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2006-04-20 10:57 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Durham, CA
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Holy Smokes,Joel, sorry to hear about the idiot driver. Hope you are able to heal quickly, and get back into your life as quickly as the possible.Dennis

2006-04-20 11:08 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Extreme Veteran
Denham Springs
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

I am really sorry to hear this news..... I hope your recovery is full and speedy.



2006-04-20 11:09 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Norfolk, VA
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

Hey guys!  Finally..and update!  Joel's surgery was very successful!  They put a screw in his hip and that basically pulled the two separate parts back together.  They are keeping an eye on him tonight and will let me know tomorrow when he can come home.  He's in good spirits...just getting sore from laying on his back for so long.  He's already talking about maybe doing the NYC marathon at the end of the he's got the right attitude.   You've all helped SOOOO much in the 'good attitude' department! 

Thank you to everyone who has responded.  As far as the insurance, etc goes... I'm not sure if our homeowners insurance will cover his bike...and I haven't figured out yet what the virginia insurance laws are with a hit and run.  Joel likes to research (anyone suprised??) so, he'll get that all figured out.  I think it's great what you are all doing for him. 

I'll be sure to give more updates tomorrow as they become available!


2006-04-20 11:17 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
thought I would fw this on for Joel.

Amy Kuitse
Posted 2006-04-20 4:16 PM (#402246 - in reply to #402211)

Hey very sorry to hear about Joel being hit and hope that he will recovery quickly. Know that surgery will go well. Keep us posted on how he is doing and hope they are able to find the person who hit him. Take Care.............amy
2006-04-21 1:56 AM
in reply to: #401022

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State of Confusion
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Holy Moly! I hope the wench that hit him gets caught! More importantly, thank GOD he is going to be okay! Well wishes and happy vibes sent Joel's way for surgery and a speedy recovery!!

Hang tough!!
2006-04-21 6:56 AM
in reply to: #401022

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

Wow - I am just checking in while being away.  This sucks!  My prayers are with you Joel.

Katie, as a fellow Norfolk resident please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.  I will also help you go after the bit~ch that hit him if you find her. 

Give Joel my best wishes for a speedy recovery! 

2006-04-21 8:16 AM
in reply to: #401022

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Joel, like everyone else has said, good luck with your recovery. Not much more I can add.
2006-04-21 9:42 AM
in reply to: #401022

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Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

Katie, I'm very glad to hear the surgery went well.

I hope they used a titanium screw!

Now I have to ask a question though, is Joel going to use this as a lame excuse not to break 2:50 at the NYC Marathon? 

 Hope the weekend goes OK.


2006-04-21 9:55 AM
in reply to: #401022

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
I was thinking about this last night while I couldn't sleep. The situation just sucks, I was okay with the accident (didn't like it). I mean, they suck and shouldn't happen but crappy things happen in life.

What I was really PO'D about. The f'ing driving turned an accident into a felony (or at least I think it is)....What is wrong with this person...this wasn't a nudge, she/he blasted him off the bike and JUST LEFT! Thank goodness it was just a hip (relative to what could have happened) what if help couldn't have been called....That is what bothers me is the unhuman way the driver acted.

We all spent the entire winter playing the season what races to get ready for and where to travel to take on new challenges, and this AHOLE just ruined it for him....

I hope they find the driver and he gets to face her in court.....

2006-04-21 9:59 AM
in reply to: #401022

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Glad to hear the surgery went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery and know that you will be back on your feet in no time.
2006-04-21 10:38 AM
in reply to: #401022

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Burbs north of Chicago
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

I'm a frequent reader but not as frequent a poster.  I always read Joel's posts because of his dedication.  So hearing about this happening to someone I feel I owe something to because I have learned from him makes this all seem more unfair.

 Best wishes and I really think there is truth in Joel's excellent fitness providing for a faster recovery.

2006-04-21 2:20 PM
in reply to: #402277

Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Yellowk8t - 2006-04-21 12:09 AM

Hey guys!  Finally..and update!  Joel's surgery was very successful!  They put a screw in his hip and that basically pulled the two separate parts back together..... He's already talking about maybe doing the NYC marathon at the end of the year

That a relief, not that we didn't expect it.

See? he's already getting better.

2006-04-21 2:29 PM
in reply to: #402277

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Yellowk8t - 2006-04-20 11:09 PM

He's already talking about maybe doing the NYC marathon at the end of the year...

That would be great!  Joel vs. Lance!

Glad the surgery went well and his spirts are up.  Maybe he can use the "downtime" to do some work/research on his coaching aspirations too.  Lemons into lemonade and all.

2006-04-21 2:36 PM
in reply to: #403020

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

As a fellow Hampton Roads resident my thoughts and best wishes go out to you.  I will go out with Captntony and hunt down that lady if you want.


My money is on Joel beating lance in the Marathon. 

2006-04-21 2:47 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Memphis, Tn
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Just read this post for the first time today. Good luck Joel.
I hope you get to feeling better soon.
2006-04-21 2:53 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Kate, thank you so much for your regular updates and for your support of Joel during this time.

Joel, you're the type of athlete whose many strengths would intimidate those of us who put the "B" in "BT" if you weren't so consistently helpful and inspiring! I get the feeling that the professionals supervising your rehab have no idea what's in store for them... They stand to learn as much from you as you from them, if not more.

Like everyone else here, I'm hating the "hit-and-run" aspect of this, but will strive to send only positive thoughts your way as I keep you both in my prayers. Do whatever you need to do to come back smart, and come back strong.

-Celeste/CitySky, Houston

2006-04-21 3:03 PM
in reply to: #403045

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Stormville, NY
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

I just heard, I'm saying my prayers for you and hoping you have a speedy and full recovery. You have inspired me to continue down this crazy road to my first Tri. I'll keep checking back for the updates
2006-04-21 3:20 PM
in reply to: #403056

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Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

Glad to hear the surgery went well.  Given the tenacity you've shown for training, I'm sure you'll be back to new faster than anyone the Docs & Nurses have ever seen.  You wanna know the cool thing?  You've got people nationwide keeping you in their prayers and thinking of you when they train.  Get well soon!!

2006-04-21 3:31 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Joel and Katie - you will be in my thoughts and prayers during your recovery also...

(My son is wondering why I am growling at the computer - stupid people (drivers) suck!!!)

And if you do get the woman, and she has $$$, don't forget to add in some to pay for a big burly dude to carry you up and down the stairs all day!

2006-04-21 3:42 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Wow! I just read this for the first time! So sorry to hear about the accident! It s*cks that Joel's whole season is screwed because of that idiot! Hopefully they'll find her. I am glad that it wasn't more serious and that the surgery was successfull and that Joel is Ok.
I wish Joel speedy recovery and I hope to see him in NYC on November 5
2006-04-21 3:46 PM
in reply to: #403087

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

If I was in Joel's shoes I could just imagine yelling at the physical therapist to work me harder just so I could keep eating 3,000 calories a day. 

I haven't found aero-crutches yet, we may have to have those custom made.  I did find these, which might be the equivalent substitute of putting aero bars on a road bike.

The detail in the partial description below is something Joel would appreciate.

Gait analysis studies show ambulation on conventional axillary crutches is customarily at 50% the speed of a slow walk. When SCBU 80% the speed of a slow walk is the norm. This is made possible by the increase in length of stride, overall smoothness of gait, and the use of only the larger muscles. The length of each stride is increased by two to three inches as a result of a six inch longer lever created by SCBU.

2006-04-21 4:22 PM
in reply to: #401022

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In my bunk with new shoes and purple sweats.
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
Wow Joel I just read this and I feel so bad for you man. I'm glad you're OK and that the surgery went well. May God bless you with a speedy recovery. Just this week I ordered and recieved my Road ID because of several close calls I've recently had. Just get well my friend and get back to racing. This is but a bump in the road, a trial from which you will emerg stronger in body and character. Take care.
2006-04-21 4:58 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

Joel, this is something I fear every time i ride a open course... I am soo sorry to see you season come to a early end. I was just looking at that pic of you with the Hoyts the other day thinking what a couple of studs! It just proves none of us are invincible.

I hope they catch the @****** that did it! People like that really me off!

Joel you will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery and that justice will be served!

2006-04-21 10:26 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident

Hi all-

I just got home from the hospital. I got hit Wed about 6:45pm and was stuck on a stretcher in the hall of the ER till about 2am when they finally found me a corner with a curtain to wait for an actual room (which I didn't get till noon the next day). The X-rays showed a fracture of my acetabulum (the "socket" part of the hip joint). A CAT scan showed that there were actuallt several fractures but the pieces hadn't moved and were more or less in perfect position to heal. The trick is to keep them from moving for 6+ weeks while the bone heals. The surgeon decided that we should try a screw or two to hold things together rather than peel away all of the musculature to repair it with plates...which would obviously be a much more serious operation and involve a lot more recovery/rehab. I got into surgery Thursday around 7pm and was out and waking up by 9pm. I was eating solid food and drinking within a hour and went through the night without using my pain button even once. I wasn't trying to impress anyone but it just didn't hurt very much. Honestly, the road rash hurts more than my hip does now. So they ended up making a single incision about an inch long and using one long screw (5" from front to back to hold everything in place. I spent most of today laying there waiting for the doc to come back around...I was ready to go home. Around 1pm I got my crutches and had my first practice session and worked a mini set of stairs (I live on the 3rd floor and we don't have an elevator). Doc finally showed up around 3pm and gave me the "okay" to go home. Good thing because I was about ready to grab my crutches and walk out the damn hospital regardless Smile

Although I was riding my bike, this didn't really have anything to do with cars not respecting bikes.  This girl simply wasn't watching where she was going and didn't yield the right of way.  I was going straight through the intersection and she was on-coming traffic making a left so we both had green lights but it was my right of way.  As I entered the intersection I relaized that she was pulling through and looking out her passenger side.  If I had been driving my car she would have hit me just the same.  She was well into the intersection before her head turned in the direction she was driving.  I had enough time to yell once or twice, she turned her head just before impact, and then I was on the ground.  I never heard any tires squeel so I don't think she ever touched the brakes.  I slammed the blacktop and my first reaction was to jump up and shake it off but I couldn't get up.  I was probably in a bit of shock from the impact but within a few seconds I was taking inventory of my body.  I could feel my arms and legs, my head seemed fine, and I could understand the people talking to me.  Only problem was that my right side hurt...A LOT.  I couldn't move my leg because of the pain.  There just hapened to be an ambulance a few cars back at the same intersection so I had EMTs there in under a minute.  I always carry my ID and insurance card along with my cell phone so they got me taken care of quickly...on a back board and loaded into the ambulance.  I answered a few questions for the police and off we went to the ER.  The cop took my bike to my apartment for me and then came to the ER to ask some more questions.

Once we track down the b*tch that hit me she'll be needing a lawyer. At the very least I'll have some medical bills left over after my insurance and my bike will need some new parts if not complete replacement.  Maybe I'll get that Kuota sooner that I planned Smile

I really appreciate all the's amazing how many posts are on this thread in only 2 days.  You guys ROCK!

It's time to move on to the recovery:  Longest marathon recovery ever! 

2006-04-21 10:33 PM
in reply to: #401022

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: TH3_FRB cycling accident
So glad to hear the update!  Sounds like you are doing well.....I wish you the best and speediest of recoveries, Joel.  Hang in there, we're all pulling for you! 
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