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2015-10-26 12:49 PM
in reply to: run4yrlif

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?
Well, Jim - I was just about to put up a poll about where you were. Taken out by a mean blocker perhaps?

Originally posted by run4yrlif

What have I missed?

2015-10-26 9:28 PM
in reply to: #5148628

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Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?
I like questions...

And no blockers took me out. I did take a couple of year break from derby, but I'm kind of back...reffing a game next weekend.
2015-10-27 7:09 AM
in reply to: 0

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?
I've considered reffing but WFTDA has soooo many rules now. Its daunting. Even when I was skating we had as many or more than then NHL. Miss it, and I still have a couple pairs of skates, but Im okay chaperoning for class field trips to the roller rink now. My kiddos have the coolest skates ever with firefly wheels and the whole shebang, and they like it when their friends ask 'your mom was a rollergirl????'

Glad to see you back!

Originally posted by run4yrlif

I like questions...

And no blockers took me out. I did take a couple of year break from derby, but I'm kind of back...reffing a game next weekend.

Edited by autumn 2015-10-27 7:10 AM
2015-10-27 10:15 AM
in reply to: #5136662

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Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?
Eh...the rules aren't that bad. It's mostly stay on the track and don't be an asshole. Everything else is nuance.
2015-10-27 10:49 AM
in reply to: run4yrlif

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?
My right elbow was always my nuanced issue. I do miss it. Maybe after I do my tri comeback I'll consider a derby comeback if I'm not a grandma.
2015-11-17 9:36 AM
in reply to: run4yrlif

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

Long time lurker (since mid-2004 or so), and very infrequent poster, but thought I'd toss my $0.02 in the ring. Back in the day, I read the forums far more often than my employer probably would have liked (if they knew), I posted in some of the main forums occasionally and voraciously read but almost never posted in COJ. I met a lot of people doing challenges, which I thought were always pretty damn awesome. And the race reports still inspire me to *think* about *maybe* doing another triathlon some day.

I haven't visited the forums in a very long time ... in fact, I'm here because I popped onto Ron's log and saw his note about this being an interesting thread. I used to lurk and occasionally post, but then the tone got more contentious than what I wanted to deal with. For the record, I have a VERY thin skin and spent WAY too much time overthinking people's comments, so my leaving is due as much to my personality as anything.

And while I haven't done triathlons in a number of years (and, in fact, am not even all that active anymore), I stay here because I like the small community of friends that I met way back in the beginning (most of whom are friends IRL because of BT).  Currently, I log/blog here (because I love the history that I have), and I visit friend's logs and inspire. I have about a dozen friends who are still active and that's kept me here long after I thought a triathlon site was relevant to my life.

I'll say that I'm in favor of the mentor groups as they were originally created -- for someone experienced to help out new people or people getting back into the sport. As a shy, thin-skinned person, I appreciated having a small group of people (which is much less intimidating to me) to bounce ideas/random thoughts off of -- it was just more friendly and I didn't worry about responses that hurt my feelings (again - very thin-skinned!). And it felt a little more like the BT of yore, when it was a much smaller community and most people knew each other.

The mentor groups now -- which feel a lot more cliquish -- don't float my boat much. Perhaps create mentor groups and force different memberships by randomly assigning instead of allowing people to join whichever one they want?

I'm in the minority that don't feel like the site upgrade had much to do with me leaving the forums. While there are things I'd change about the new look and feel, overall I still think it's quite usable. I think that some of it is just the Circle of (Tri) Life kind of thing ... people come and go due to things beyond BT's control. 

I don't know if I have any good ideas on how to revive the forums, but figured I'd add something to the conversation about why I left. An n=1 anecdote. 

2015-11-17 8:59 PM
in reply to: StartingToTri

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

I'm still here...I've got close to 11 years worth of training logs here, it's not like I feel like changing now.   With that said.  I'm done with triathlons.  And I think that may be part of it for a lot of people.  Once you've stormed that beach, climbed that mountain it's hard to keep coming back.  I really lost my mojo in around 2010.  I've rediscovered it now with trail running so I'm back at it in some form or the other.


We just need to figure out how to get Trixie back....that will fix everything

2015-11-22 11:23 AM
in reply to: bsjracing

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Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

Interesting thread. I just finished reading all of it and am on my third cup of coffee. Before i go to the bathroom; i thought i would post how i feel. Honestly, many good points were raised and likely contributed to the slowdown in posts on BT.  I know i come back every few weeks to check out what's going on. I always check on some friends and see if they have been around. When i see they haven't; it does feel empty. 

Now, should i go out an make new friends? Is that too much work? Take too much time? Perhaps, perhaps not. What i can say is that the value of BT for me is/was the connection to several friends online. People i messaged frequently for advice or just connect with on a daily or certainly weekly basis. Running across these and other people in posts was what drew me to the threads.  That connection is now much, much thinner (or nonexistent). 

The draw of the training logs is gone for me. Garmin connect to Strava or TP is much easier. I am on ST every day. I don't post much; but read a lot. I have no "friends" on ST and don't really care. It's not that kind of site. Where have people gone? Well, most of my connections to my BT friends are on FB. The FB app. is much easier to use to message someone than dragging out my laptop and coming on to BT. Plus when they post pictures, i can see what they are up to or traveling, etc. So, i think that some people have moved on from triathlon while others have found a different medium to connect with. Perhaps it is an easier medium to navigate or more private or whatever; but BT is no longer that medium.  

So maybe the focus of those relationships isn't triathlon.  Triathlon introduced me to many of these people; but our relationships have grown and now triathlon isn't the driver?!?! So, the need to connect on BT isn't as strong. Anyway, i guess my point in my ramble is that I need to spend more time here and seek out new relationships. Perhaps mentor some newbies. Add where i can, learn what i don't know. Be part of the community again. Not focus on the "glory days" as that is a lot like going back to a high school reunion or college homecoming. Its not the same. People are not the same. Hell, I am not the same. So, perhaps Ron will make some changes to the medium and that might improve things; but ultimately, we either re-commit to making it better or sign off for good. I'll be back. 

...now off to the bathroom.


2016-04-03 6:42 PM
in reply to: Buckshot

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Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

BT is a phenomenal site and the message boards really helped me when I was a newbie at triathlon, 8 long years ago.  I used to post regularly cause I had "time" -- my children were very young, I worked from home, life was full of more time.  Now my kids are older and sport practices and games dominate my time, and I have a different job where I travel lots.  So I suspect for many other BT'ers no longer posting, life changes influenced their time for BT as well.   

2016-04-07 6:37 PM
in reply to: Dream Chaser

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the desert
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

Originally posted by Dream Chaser

BT is a phenomenal site and the message boards really helped me when I was a newbie at triathlon, 8 long years ago.  I used to post regularly cause I had "time" -- my children were very young, I worked from home, life was full of more time.  Now my kids are older and sport practices and games dominate my time, and I have a different job where I travel lots.  So I suspect for many other BT'ers no longer posting, life changes influenced their time for BT as well.   

same here... joined 9+ years ago- - used to post regularly and the Arizona forum was really active. Connected with a lot of people through BT, but only a handful of those are still active in the sport and maybe 3 still come to BT. We're friends on other social networks (FB, IG, etc), so I am still in touch with them. I wasn't on any other social networks when I joined BT.

I still use the Training Logs (as well as Strava) because all of my history is on the site.

2016-06-01 5:09 AM
in reply to: Fitzy

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2016-06-01 8:38 AM
in reply to: chr15

Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

I'm still around, though not posting anywhere near as much. Still using the logs (the main reason I'm here).

2016-06-06 4:42 PM
in reply to: skipg

Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?
I'm still here. My triathlon activity sort of peaked in '08 and '09, then tapered off over several years. I haven't quit training, or logging, since then but it was pretty sparse for a few years. I never did spend a lot of time on the forums. For several months now I've been working on rebuilding some of that fitness again. It's tougher to rebuild as you get older! Better not to let it slide too much but that ship has sailed. A challenge helps keep it interesting anyway.
2016-06-07 11:18 AM
in reply to: Micawber

Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

I don't even remember the last time I looked at the forums.  There are still a few of us old timers still at it but most of my tri friends don't tri anymore.  They found other interests etc

2016-06-12 11:55 AM
in reply to: Socks

Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

I miss BT 

BT, specifically the people of BT helped me so much when I was just starting - 2006.  So much great advice, but also other viewpoints from which to choose.  Additionally there was the community.   Thank you all for helping me get into this sport and know what to do.

My first IM was incredible being part of the BT community.  It was like having your own team there.  There were people that I had trained with (virtually) for a year, and I got to meet them in person.  The support was incredible and I really miss it.

As time went on I learned the lessons and was one to reply to the new folks 'same questions.'

Sadly for me it was the redesign that put a huge damper on the social aspect of BT.  at the same time FB was becoming the social site.  The last two IM's I went to there was no real visible BT presence, no one really posting on the forum.  But accidentally I found out about the FB group for the race.  Sadly that's where the social part seems to be happening.  It's too bad really FB is not nearly as good a place to discuss technical issues, or to give advice about training.

I still come here to post my work outs and keep track of all that.  I miss the social interaction.  I could post stuff here for Triathlete friends that I don't think are necessarily for everybody on FB.

2016-06-16 1:04 PM
in reply to: jashac

Sin City
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

I hate to say it.  I'm probably much better for it.  I think getting away from BT (the forum part that is) and ALL social media made life less stressful.  I think the latter part of my BT life online was constant arguments or defending statements or even in a clique "war".  I didn't realize it at the time, but now that it's gone, just one less source of stress (any really, probably my ONLY source of social stress).

Same reason I don't respond to ridiculous FB posts or arguments anymore either.  Not worth the effort/stress.  I leave political and social debates to face to face conversations OR at least limit it to closer friends that will have a civilized conversation and not just troll or say things to get under my skin.

I still use BT for training plans.  Still some of the best out there.  Switched to polar connect for logging though since I switched to polar products and the last I checked, the data transfer from my polar to BT was not nearly as slick as Garmin to BT.  It was very limited.

2016-06-20 3:53 AM
in reply to: Kido

Subject: ...
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2016-06-24 5:29 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

Originally posted by TriMyBest

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by dmiller5

The banning of Bryan especially ended up being a big deal to me....started to lose interest in serious conversations to some extent when he was booted.  Guy was a wealth of information.

Can't remember why he left but Tom Demerly is sorely missed too.  I still get to see his cats on facebook every day though.  lol

The growth of other outlets has gotten a lot more.  There's a local Tri group on on Facebook that has exploded over the years, so most of the beginner type questions that would have normally come to a place like BT are being answered by local people who you can go hang out and train with.

Tom left because he got a new job that didn't require him to be active in the forums...he was great to have around, but his motives were definitely for himself/his work

^^^This^^^  IMO, Tom didn't always provide the best advice.  Frequently it was biased based on what he was selling at the time.


Was scrolling through this old thread, and damn, didn't you turn out to be right based on a recent column of his!

Edited by ChrisM 2016-06-24 5:29 PM
2016-10-06 9:18 AM
in reply to: ChrisM

Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

Just wanted to do a drive by hi!  I really miss this community.  Facebook pretty much took over. 

2016-10-06 12:47 PM
in reply to: turtlegirl

, California
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

Originally posted by turtlegirl

Just wanted to do a drive by hi!  I really miss this community.  Facebook pretty much took over. 

You should check your inspires sometime

2016-10-07 12:58 AM
in reply to: spudone

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by turtlegirl

Just wanted to do a drive by hi!  I really miss this community.  Facebook pretty much took over. 

You should check your inspires sometime

Spud Muffin! We still have a date at IMNZ?

2016-10-07 11:30 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

, California
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by turtlegirl

Just wanted to do a drive by hi!  I really miss this community.  Facebook pretty much took over. 

You should check your inspires sometime

Spud Muffin! We still have a date at IMNZ?

I'm still working on details but I do not plan on wasting my race entry!

2016-10-13 11:43 AM
in reply to: spudone

Tyrone, Georgia
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?
I think people and priorities change which leads to decreased participation. I have only been around for about 6 years on here but love the training log exclusive of any redesign issues.

However, I do miss BryanCD.
2016-10-15 8:43 PM
in reply to: dandr614

Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?
The answer is clear: more poetry, more peanut butter.
2016-10-24 6:09 PM
in reply to: #5136662

Subject: RE: Where did all the BTers go?
And cowbell
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