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XC #3 6K - Run

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Seattle, Washington
United States
48F / 9C
Total Time = 23m 59s
Overall Rank = 34/100
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Event warmup:

This was my third race in 8 days. I felt ready to race but managing the balance of racing frequently, training enough but not over-training was a tough task.

Woodland Park! I have heard people talk about the difficulty of this course many, many times. People saying things like “Oh don’t even look at your time at WP. It’s a very slow course.” And it is. It’s a 2K loops of ups and downs. Literally, there are no flat sections. The nice thing being, that you get 3 chances to get that 2K loop right.

I arrived at the park about an hour early. They were still measuring the course and putting up markers as I jogged to the area we were supposed to meet. I met up with my teammates and then we took off for our warm-up. This was our first “regular” season “home” meet so our team was STACKED. 2 of the local pro women were there, running for us, and a whole bunch of others. I think we probably had 15 women or so? Anyway, we warmed up for a bit and then headed back to put on our race shoes.
  • 23m 59s
  • 3.73 miles
  • 06m 26s  min/mile

I was totally undecided on which shoes to wear. It hadn't been raining so there wasn’t much mud or standing water, but there was a lot of dew in the grass and very sketchy terrain. I put on my racing flats to see how they felt in the grass. It was a little slick, but I decided on the flats due to a concrete road crossing (where spikes are like nails on a chalkboard.)
We headed up the hill to the start and lined up in the starting box. Our coach came by and gave us a little talk and then it was time to get ready. We were told to stay still until the gun.
BANG! And we were off. The start was down a lonnnng grassy hill (you can kind of see this in the first picture where we are emerging from the fog.) It was crazy slippery in addition to the usual crazy XC start. I played it safe here and just stayed consistent as the trail narrowed and then turned into single track along a ridge. This was super sketchy. There were tons of roots and the trail was really rutted. That in combination with the inability to see ahead of you very well because of all the competitors made it very technical.
My plan was simply to go out conservative, attack the hills, recover on the down hills and attempt to close any gaps that happen on the “flats” (that didn’t really exist.)
I got boxed in for the first half of the first loop. Also, the insole of my shoe was starting to come loose and creep out the back of my shoe. Literally every step I took, the insole would creep. At first I panicked and tried to surge on the sides of the trails but then I came to my senses and opted to sit tight and be patient. Finally, things started breaking up a bit and I passed one of my teammates. She is faster than me, so it had me a little concerned passing her so early. But I was in a rhythm so I just went with it. I surged on every single hill and recovered on the downhills. I had previously though myself as a reasonable good downhill runner, but I was definitely a little slow here. I didn’t try to fix that though. What I was doing seemed to be working.
I passed my coach and he gave me some words of encouragement. Basically told me I looked nice and relaxed. We surged into the last hill on the first loop and I passed another teammate. She tried to hang on for a minute but the surge happened on a long grinding uphill and she dropped off. Insole creep status: halfway out of shoe

I was feeling pretty good but just kept checking myself. I could see another teammate in the distance and was slowly gaining on her. This was someone that is HANDS DOWN WAY faster than I, I am talking she runs about 5+ VDOTs ahead of me in our team practices. That is the funny thing about XC. Fast is certainly a component, but so is strong. The two are distinctly different. I kept the rhythm, surge, recover, surge recover then eventually passed my teammate at the close of the second loop.
I was struggling at this point. “One more loop, one more loop…” I kept telling myself. I passed one more teammate. And although my confidence was high, I was terrified. I didn’t want to look back. I was in denial that I could pass these women that are so much better than me. I ran, literally, like someone was chasing me. I continued to attack the uphills but the recovery didn’t ever seem to be enough on the downhills. I was gasping for breath. My mouth was salivating like crazy. I zoned out for just a moment. Telling myself it was alright to relax a bit but quickly snapped out of it and pressed on. At this point my insole was almost all of the way out of my shoe, I could not only feel it flapping around but because my shoes were only 2,8 ounces WITH the insoles, I could feel every little variation in the terrain. “Just a little bit further. Hang on hang on.” I had to keep telling myself. I rounded a sharp corner with about 400 M to go before the finish. A teammate who wasn’t racing screamed, “GO GO GO GO GO NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO RELAX. FINISH THIS RACE!!!” So I gave it my all up the hill. Now the finishing shoot was approaching. About 100 M left and about 15 meters ahead of me was another girl (A DIV I collegiate I might add.) Someone in the crowd yelled, “You are a scoring runner. BEAT HER!!!” (In XC scoring is determined by summing the finishing places. So, literally every place matters.)
I don’t know where this came from, or why some random person in the crowd was able to bring it out in me but I dug deeper than I ever thought possible. I ran so hard. My eyes were closed, I am pretty sure drool was spewing out of my mouth and my arms were pumping but I beat that girl over the finish line. By .5 seconds officially. (also, my insole was still hanging on by a thread haha!)

I got a 1 second PR at the distance. That doesn't really tell any of the story, but it means at least something.

We have 2 more races and so long as I don't screw it up, I may make the elite team for Nationals. It's best 3 our of 4 and I have already scored well enough for the A team in the last 2 races. One more!!!!

What would you do differently?:

Get faster

More Experience

3 races, 8 days :)

Post race
Warm down:

Cooled down with teammates and then headed over to watch the men's race

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Continue to build strength

Get faster

Also,I need to figure out how to channel that competitive spirit that I got at the end of that race on a regular basis

Profile Album

Last updated: 2013-10-08 12:00 AM
00:23:59 | 03.73 miles | 06m 26s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/100
Performance: Good
Course: 3 Rolling 2K loops through Woodland Park
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2013-10-21 11:59 AM

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Subject: XC #3 6K

2013-10-21 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4881234

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Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Oh my gosh, what a nail-biter!!  The suspense was intense, you are quite the RR writer, Salty!  Glad to see your team wears orange, your fav color.  Or is that the only reason you agreed to race with them, LOL? 

Wow, a 1 second PR on a tough, hilly course - you continue to awe me.  Big congrats!

2013-10-21 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4881234

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New York
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Wow! Amazing race, really great RR -- I felt like I was there with you!

SO impressed with your results.

And good luck on your next 18 races in 5 days. Can't wait to read all about 'em!

2013-10-21 1:08 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Wow!  Excellent race!  I am so impressed!

2013-10-21 1:15 PM
in reply to: swishyskirt

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Simply WOW.  

No other words.  You know how to dig in and push to the limits every stinking time.  


Congratulations on another FANTASTIC race effort!

2013-10-21 1:32 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Originally posted by melbo55

Oh my gosh, what a nail-biter!!  The suspense was intense, you are quite the RR writer, Salty!  Glad to see your team wears orange, your fav color.  Or is that the only reason you agreed to race with them, LOL? 

Wow, a 1 second PR on a tough, hilly course - you continue to awe me.  Big congrats!

Funny you mention that. Before I knew any better, I simply picked this club because of the orange and blue color scheme. I literally had no idea that it was the best club on the west coast. LOL!

2013-10-21 2:12 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: XC #3 6K
Super race, a PR, and possible national team all done with your insole creeping out! Great stuff !
2013-10-21 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4881234

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Yowza, that is one awesome race! Great job on another PR and keep pushing, you have Nats in your sights,.

2013-10-21 3:51 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

I absolutely love it! That picture of you all coming out of the fog is fantastic. Congratulations on a great race.

2013-10-21 5:13 PM
in reply to: KansasMom

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Epic race report, and a whole lotta HTFU.

2013-10-21 5:37 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Epic race report, and a whole lotta HTFU.

What  Mike said.

The insole thing was seriously making me want to crawl outta my skin the entire RR read.  How in the world you were able to run fast and block that out is completely awesome.  I am so freakin nudgy about stuff like that, I don't think I could have done it--but you did have a heard behind you, I guess :)

Salty, you are having an INCREDIBLE season.  This race makes me smile for so many reasons:

1) again, the insole thing

2) believing--because you've now experienced it--that you can race and beat these "faster" teammates

3) pushing hard enough at the end of a race to have tunnel vision and drool to beat the D1 racer, priceless.

Outfreakinstanding. xo.


2013-10-21 7:03 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Epic race report, and a whole lotta HTFU.

+2. LOVE this RR! WTG!
2013-10-21 7:41 PM
in reply to: switch

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K
Pure. Awesomeness.
2013-10-22 8:50 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K
Outstanding race and superb effort!

Stop believing that others are faster than you because they are '5 vdots higher'. You have not realized your potential and if you continue to listen to voices in your head keeping you down you will not reach as high as you can.

Go out and give MAX effort, just like this one and you will become one of the fastest on the team.
2013-10-22 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4881234

Northern IL
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Nice going!

2013-10-22 11:20 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Dude - you faching ROCKED this!!  

I love that you're having so much fun with these races too - I can't wait to see what's next, though maybe make sure the insoles are going to stay in one place for the next one?  Just a suggestion.    

2013-10-22 11:20 AM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Epic race report, and a whole lotta HTFU.

What  Mike said.

The insole thing was seriously making me want to crawl outta my skin the entire RR read.  How in the world you were able to run fast and block that out is completely awesome.  I am so freakin nudgy about stuff like that, I don't think I could have done it--but you did have a heard behind you, I guess

Salty, you are having an INCREDIBLE season.  This race makes me smile for so many reasons:

1) again, the insole thing

2) believing--because you've now experienced it--that you can race and beat these "faster" teammates

3) pushing hard enough at the end of a race to have tunnel vision and drool to beat the D1 racer, priceless.

Outfreakinstanding. xo.


Yeah ... Hmmm normally the insole thing would have driven me up the wall but these races take SERIOUS focus. Also, as you mentioned, the whole 50 women behind me in 3/8" spikes

Thank you for the encouragement. And being interested in my progress. It means a lot.

2013-10-22 11:22 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Originally posted by dtoce Outstanding race and superb effort! Stop believing that others are faster than you because they are '5 vdots higher'. You have not realized your potential and if you continue to listen to voices in your head keeping you down you will not reach as high as you can. Go out and give MAX effort, just like this one and you will become one of the fastest on the team.

I REALLY appreciate this advice, Dale. 

I do think I need to start coming to the line with more confidence. Perhaps a fake it till ya make it approach

2013-10-22 11:32 AM
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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K
I do think I need to start coming to the line with more confidence. Perhaps a fake it till ya make it approach

It doesn't mean go out and blast at a pace you cannot carry, but get the negative self talk/doubt out of your head. You are an excellent runner and you race very well. I've seen good decision making and pressing the pace at the correct time...leaving it all out there on the course at the end..all very good traits of yours...(and it's ok to recover but you'll find that just by going downhill you'll recover, so don't let up too much on the downhills)

So next race, bring that confidence with ya', ok?

How do they decide on numbers for the race? I saw the photo and I'm curious how you all pick your numbers, or are they given out by the coach?

Edited by dtoce 2013-10-22 11:35 AM
2013-10-22 11:42 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Originally posted by dtoce
I do think I need to start coming to the line with more confidence. Perhaps a fake it till ya make it approach
It doesn't mean go out and blast at a pace you cannot carry, but get the negative self talk/doubt out of your head. You are an excellent runner and you race very well. I've seen good decision making and pressing the pace at the correct time...leaving it all out there on the course at the end..all very good traits of yours...(and it's ok to recover but you'll find that just by going downhill you'll recover, so don't let up too much on the downhills) So next race, bring that confidence with ya', ok? How do they decide on numbers for the race? I saw the photo and I'm curious how you all pick your numbers, or are they given out by the coach?

Yeah, I hear what you are saying. I think just having that confidence would eliminate those slight hesitations and take one thing off of my "mental" plate.

The numbers are just random registration order of our team. There is definitely no pecking order here.

2013-10-22 11:45 AM
in reply to: 0

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K
The numbers are just random registration order of our team. There is definitely no pecking order here.


I think you have a 5K coming up, if that's still on your schedule from before, so as Mr T predicted... 'Pain' coming...along with the sub20 time.
If you go by your vdot and equivalent race, You should be close to 19Minutes in the 5K for your 52vdot (at 5/10K for you-and upgrade that soft 1 mile race of yours when you get a chance)

Set your goal for a sub23:30 next 6K XC. Believe it and go out and do it. You are capable.

A great 6K race this time, girl! It's fun for all of us living vicariously through you. (I used to have a 50+ vdot long ago...)

Edited by dtoce 2013-10-22 12:09 PM

2013-10-22 12:14 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K
That's just flippin' awesome Adrienne! I'm glad you didn't end up a "lost sole" out there......Way to dig in deep at the end :P Making nationals sounds exciting, so hope you make it. It sounds like you are having lots of fun racing and isn't that what it's all about!!!!
2013-10-22 1:24 PM
in reply to: 0

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Man, you are such a freakin' bad azz.  Seriously.  That is all.

Oops...edited to replace the ss with zz 

Edited by noelle1230 2013-10-22 1:24 PM
2013-10-22 2:01 PM
in reply to: noelle1230

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Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

I cannot add anything to what has already been said.  Except that it seems to me someone once said to me "Don't arbitrarily limit yourself".  You are amazing--believe it.

2013-10-23 12:00 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: XC #3 6K

Originally posted by dtoce
The numbers are just random registration order of our team. There is definitely no pecking order here.
cool I think you have a 5K coming up, if that's still on your schedule from before, so as Mr T predicted... 'Pain' coming...along with the sub20 time. If you go by your vdot and equivalent race, You should be close to 19Minutes in the 5K for your 52vdot (at 5/10K for you-and upgrade that soft 1 mile race of yours when you get a chance) Set your goal for a sub23:30 next 6K XC. Believe it and go out and do it. You are capable. A great 6K race this time, girl! It's fun for all of us living vicariously through you. (I used to have a 50+ vdot long ago...)

What one mile race? You aren't talking about my milk mile are you? Because that is just not fair!

I will do a standalone mile some time for sure though. I've never done it and I am very curious. Also a good standalone 10K would be nice as well.

As far as time goals for cross country I hesitate. They are already pretty slow, and then you have to take into account the WIDE variety in course difficulty.  But I am running a very similar course in a week and a half, so I suppose I could have a "soft" goal of 23:30

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General Discussion Race Reports! » XC #3 6K Rss Feed  
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