 x 50 very fast (30”).
- CD: 400 easy swim.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 5.00 miles
- WU: Warm up for 1.5 miles
- MS: Then run 8x400 at 5k pace, no faster with a 200 recovery at an easy jog
- CD: Easy cool down to finish up.
- Time: 45m
- Time: 55m
- Distance: 16.00 miles
- WU: 4 mile warm up
- MS: 10 miles at Sprint race pace!
- CD: Easy 2 mile cool down when you are done.
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 1750.00 yards
- WU: 50 swim, 50 kick, 100 swim, 50 kick,
- MS: 200 drills,
- 50 swim fast.
- 5 x 100 very fast (30”).
- 50 kick easy.
- 5 x 100 very fast (30”).
- CD: 200 easy swim.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1349]Drills[/url]
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 20.00 miles
- Ride 20 miles toeday. If you feel up to it, ride hard for middle 12 miles or so.
- Distance: 2.00 miles
- 2 miles off the bike as fast as you can!
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 5.00 miles
- WU: Warm up for 2 miles
- MS: Then over next 2 miles, run 5x30" pick-ups--starting one about every 3'.
- CD: Then 1 mile cool down.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1355]Pick-Ups[/url]
- Week 7Expand
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1400.00 yards
- WU: 100 pull for form, 100 swim easy, 100 kick.
- MS: 3 x 100 very fast (20” RI).
- 50 kick easy.
- 3 x 100 hold 1st set pace (30” RI).
- 50 kick easy.
- CD: 100 kick easy, 300 pull for form.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1356]Pull Drill[/url]
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 6.00 miles
- WU: Warm up for 1.5 miles
- MS: Then run 10x400 at a 5k pace - no faster with a 200 recovery at an easy jog
- CD: Easy cool down to finish up.
- Time: 45m
- Time: 55m
- Distance: 17.00 miles
- WU: 2 mile warm up
- MS: Then 2x6 miles miles at Sprint race pace! Recovery is 1 mile in between.
- CD: Easy 1 mile cool down when you are done.
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 1600.00 yards
- WU: 200 Easy
- MS: 3 x 100 descending times (30”).
- 4 x 50 kick descending times (30”).
- 3 x 200 fast with 50 kick easy between 200s.
- CD: 200 easy swim.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- Time: 1h 25m
- Distance: 25.00 miles
- WU: 5miles
- MS: After warm up, ride 2x7 miles at Sprint effort with 2 miles recovery.
- CD: Easy 2mi cool down.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 5.00 miles
- 5 miles off the bike at a moderate effort.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 6.00 miles
- WU: Warm up for 1.5 miles
- MS: Then run 2x1.5 miles hard - recovery is 1 mile easy in between.
- CD: Then .5 mile cool down.
- Week 8Expand
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 1550.00 yards
- WU: 150 pull for form, 150 swim easy, 100 kick.
- MS: 5 x 100 very fast (20”).
- 50 kick easy.
- 5 x 100 hold 1st set pace (30”).
- CD: 100 pull for form.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1356]Pull Drill[/url]
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 6.00 miles
- WU: Warm up for 1.5 miles
- MS: Then run 5x800 at 5k pace, no faster with a 200 recovery at an easy jog
- CD: Easy cool down to finish up.
- Time: 45m
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 20.00 miles
- WU: 4 mile warm up
- MS: 12 mile time trial as fast as you can!
- CD: 4 mile easy cool down when you are done.
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 1750.00 yards
- WU: 200 Easy
- MS: 3 x 100 descending times (30”).
- 4 x 50 kick descending times (30”).
- 4 x 200 fast with 50 kick easy between 200s.
- CD: 100 easy swim.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1346]Kickboard Kick[/url] OR
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1347]Kick on Back[/url]
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 19.00 miles
- WU: Ride 5 mile warm up
- MS: Then 7 miles hard followed by 1.5 mile hard run. Get back on bike and ride 7 miles hard again followed by a 1.5 mile hard run. Easy cool down (walking).
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 3.00 miles
- 3 miles off bike - see bike - sequence should be 7 mile bike/ 1.5 mile run - 7 mile bike/1.5 mile run.
- After the last run, walk at least 20 minutes for a good cooldown.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 6.00 miles
- 6 miles at a moderate effort today. Add in 6x30" strides at 5k pace at any point in the run.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1355]Strides[/url]
- Week 9Expand
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 9.00 miles
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 30
- Easy spin for 30 minutes in small chain ring.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1500.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Recovery
- 30
- 1500
- WU: 500
- MS: 500 pull w/paddles. 10x50 on 20" rest. Swim easy and focus on form.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1365]Pull[/url]
- Time: 20m
- Distance: 2.00 miles
- Run Base
- Endurance
- Run 20 minutes on a flat course or treadmill. Keep RPE at 5-6 out of 10.
- Time: 20m
- Distance: 6.00 miles
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- Ride 20 minutes on a flat course. Keep RPE at 5-6 out of 10.
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- Easy 1.2k straight swim.
- Distance: 15.00 miles
- Race Day Sprint
- Warm up for 10' before the race, make sure your bike is shifting properly and nothing is loose or rattling. Check tire pressure and set your bike in the right gear for the start of the race. Take the first few miles out easy, and ease into the ride. Remember to eat/drink during the ride.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1100]Sprint Race Day Plan[/url]
- Distance: 3.10 miles
- Race Day Sprint
- Warm up for 10'-15' before the race and do 3-4 quick pick ups - stay loose and calm. Go over your race day plan in your head. Feel strong and confident. After the race get a 10' cool down.
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1100]Sprint Race Day Plan[/url]
- Distance: 800.00 yards
- Race Day Sprint
- Warm up for 10' and race a .5k - (warm up for at least 500 yds) - if you can - throw in a few 50s - just to get your effort up and ready to race from the get go! Pick a straight line, get on some fast feet and Good Luck!
- [url=http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/cms/article-detail.asp?articleid=1100]Sprint Race Day Plan[/url]
Day 1 | Print Day |

*Note, all new weekly concepts in this section 'build' off of each other. Continue to do the ideas presented in the weeks before.
Week 1:
Email and internet are time traps. It’s too easy to start following links that people send you or things that are interesting to you (but not necessary). Before you know it, you are on the internet for over an hour and your life is none-the-better for it.
This week:
- No internet/email after you get home from work.
- Limit weekend internet/email to 15 minutes at lunch and 15 minutes in the evening. Skip the evening internet/email session if your life doesn’t depend on it.
1 - Prioritize emails first. If you have time left, surf the net.
2 - Delete emails that friends send you that are just diversionary links to stuff that you know are just ‘hey, this is funny’ – these are big time traps that don’t enhance your life.
3 - Automatically delete emails from people that just ‘forward’ links from others.
4 - Set a timer if needed to keep yourself in check
READING ASSIGNMENT: Start reading the 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch. This book is indispensible in getting rid of things that don’t really enhance your life.
Day 2 | Print Day |
Day 3 | Print Day |

Day 4 | Print Day |
Day 5 | Print Day |

Day 6 | Print Day |

Day 7 | Print Day |

Day 8 | Print Day |

Week 2:
Focus on family!
Family time is being ever more quickly chipped away by the busy-ness of society. Both parents are working and you are lucky to only have to put in 40 hours per week to keep your job. A few things to think about are:
A - Will your family be better served if you downsized your house, drove a more inexpensive car, etc – if not to cut down on work hours? This will reduce your costs and possibly get you or your spouse going from full to part-time work or not work at all to have at least one of you there for your kids after school. This is especially important for infants to pre-school age kids who are not in school yet or only go for a half-day. If at all possible, find a way for one parent to be at home. Don’t ship them off to daycare if you can help it. These are some of the most formative parts of your child’s life and they need you, not strangers.
B – Is your 50, 60, 70+ hour per week job REALLY NECESSARY? Can you ‘downsize’ your life (house, car, etc) and move to a 40 hour per week job? This is especially true for those with a family. Kids grow up fast. They really need our attention. Working 40 hour+ per week is reasonable if you are just out of school and need to prove yourself to get experience, but if this is ongoing after you have a family, it will take a toll on you and your families happiness.
This week:
1 - TV off at dinnertime with your family…talk!
2 - Spend your after-dinner time with your kids helping with homework, doing an activity, etc. Playing video games with them does not count. Try to get a good hour or two in. Even better, spend all of the time after dinner and before bed with your family. Once it’s the kids bedtime, then it’s YOUR time (hint, get your kids to bed early!).
--> Things to do: outside activities (hiking or sports), arts and crafts. Build something with your children – models, Lego’s, anything. Long-term, multi-month projects are great such as model airplanes where your child has the satisfaction of flying it once it is done. Teaching your kids to use their hands to build something is invaluable.
*If you know something that has helped you develop into a better adult that your parents did for you, reciprocate. Example, my parents were required to have me read a-page-per-night from a ‘Victory Drill Book’ – phonics based reading. It is not required for me, as a parent, to do for my kids now, but since I feel it helped me so much to become a better reader and speller – and just loving to read, I am taking extra time and supplementing this with my kids homework. Sure, it’s more time from me, but the result is that my son is at the top of his class in reading and writing. Don’t be selfish with your time, your kids are half-you and they deserve all the help they can get into developing into smarter, better adults.
-SINGLE? Read a book, think! Keep the TV off during some of this time.
Day 9 | Print Day |
Day 10 | Print Day |

Day 11 | Print Day |
Day 12 | Print Day |

Day 13 | Print Day |

Day 14 | Print Day |

Day 15 | Print Day |

Week 3:
Cell phones are another time vacuum. And let’s not talk about texting. What percent of your time on the phone or time spent texting is actually beneficial to your life and accomplishes something important?
You can save several hours per week in eliminating wasteful talking and texting and creating ‘new time’ for you or your family. This will be tough – it all depends on how important it is to you to be ‘connected’. People spend so much time talking on the phone and texting – especially today’s teenagers, instead of thinking, doing and creating. Being a part of the ‘social revolution’ has it’s downside as it’s incredibly addictive and accomplishes very little.
This week:
1 - Let your cell phone go to the message box if you are not expecting a call. Feel free to check the mailbox to make sure it’s not an emergency. The goal is to not let the initial point of the conversation evolve into meaningless and non-life enhancing chit-chat.
2 - Keep your conversations on topic and to the point – even limit them to 5 minutes.
3 - If you are driving, don’t answer or instead pull over to the side of the road or into a parking lot to talk. Don’t make the roads any more hazardous than they already are with other drivers driving under the influence with the increasing amount of electronic distractions in our society.
4 - Eliminate texting except for business purposes. It’s incredibly addictive without adding any real value to your life.
Day 16 | Print Day |
Day 17 | Print Day |

Day 18 | Print Day |
Day 19 | Print Day |

Day 20 | Print Day |

Day 21 | Print Day |

Day 22 | Print Day |

Week 4:
Continue to do the ideas from weeks 1-3.
We are unplugging this weekend and every 4rth week from here on out. No cell phone (except for emergencies), no TV, no video games – no distractions from our family time.
1 - Create an auto responder for your emails to this effect saying that you will be offline during the weekend and if there is an emergency to call you - though let it go to message first. Resist the urge to fall into the trap of mindless chit-chat during any emergency phone-calls. Frequently, the world will not end if we don’t fire off an email reply within 30 minutes of getting an email. The world doesn’t really revolve around us and will not come to a halt if we don’t respond fast.
2 - Plan ahead this week for activities to do with your family.
3 - Find a scenic vista (mountain, ocean, sunset, etc) to go to and just enjoy 30 minutes of silence.
Day 23 | Print Day |

Day 24 | Print Day |

Day 25 | Print Day |
Day 26 | Print Day |

Day 27 | Print Day |

Day 28 | Print Day |

Day 29 | Print Day |

Week 5:
You have hopefully made some good changes to your life by now and have started taking some time back for you or your family. This week we are working on further life optimizations. Make a list of EVERYTHING you normally do down to half-hour increments. Do this by month or by week depending on how regular (or irregular) your schedule is during the month. Place a checkmark next to necessary things you NEED to do, place and ‘X’ next to things that either: don’t really positively add value to your life and things that you can perhaps offload to someone else to do (work stuff) – even pay them to do it if the time saved is worth it. Just don’t fill that newly found time with other ‘busy stuff’. Make sure the new time goes to your family or improving yourself.
If you are reading the 80/20 book, this is in-line with the premise that 80 percent of what we do does not really add positively to our lives. It’s the 20% that contributes to 80% of our success, wealth and happiness.
One of the most powerful ideas I have implemented is to create a checklist of only 2-4 items that NEED to be done per day. No more than four though! These items are the 20% of the things you do that create 80% of your income or gets the most important things done everyday. Hopefully you can fill the other 50-80% of the things you do everyday with things that enrich your life. Do these things without ANY distractions. Just knock them out one right after the other and don’t leave your seat until done with all of them.
Frequently we wait until the last deadline moment to accomplish the really important things or projects. We drag it out over days or weeks where once done, they actually only took several hours of focused worked but in the meantime ate up hours and hours of time being distracted away from the real work. Remember book reports?
Try to eliminate another 5 hours per week or 20 hours per month of ‘unnecessary’ work from this list. This sounds like a lot but only ends up being 5% of our time awake during a month. Some examples are:
1 - Unnecessary driving – don’t go to the store if you just need one item! This is a waste of time and gas. Plan ahead and try to do all of your shopping at once to take advantage of efficiencies.
2 - This is a great principle to use if you are self-employed or work from home. Many times we create unnecessary work that really doesn’t contribute to our happiness, wealth or the immediate job.
--> OPTIONAL READING: The 4 Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss.
3 – Do you pay your bills everytime they come in? Can you pay them all at once or twice per month only?
*Find more example like this. When listing all the areas you spend your time, look for the same things that you do multiple times per week or month that you can perhaps reduce the frequency of doing them.
Day 30 | Print Day |

Day 31 | Print Day |

Day 32 | Print Day |
Day 33 | Print Day |

Take some time to yourself this weekend - 30' each day!
Day 34 | Print Day |

Day 35 | Print Day |

Day 36 | Print Day |

Week 6:
Start and continue a monthly or every 2 month counseling session. I know, I know…”I don’t need counseling…I am fully aware of myself.” This may be true but all too often I notice that even if we are aware of our problems and shortcomings, we don’t know how to truly AFFECT CHANGE. And don’t even think that counseling is a sign of weakness or ‘disease’. It’s not. It’s a way of enacting change where you otherwise have a hard time doing. Or just don’t know how. Counseling also acts as a necessary pressure relief valve if you are a person that keeps your feelings to yourself.
Counseling has been invaluable for me, first to be very introspective of myself, my feelings and ‘what makes me truly happy.’ We need to focus on the daily events that will put us to sleep with a satisfying smile on our face. We want to go to sleep knowing that the day has been ‘lived to its fullest’ and not just living today to prepare for tomorrow, repeat, with little satisfaction. Second, counseling on a regular basis (monthly) will make sure we don’t fall into our old bad habits that we have tried hard to correct.
Are there seemingly hopeless situations that make you generally unhappy, angry or depressed and drain all of your mental energies? Counseling will allow you to:
Remove yourself from the situation, change it or accept it totally (Tolle). This sounds easy but from personal experience, it’s not. Once you can apply one of these three principles to an unhappy situation, then and only then you can be truly liberated.
The Power of Now – Echart Tolle
Read the first two chapters to get familiar with the concepts and how the author speaks, then start the book over again and it will be a lot easier reading. Try to read this book without any outside distractions. If you are a person that is dealing with undesirable situations that are mentally draining or that make you unhappy or angry, this book will be invaluable.
Day 37 | Print Day |

Day 38 | Print Day |

Day 39 | Print Day |
Day 40 | Print Day |

Day 41 | Print Day |

Day 42 | Print Day |

Day 43 | Print Day |

Week 7:
These next ideas are easy, quick and painless.
1 - Most of us drive to work in the morning. TURN OFF THE RADIO. THINK. Plan your day. Get rid of things that won’t enhance it. Optimize and enhance your day before it starts. This is also a good time to think about certain goals to further improve your life or to accomplish something that you have always wanted to do. Beware, don’t obsess about your goals and getting them done. Simply put the actions into place to reach your goals. Obsessing about the future doesn’t allow us to live in the ‘now’.
2 – At every meal - breakfast, lunch and dinner, divide up the portions on the plate into 4 equal quarters. The first quarter is a meat product (fish, chicken), the second is your carbohydrate source (potato, rice) the third quarter is a vegetable and the fourth quarter is another vegetable or fruit. The important concept is to have every portion EQUAL in size. Typically we make the vegetables and fruits smaller in size than the meat and carbohydrate portions - consequently over-eating in calories.
3 – As athletes and people who want to lose weight, we want to eat smaller meals 5-6x per day. To prevent over-eating, eat all of your meals on the smaller ‘salad’ plates. Throw-out the big plates. If you are still hungry after your first serving, have a little more meat and eat more fruits and vegetables.
--> When eating out and the food comes to your table, ask immediately for a take-home bag and put half of the meal into it for leftovers. Society’s restaurant portions encourage overeating with giant plates filled with lot’s of food.
--> A lot of us go to Subway or a similar fast-food place. A whole footlong is very unnecessary – but we eat it anyway because it’s hard to stop. If you want to lose weight, even 6 inches is usually too many calories especially when adding in the cheese and condiments. Get the footlong and have them cut it up into quarters. Eat the quarter and supplement with fruits and vegetables and a glass of Milk (Soy or Regular). Save the rest for lunch for the next few days.
*Of course if you are a very active athlete and train at or above the half-Ironman level, you probably can eat what you want as you will be burning it training. Do your homework to make sure you are getting enough calories in for your training as most of these tips are geared for those looking to lose some weight.
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Week 8:
This is another weekend to unplug, see week 4.
Re-evaluate all of the weeks before this and figure out what you did good at and what needs improved. We need to always strive to refine, if we don’t, we will slip into old habits again.
Feel free to repeat this 8 week training plan.
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Day 62 | Print Day |
Day 63 | Print Day |

Wk #1 | Monday ![]() 800 Yd | Tuesday ![]() 2.50 Mi ![]() | Wednesday ![]() 10.00 Mi | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1200 Yd | Saturday ![]() 15.00 Mi ![]() 2.00 Mi | Sunday ![]() 4.00 Mi | Week Total ![]() 2000 Yd ![]() 25.00 Mi ![]() 8.00 Mi ![]() |
Wk #2 | Monday ![]() 1000 Yd | Tuesday ![]() 4.00 Mi ![]() | Wednesday ![]() 12.00 Mi | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1200 Yd | Saturday ![]() 14.00 Mi ![]() 1.50 Mi | Sunday ![]() 4.50 Mi | Week Total ![]() 2200 Yd ![]() 26.00 Mi ![]() 10.00 Mi ![]() |
Wk #3 | Monday ![]() 1200 Yd | Tuesday ![]() 4.00 Mi ![]() | Wednesday ![]() 10.00 Mi | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1200 Yd | Saturday ![]() 16.00 Mi ![]() 2.00 Mi | Sunday ![]() 3.00 Mi | Week Total ![]() 2400 Yd ![]() 26.00 Mi ![]() 9.00 Mi ![]() |
Wk #4 | Monday ![]() 1500 Yd | Tuesday ![]() 4.00 Mi ![]() | Wednesday ![]() 16.00 Mi | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1400 Yd | Saturday ![]() 20.00 Mi ![]() 3.00 Mi | Sunday ![]() 6.00 Mi | Week Total ![]() 2900 Yd ![]() 36.00 Mi ![]() 13.00 Mi ![]() |
Month 1 totals

Wk #5 | Monday ![]() 1100 Yd | Tuesday ![]() 5.00 Mi ![]() | Wednesday ![]() 15.00 Mi | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1350 Yd | Saturday ![]() 20.00 Mi ![]() 3.00 Mi | Sunday ![]() 6.50 Mi | Week Total ![]() 2450 Yd ![]() 35.00 Mi ![]() 14.00 Mi ![]() |
Wk #6 | Monday ![]() 1750 Yd | Tuesday ![]() 5.00 Mi ![]() | Wednesday ![]() 16.00 Mi | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1750 Yd | Saturday ![]() 20.00 Mi ![]() | Sunday ![]() 5.00 Mi | Week Total ![]() 3500 Yd ![]() 36.00 Mi ![]() 12.00 Mi ![]() |
Wk #7 | Monday ![]() 1400 Yd | Tuesday ![]() 6.00 Mi ![]() | Wednesday ![]() 17.00 Mi | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1600 Yd | Saturday ![]() 25.00 Mi ![]() 5.00 Mi | Sunday ![]() 6.00 Mi | Week Total ![]() 3000 Yd ![]() 42.00 Mi ![]() 17.00 Mi ![]() |
Wk #8 | Monday ![]() 1550 Yd | Tuesday ![]() 6.00 Mi ![]() | Wednesday ![]() 20.00 Mi | Thursday ![]() | Friday ![]() 1750 Yd | Saturday ![]() 19.00 Mi ![]() 3.00 Mi | Sunday ![]() 6.00 Mi | Week Total ![]() 3300 Yd ![]() 39.00 Mi ![]() 15.00 Mi ![]() |
Month 2 totals

Wk #9 | Monday | Tuesday ![]() 9.00 Mi ![]() 1500 Yd | Wednesday ![]() 2.00 Mi | Thursday ![]() 6.00 Mi | Friday ![]() 1200 Yd | Saturday | Sunday ![]() ![]() ![]() | Week Total ![]() 3500 Yd ![]() 30.00 Mi ![]() 5.00 Mi |
Month 3 totals

Print Sprint - Balanced Lifestyle - 8 Week Triathlon Training Plan
Why you would want to use this plan
This plan would be used by someone who is time constrained and has very little time to commit to a full bore plan. The workouts are all high quality so if you do miss a workout or two, you aren’t ruining the core of the plan, which is high quality above anything else.
This plan was specifically designed for the triathlete who wants to 'cut back' on the hours training while still being able to be race ready. If you are looking to just cut-back and have fun, spend more time with your family and work on personal growth, this is a perfect plan for you.
Plan prerequisites.
This program should be used for an athlete who is coming off a season where:
You have already completed a sprint or an olympic race
You have a strong swim or run background where you can run up to 4-5 miles and swim for at least 30 minutes.
You have trained for at least 12 weeks prior to starting this program for at least 6 hours per week with the maximum run being around 4-5 miles.
*This is NOT a 'build' plan in that we are not significantly building volume. You do not want to train for your first triathlon on this plan. This plan assumes you have been training at a higher level and you want to cut back.
Plan schedule
The schedule includes 2 workouts per week in each sport including an extra run workout as a brick. This plan has 2 days of strength training and core work too. The maximum trisport volume is around 6 hours per week towards the end of the 8 weeks.
Lifestyle enhancements
Every week in the 'Overall Comments' section of the training plan there are also optional 'lifestyle ideas' to implement to make your life more efficient and fulfilling - Ron is the author of this section. If you need to refocus your life on your family - or just to create more time, these are some great time-saving ideas to use in conjunction with this plan.
Background requirements
You should be able to swim at least 1200 yards in a workout.
You should be able to bike at least 15 miles.
You should be able to run at least 4-5 miles.
These minimums constitute the average distance and times for the first few weeks of workouts.
What to expect, performance-wise, on this plan.
Performance-wise this plan may surprise you with the race results if you go into the races rested – although the lack of volume could be a hindrance. I certainly wouldn’t expect a PR on this plan, nor would I expect to qualify for any special teams or world championships.
In general this plan is about maintaining a level of fitness while you are in a holding pattern, and not about getting faster or going further. For example, if you know work is going to take up the majority of your time over the next 6 weeks and training time is limited, this might be the plan to keep your fitness from going south, but the workouts are short enough that you can get them in while in a time constrained circumstance.
If I had to drop one workout, which one would it be?
If you had to drop that should be the core training and then strength training. The next workout to drop would be a bike. Running is usually the easiest workout to do anywhere, anytime, and swimming is so technique based that I would not drop those two workouts. Swimming even 2x per week will help maintain the technique and although your fitness will not improve, at least you won’t lose your feel for the water. Running is the best exercise you can do to maintain cardiovascular fitness in the least amount of time, and even on two run workouts a week you can maintain a decent fitness base – some of which will translate over to the bike.
After this plan
Once you have completed this cycle of training and you are ready to get back on a more traditional schedule here are your options:
Coming from this Sprint Plan you could move to the Winter 4-7 hour maintenance plan, the Winter 7-10 hour maintenance plan and any of the Beginner Plans. I would not recommend going into the “NO FLUFF” plan, the Adv OLY Plan, or any plan above the OLY distance.
Racing on this plan - optional taper week
Only use days 57-63 as an optional taper week if you are racing. If you don't have a race, use days 1-56 and repeat as needed. You can easily insert the taper week every 3-4 weeks of this plan to race.
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