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Ironman World Championships 70.3 - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

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Clearwater Beach, Florida
United States
World Triathlon Corporation
70F / 21C
Total Time = 4h 17m 5s
Overall Rank = 137/1180
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 16/157
Pre-race routine:

ate bagel with nutella + ensure + 32 oz of Gatorade
20 min before swim I ate one gel, drank red bull and took 2 salt pills
Event warmup:

active stretching and quick 5 min swim
  • 29m 54s
  • 2112 yards
  • 01m 25s / 100 yards

After waiting for 45 min watching the pros, and wave after wave go ahead finally it was our turn and you could tell this was just not another race. There were helicopters flying around, cameras, athletes speaking different languages, lots of spectators cheering very loud, music and big screens showing video of the actual race, and now it was my turn to run and dive into the ocean to begin the whole championship racing experience. I seeded myself at the front right of the pack and as soon as the gun went off I sprinted into the water and started swimming hard to stay with the pack of fast swimmers. The first few hundred meters it was very crowded, something I never experienced before, and I was swimming with guys on my sides, front and back, there was some much contact (kicks, elbows, etc) that I got a smack in the head which made me laugh. I did a good job staying with them during the out part but when we got to the turn around I got stuck with some swimmers doing breast stroke and I lost the pack. Here is where I lost focus a bit and began swimming in cruise mode which is the thing I need to work the most for next season. I get into this easy pace and just cruise along instead of keep on pushing the pace. Plus I had trouble sighting due to the sun coming back and I didn’t swim straight. I lost time on the back and felt short from my 28 min goal by almost two min.
What would you do differently?:

learn how to stay focus and swim at the same intese pace for the entire course!
Transition 1
  • 03m 25s

it was a different experience with the transition bags and hene I had a slow transition but it was fun.
What would you do differently?:

nothing much
  • 2h 16m 18s
  • 56 miles
  • 24.65 mile/hr

Right of the bat we were like 10-15 riding close together just getting out of the race site, over the bridge and away from the city. It was a weird experience at first because if felt like no matter which way I turn I had a tailwind on my back but the wind was helping me to go fast. My silent watts goal for the race was to avg between 80-85% of my power threshold or 210-220 watts which was a major risk cuz 1) I never ridden that hard and 2) my cycling prep for the race wasn’t ideal cuz I just didn’t feel like riding my bike much after Cancun. (I only rode close to 60 miles once!) Anyway, I stuck to 215-220 watts and I was flying avg 24-25mph. The group that form of 10-15 guys we were pushing hard and what I liked about it was that people were riding to the front passing and the people behind were falling back ‘trying’ as much as possible to stay draft legal. Dan caught up with the group (the dude can ride fast!) and we rode on the same group all the way to the U turn. There was some drafting just due to the nature of the race: fast people, portions with one lane and the 30-34AG starting in the 2nd to last wave passing people all day, which due to the narrow lane in some portions it was just hard to avoid. That been said it was YOUR choice whether you wanted to blatantly cheat and suck a wheel all day or make an honest effort to stay 7 mts draft legal. (Which isn’t much and you still get drafting benefits but those are the rules) in the group I rode with Dan there were like 5 -6 of us which were stronger for sure and we kept passing going to the front pushing the pace and the rest were just sitting there enjoying our work but whatever, I was not there to stress about cheaters. I was there to test my limits and attempt finishing the season in the best possible way. Good thing marshals were very eager to break the packs and they handed several penalties to those who just refuse to stay draft legal.The penalty tent I saw was packed with riders and that made me happy. Anyway after the u turn I couldn’t keep up with Dan and the other few riders and I had to drop back. Still these 20 miles we had the best tailwind ever and pushing at my 215-220 watts I was flying at 29 mph and hardly see anyone during this portion beside the people I was passing. Once we began riding back into the city it got a bit dangerous cuz we rode in a one lane closed with cones to the right but still there were cars trying to get into streets on the right or into stores, etc. I rode slower in this portion while passing packs and keeping cautious with drivers. Still I was avg 23-24 mph although by now my power felt to 210 watts cuz I began feeling the legs tired from the early efforts. Once we turn into the long back to the race site we now got the nasty tailwind and I was running out of energy and I barely avg 200 watts for this portion but I was pedaling as hard as I could still my speed drop to like 20 mph. Once we got to the bridge I was very happy to see the crowds (my parents) and to get of that damn bike.
What would you do differently?:

ummm just ride my bike more! I did lots of power threshold training which helped me to cycle strong, I just didn't have the endurance to back up that effort (IOW I didn't do enough long rides)
Transition 2
  • 01m 57s

nothing much. just get used to the transition bags I guess. I love that volunteers rack your bike :)
  • 1h 25m 31s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 06m 32s  min/mile

The crowds were amazing and I felt awesome running in the 1st 3 miles. I avg 5:30 for the 1st mile which scared me cuz I was going way too fast but it felt easy. I slowed down to 6:10s (my goal) and ate/drank at every station. Then around mile 3 it happened: cramping on both quads which somehow I managed to shake it off really fast and kept on moving but it was obvious I cooked my legs riding hard. I knew that holding 6:10s was probably out of reach hence I slowed down to like 6:30s cuz that kept the cramping in check, still I felt my legs like rocks, something I have never felt before. (I battled cramping sensations for the remainder of the run which was tough!) Anyway I focus on getting to the next aid station, which became my only goal; just to make it to the next one. Only two guys passed me from the AG plus a few pros but I just didn’t have anything in my legs to fight back. I was drained, in pain and ready to get done with it. After the 1st loop I saw my family and that gave me new energy… for like ½ a mile :) after that it was a struggle for the next 6 miles and again just focusing on one mile at a time. I looked at my watch and figured if I could sustain 7s min/mile for the last 6 miles I would reach my 4:15 hrs goal so I felt a bit confident I could do that. I kept drinking Gatorade, coke, water and eating a gel per aid station just to keep moving. At mile 9 I looked at my watch again and made some math in my head and realized I was going to be over my goal by like 2 min, f*ck! What the hell happened, I was running 6:30-6:45s, which was better than the 7s I calculated earlier. OMG, I counted 5 miles instead of 6 remaining, I am such and idiot! After cursing at myself for a mile I began laughing and just enjoying the experience once again. I began joking with volunteer and thanking them for the awesome work. (That helped me deal with the pain of my legs) I finally made it over the bridge and with 1 mile to go I began running as fast as I could which in my mind was like 5s min/mile when in reality it was close to 7s lol! I reach the final turn into the finish line and I just smiled, enjoy the moment for a second and sprinted to the finish.
What would you do differently?:

not much. I raced as hard as I could on that day with my given fitness
Post race
Warm down:

lots of hugs with my familiy :) they are the best!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

This was by far my hardest tri-season since I began 2 years ago. Last year I was positive this year will be my breakthrough year and I was going to be VERY competitive and most races I would enter. Well, that didn’t happen at all; last year I lost 3 ½ months of training due to health issue which made me skip Clearwater 06. After I finally was able to train again back in Jan 07 I had to begin from scratch cuz my fitness was gone. By May I was back in shape and feeling motivated again, but at FL 70.3 starting the swim I fractured my tibia and I wasn’t able to run for the next 6 weeks forcing my fitness progress to stop. After recovering from that I was able to do some training but again and I was just able to get some of my running speed back for Timberman 70.3 but in hopes to be competitive I did a bit too much a bit too fast and that resulted on plantar tendonitis. That limited my running/biking for the next 4 weeks which made me compete at Cancun 70.3 with just good enough fitness but not enough to be competitive. After that I finally was able to stay healthy and accomplished 5 weeks of solid training just to get me in decent shape for this race. But I achieved my main goal: to be able race hard without been affraid of blowing up! The good result was just the icing on the cake! I know that with training I will be posting sub 1:20 hrs run and I will be in the competitive mix at this distance but it is time to just SHUT UP and prove it. Hence after a few weeks of rest I will train to run a marathon in Feb/March and after that I will ride my bike until mass azz is permanently sore :)

Event comments:

WTC knows how to deliver world class events for sure. They still have some race bugs to work on but I will be back next year for sure because the race is awesome!

Last updated: 2007-11-12 12:00 AM
00:29:54 | 2112 yards | 01m 25s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/157
Overall: 358/1180
Performance: Average
Start type: Run Plus: Waves
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Average
Waves: Average Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Average
Time: 03:25
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
02:16:18 | 56 miles | 24.65 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/157
Overall: 242/1180
Performance: Good
Course: flat and fast with some hairy sections
Road:   Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:57
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
01:25:31 | 13.1 miles | 06m 32s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/157
Overall: 137/1180
Performance: Good
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2007-11-13 10:15 AM

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Boston, MA
Subject: Ironman World Championships 70.3

2007-11-13 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1050832

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3


I don't have to tell you that you had a great race.  It was fantastic to watch you work.  Hanging out with you was good stuff.  And one day, I would like to "slow" down to 6:30's.  All I saw of you on the run was a the quick pat on my shoulder at mile 2 and then...GONE!

I can't wait to see you crack that 4:15.  It'll be sooner than later my friend.  Great job this weekend!!

2007-11-13 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1050832

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Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
You are my hero.
2007-11-13 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1050832

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
awesome Race Jorge You rock
2007-11-13 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1050832

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Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
Great job, hottie.  Sorry I missed it.
2007-11-13 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1050832

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
Way to push yourself!  Stay healthy and hit next year strong!!!

2007-11-13 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1050832

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Rocky hill, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3


Awesome job!!! With the difficulties you have had this year with injkuries, you did great. Next year will be all the better for you and hopefully me. I got to get that new bike. Anyways great job, I hope that with you coaching me I could be there next year.



2007-11-13 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1050832

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Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
Awesome job Jorge, best of luck with your health this year, I hope it all goes well for you.

2007-11-13 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1050832

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Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3

I am afraid of you. 

Nice work, Jorge.  That's wicked fast. 

2007-11-13 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1050832

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
nice job!!    I was vacationing in St. Petersburg this weekend and was able to make it out there to cheer you guys on.... what an awesome experience it was just being on the sidelines and watching
2007-11-13 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1050832

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Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
That's just sick fast.  Nice race!

2007-11-13 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1050832

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3

Great race! 

The last year hasn't seen you get the best of luck, but you're still racing solid (really, better than "solid" from where I sit ).  Hopefully '08 will treat you better on the luck side and you can see the FULL payoff of your hard work.

Now rest up!!! 

2007-11-13 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1051210

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2007-11-13 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1050832

Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3

Awesome.  Just awesome.  What a way to cap off the year and set yourself up for 2008. 

Honored to have you as my coach... especially in hopes that some of that speed and determination rubs off! 

2007-11-13 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1050832

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3

It's about freakin' time you got this up!

4:17 plus - A frickin' mazing, doot!  My fingers are touching the keyboard which are putting in digital code onto your post which will transfer back to me and allow me to attain some of your speediness.

Great job!

2007-11-13 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1050832

Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
Wow. Helluva race for someone claiming to be undertrained this year! Great job!

2007-11-13 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1050832

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
Great job, Jorge. I hope you decide to do this series again next year. I'll see you in Clearwater 2008!
2007-11-13 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1050832

Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3

Great race Jorge!

Thanks for sharing your day in great detail in your RR!

You have the whole package, talent, dedication to train smart and mental toughness 

2007-11-13 11:28 PM
in reply to: #1050832

Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3

Well done Jorge!!

I hope I get to watch you race sometime.

Have a great off season.

2007-11-14 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1050832

Portland, ME
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3


You had a great race last weekend. It was a pleasure meeting you and chatting about the sport. You are lightning fast and solid in all three events. I look forward to seeing you at RI, Tman and Clearwater next year.


2007-11-14 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1050832

Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
Great job Jorge.  Hope your 2008 season is a healthy one.  Congrats

2007-11-14 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1050832

Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
with 1 mile to go I began running as fast as I could which in my mind was like 5s min/mile when in reality it was close to 7s

lol...We've all been there before...well for me it's 7s and 9s but you get the idea

congrats on a great race and a strong end to your season!
2007-11-14 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1052941

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3


Imagine if you had had a full season of training and not all the bad luck with injuries and food issues!

You're on your way fully back and will continue to kick azz!

2007-11-14 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1050832

Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
Great work Jorge! Now you've really earned a rest; time to enjoy it!
2007-11-14 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1050832

Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman World Championships 70.3
Awesome job out there! Stupid miscalculation- I can't believe you did the same thing! It was awesome meeting you and I'm glad you had such a great race. Next season will be the season of the bike!!
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