BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work) Rss Feed  
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2014-02-25 9:18 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)
Originally posted by StaceyK

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Hey all!

Work has kept me pretty busy lately and pretty cranky.
Oh good it's not just me. Sorry I know that doesn't sound nice but I feel better that I'm not the only one. My boss actually said to me a week or so ago "is everything ok you have been very grumpy lately, I've been scared you are gonna snap my head off."

I managed to bite my tongue and say "yep, Phil's not well and just really busy and tired" I wanted to add and sick of doing your job and our accounts clerk's who has just left and want to JUST DO MY OWN but I didn't.

All I can say is bring on 4 weeks of leave when the puppies arrive in a week and a half. I'm looking forward to it.

Misery loves company!!

I was told I'm "intimidating" at work. LOL!

2014-02-25 9:38 AM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Been working with a chiropractor on my knee.  IT band, apparently.  I did a session on Friday and one today.  She told me to do a short test run this evening to see how the progress was going.

I ran a mile without hurting!!  Fantastic!  There's still hope for the HM in April!

After she cleans up the ITBS, she's going to do some work on the PF as well.

If this keeps up, I should get her flowers or something.

Glad to hear you found someone who can help and that you are making progress!  Yay!  Keep up the good work.

2014-02-25 9:43 AM
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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by rrrunner Well I survived having my wisdom teeth removed this morning. Feeling pretty good (with the assistance of meds)So we are nascar fans and yesterday was the Daytona 500. Yesterday they played this cool commercial. Jimmie Johnson, the driver of the Lowes 48 is DHs favorite driver and he and my driver (not inthe commercial) both did a HM in daytona within the last week or so. Jimmie also does triathlons. I love thatseveral of the focus on their physical health and I think it shows in their driving performance.

That was a very cool commercial.  We used to be steady NASCAR fans in the past, going to a few races a year but interest has waned and our race attendance has fallen to one a year.  It's cool to see the young guys focusing on physical strength and endurance.  If I recall correctly, the only 'older' racer that had a publicized workout regimen (that would rival that of these guys) was Mark Martin.  He was one lean, mean machine who unfortunately never had a ride or a season that could get him a championship, but many times the bridesmaid.

Edited by melbo55 2014-02-25 9:43 AM
2014-02-25 10:58 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by rrrunner Well I survived having my wisdom teeth removed this morning. Feeling pretty good (with the assistance of meds)So we are nascar fans and yesterday was the Daytona 500. Yesterday they played this cool commercial. Jimmie Johnson, the driver of the Lowes 48 is DHs favorite driver and he and my driver (not inthe commercial) both did a HM in daytona within the last week or so. Jimmie also does triathlons. I love thatseveral of the focus on their physical health and I think it shows in their driving performance.

That was a very cool commercial.  We used to be steady NASCAR fans in the past, going to a few races a year but interest has waned and our race attendance has fallen to one a year.  It's cool to see the young guys focusing on physical strength and endurance.  If I recall correctly, the only 'older' racer that had a publicized workout regimen (that would rival that of these guys) was Mark Martin.  He was one lean, mean machine who unfortunately never had a ride or a season that could get him a championship, but many times the bridesmaid.

TJ, that's pretty cool.

My brothers are both big into NASCAR, I really don't care for it....but I was pretty impressed when they informed me how all of the drivers and pit crew work out with trainers to keep in shape and sharp.  While driving in circles is not appealing to me....the fact that they have to work so hard to keep in prime shape t respond well in the setting/ react quickly in the pit  etcetera has elevated it to a higher level in my book.  Driving is still not a sport to me, but their training is no joke.

2014-02-25 2:20 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Kate - Good luck with the job situation!  We are pulling for you!

Jen - There's a great job waiting for you.  I'm sure of it!  Hope the endocronology appointment goes well.  Glad that it's finally coming up!  Good news about the shin splints as well.

Chris - Nice fixie!  (BTW, I asked the CBC crew and no one heard anything about the place in Asheville.)

Salty - Nice job on the 15k.  First place!  Woo hoo! It sounds fun!  "A touch" of snow can be pretty!

Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Matt - Welcome back!  It sounds like you had a nice vacation!

Lynne - Great fundraising swim!  How did you like doing it in an Endless Pool?  I'm sure that the interview was great.

Randee - Sorry about work.  Four letter word and all that :-/

TJ - I hope that wisdom tooth removal recovery is going well. When I had mine out, I had way too much strawberry banana jello.  I could not eat strawberry banana anything for years after that!  Don't do that!

Stacey - Sorry that Phil is still unwell.  {{hugs}}

Tom - Glad that the problem was identified and is being treated.  Two words:  Foam Roller.

David - I hope that you get your house back soon.  (Dear David's in-laws:  At least

2014-02-25 2:28 PM
in reply to: TriAya

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Swimming in an endless pool was amazing. Took a wee bit getting used to but once I did it was great.

I accepted the job offer i got from the family I interviewed with on Sunday! Really big pay rise and healthcare so I'm verra happy. Now I can get my Honda Fit and maybe a new road bike.   :D

2014-02-25 2:29 PM
in reply to: Triathlynne

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by Triathlynne

Swimming in an endless pool was amazing. Took a wee bit getting used to but once I did it was great.

I accepted the job offer i got from the family I interviewed with on Sunday! Really big pay rise and healthcare so I'm verra happy. Now I can get my Honda Fit and maybe a new road bike.   :D


I love my Fit!  Oh, and the bike fits in the back just fine ;-

2014-02-25 2:33 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

As you know, we had some snow here a while back.  On my way in to work the first day that school was back in session, I stopped to get coffee.  The person in front of me was talking to another patron.  He said how pleased he was with his car and how it handled in the snow.  He then said that his car has a "snow" button to change some settings to make it handle better in snow.  He barely missed any work and he credits his snow setting for getting him around in the 3-inches of snow that we had (this was our first of two snow storms).

I drove my Honda Fit in the snow.  I do not have a snow setting.  I did not miss any time.  OK, I arrived late the day that Starbucks was closed because I had to go somewhere else or forego my morning brew (nah, not gonna do that).

2014-02-25 2:34 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Triathlynne

Swimming in an endless pool was amazing. Took a wee bit getting used to but once I did it was great.

I accepted the job offer i got from the family I interviewed with on Sunday! Really big pay rise and healthcare so I'm verra happy. Now I can get my Honda Fit and maybe a new road bike.   :D


I love my Fit!  Oh, and the bike fits in the back just fine ;-


Yes! It's seriously the best car for my fit. I went to the dealer and took the one they had there apart lol  It was fun.  Comfy too. 

2014-02-25 3:07 PM
in reply to: Triathlynne

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)
Originally posted by Triathlynne

Swimming in an endless pool was amazing. Took a wee bit getting used to but once I did it was great.

I accepted the job offer i got from the family I interviewed with on Sunday! Really big pay rise and healthcare so I'm verra happy. Now I can get my Honda Fit and maybe a new road bike.   :D

2014-02-25 3:17 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by amd723
Originally posted by Triathlynne

Swimming in an endless pool was amazing. Took a wee bit getting used to but once I did it was great.

I accepted the job offer i got from the family I interviewed with on Sunday! Really big pay rise and healthcare so I'm verra happy. Now I can get my Honda Fit and maybe a new road bike.   :D



2014-02-25 3:18 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)
br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

Edited by amd723 2014-02-25 3:18 PM
2014-02-25 3:32 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

2014-02-25 5:23 PM
in reply to: 0

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)
Originally posted by copa2251

Just checking in, life is a bit hectic at the moment. My in-laws are STILL staying with us, they never seem to go to bed and just sit up watching TV while dozing or snoring on the lounge. I want my house back!

I had another flat this morning and haven't had time to get some new tubes so I had to walk back, luckily I'd only gone 10 mins. I need to buy a new set of Conti GP4000's ASAP.

I've also started up a new part of the business last week which was pushed on me a bit, I'm not sure if I like it yet but possibly the hours will be better so we'll see. I'll catch on the posts tomorrow.
good to see you David, it sounds like the "flat out at work" thing has kicked in for lots of us over the last week or so.

I just checked torpedo7 cause they often have their Contis on sale for like $40 each, but alas not this week. But Wiggle do shame about the freight though.

Oh and you need a pack of Mastiffs because they are great for deterring house guests, most people will stay a night or 2 at the most and then go it's great

Edited by StaceyK 2014-02-25 5:25 PM
2014-02-25 6:35 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

First of all, HAHAHAHAHA

Second, for a long time I thought masters meant some sort of high level skills as well. I also find it confusing that it's called masters swimming.

2014-02-25 6:39 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

On the topic of being old.....

First I had the swim official calling me "son". I didn't think much of it, but you guys made me very conscious.

I am in Florida. All the waitresses, that are probably 20 years younger than me, use the term "hun", over and over.

Maybe I am not used to English speaking waitresses, maybe it's an American thing, but is that normal ?

2014-02-25 7:10 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

On the topic of being old..... First I had the swim official calling me "son". I didn't think much of it, but you guys made me very conscious. I am in Florida. All the waitresses, that are probably 20 years younger than me, use the term "hun", over and over. Maybe I am not used to English speaking waitresses, maybe it's an American thing, but is that normal ?

It is fairly common for waitresses to call customers "hon".  I think you see it more in diner type of places and maybe more in the south. It is not an age thing.  So, how are you enjoying Clermont?

2014-02-25 7:11 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

First of all, HAHAHAHAHA

Second, for a long time I thought masters meant some sort of high level skills as well. I also find it confusing that it's called masters swimming.

i don't get the masters swim thing either.

2014-02-25 7:22 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

On the topic of being old..... First I had the swim official calling me "son". I didn't think much of it, but you guys made me very conscious. I am in Florida. All the waitresses, that are probably 20 years younger than me, use the term "hun", over and over. Maybe I am not used to English speaking waitresses, maybe it's an American thing, but is that normal ?

It is fairly common for waitresses to call customers "hon".  I think you see it more in diner type of places and maybe more in the south. It is not an age thing.  So, how are you enjoying Clermont?

It's a southern thing. As long as they don't say "Bless Your Heart" you are fine. That is southern for "you are an idiot". 

2014-02-26 5:14 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)
Originally posted by amd723
So, how are you enjoying Clermont?

It's great. I have been S/B/Ring a lot.

Weather has been a little unpredictable but I only got caught in the rain once.

Drivers here are just plain scary.
2014-02-26 6:33 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by amd723 So, how are you enjoying Clermont?
It's great. I have been S/B/Ring a lot. Weather has been a little unpredictable but I only got caught in the rain once. Drivers here are just plain scary.

This is supposed to be our dry season, but while the rest of the country has been getting snow, we've gotten the rain.  I hate it!  Florida attracts the worse drivers from all nationalities.  We're special that way   Stay safe.

2014-02-26 6:35 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

On the topic of being old..... First I had the swim official calling me "son". I didn't think much of it, but you guys made me very conscious. I am in Florida. All the waitresses, that are probably 20 years younger than me, use the term "hun", over and over. Maybe I am not used to English speaking waitresses, maybe it's an American thing, but is that normal ?

It is fairly common for waitresses to call customers "hon".  I think you see it more in diner type of places and maybe more in the south. It is not an age thing.  So, how are you enjoying Clermont?

It's a southern thing. As long as they don't say "Bless Your Heart" you are fine. That is southern for "you are an idiot". 

Ha, ha!  That's so true - having someone  bless your heart is not a compliment!

2014-02-26 6:46 AM
in reply to: amd723

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

On the topic of being old..... First I had the swim official calling me "son". I didn't think much of it, but you guys made me very conscious. I am in Florida. All the waitresses, that are probably 20 years younger than me, use the term "hun", over and over. Maybe I am not used to English speaking waitresses, maybe it's an American thing, but is that normal ?

It is fairly common for waitresses to call customers "hon".  I think you see it more in diner type of places and maybe more in the south. It is not an age thing.  So, how are you enjoying Clermont?

It's a southern thing. As long as they don't say "Bless Your Heart" you are fine. That is southern for "you are an idiot". 

Ha, ha!  That's so true - having someone  bless your heart is not a compliment!

Nope, "Bless your heart" means you are Effing batshyte crazy

2014-02-26 9:02 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by QueenZipp

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

On the topic of being old..... First I had the swim official calling me "son". I didn't think much of it, but you guys made me very conscious. I am in Florida. All the waitresses, that are probably 20 years younger than me, use the term "hun", over and over. Maybe I am not used to English speaking waitresses, maybe it's an American thing, but is that normal ?

It is fairly common for waitresses to call customers "hon".  I think you see it more in diner type of places and maybe more in the south. It is not an age thing.  So, how are you enjoying Clermont?

It's a southern thing. As long as they don't say "Bless Your Heart" you are fine. That is southern for "you are an idiot". 

Ha, ha!  That's so true - having someone  bless your heart is not a compliment!

Nope, "Bless your heart" means you are Effing batshyte crazy

And I've heard "Bless your sweet heart" is even worse

2014-02-26 9:21 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014--CLOSED (begging & bribes MAY work)

Originally posted by QueenZipp

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723 br />Ann-Marie - Congrats on the Everglades race! Sorry to hear that you're old. Embrace it though, it got you a podium spot, right?  Besides, it beats the alternative.

Lol! I'm sorry I'm officially old too! But I've decided "master" sounds like I've got some special skill, so I'm going to embrace it

On the topic of being old..... First I had the swim official calling me "son". I didn't think much of it, but you guys made me very conscious. I am in Florida. All the waitresses, that are probably 20 years younger than me, use the term "hun", over and over. Maybe I am not used to English speaking waitresses, maybe it's an American thing, but is that normal ?

It is fairly common for waitresses to call customers "hon".  I think you see it more in diner type of places and maybe more in the south. It is not an age thing.  So, how are you enjoying Clermont?

It's a southern thing. As long as they don't say "Bless Your Heart" you are fine. That is southern for "you are an idiot". 

Ha, ha!  That's so true - having someone  bless your heart is not a compliment!

Nope, "Bless your heart" means you are Effing batshyte crazy

One of the companies we process for has a bunch of older southern women that I work with.  They are the sweetest group of people you'd ever want to work with. I've heard it more than once over there. 

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