BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2018-01-02 2:08 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

I did this program last year and I really got benefit from it. I'm Angela and I am 25. Last year I went from being just a runner to a triathlete. The first sprint I did, I placed second in my age group. Then I trained and raced in IM Muncie 70.3 due to my swim, I received a DNF. I really want to change that and feel like I really earned my race gear and finisher's metal. I work weird hours from 1-9 p.m. and round trip commute for work is 50 miles. Gym with a pool closes right when I get off of work. I want to join a local tri club to get more OWS experience and I am training to complete my first marathon this year.
My totals for training in 4.5 months look like this:
Swim: 12.77 miles
Bike: 626 miles
Run: 86 miles

I am trying to improve my speed and cardiovascular endurance. During my HIM swim about 1/3 of a mile in, I tanked and started to drown. I am wanting to make positive steps forward. I have modified the Barry P run program for myself, where I will go by how I feel, and purposefully go slower with walk breaks for longer distances.
Any feedback is appreciated.

Thank You

2018-01-02 2:25 PM
in reply to: micfriedman

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by micfriedman Happy New Year Chris My name is Michelle and I'd like to join your Manatee mentoring group. Love manatees and other sea, air and land creatures, so the name draws me in, even though it has nothing to do with manatees... Anyway My name is Michelle, I'm female and will be turning 60 in 2018! (So, it's a big year for me to do some exciting and challenging stuff). I recently retired, so I also have very few excuses as to why I can't do all the things I always said I wanted to do..."when I wasn't working and had more time". So here I am. I've done a few triathlons in the past, olympic and sprint distances. I haven't done any in the past 5 years, so I have some work ahead of me. I have signed up for St. Anthony's (olympic) end of April this year, so I need to start training right now. I'm in reasonably good health, but I need to lose a good 10 pounds and build up my stamina. I think being part of a mentoring group would be super helpful to me, and I also am looking forward to providing support and friendship to others. I am single, recently moved to the Tampa Bay area of Fl., and share my home with 3 parrots. Or, maybe I should say they share "their" home with me. Isaac, (22 yr old Amazon parrot) loves to join me on bike rides. He sits atop a bike basket, spreads his wings and encourages me to ride faster.. It's quite the sight! Looking forward to a wonderful 2018 Best regards Michelle

Welcome Michelle!  Please, if you have them, share photos of your babies!  Especially Isaac on the bike!  Man, maybe if I got a bird for the back of my bike I would ride faster

2018-01-02 2:28 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by glfprncs Happy New Year!!!! Bio: My name is Nancy and I this trip around the sun will be my 47th one. I teach 8th grade English, I am married (my husband is a PGA Tour caddie--who just happens to be heading to Hawaii next week when I go back to work after a nice relaxing break), and though we have no children, we do have 3 'fur kids,' Louie, James, and Edward. NAME: Nancy OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: I'm only on FB as Nancy Downard Schwertfeger STORY: At one point in my life, I was a really good equestrian. I rode 3-day event horses (dressage, cross-country jumping, and stadium jumping) for 20 years, but the reality of being an adult and wanting to do adult-like things (i.e. buy a house, own a car, go on a date, etc) required that I move away from the horses. After 15 years of 'adulthood,' though (jobs, master's degree, marriage, moving to a new state, etc) and I found I'd lost a little of myself. So, I got into fitness. One day I saw a friend of mine had run the Columbus (Ohio) marathon and met her sub 4-hour goal. I mentioned to her that I'd always wanted to 'be a runner,' but that I just wasn't a runner. With her encouragement in Oct. of 2011, I started Couch to 5K and signed up for my first ever running race that next Feb, a half marathon. LOL. Finished the HM and signed up for another. The next fall, I set my sights on a full marathon. Ran that in March of 2012. The next day I thought: Now what? I saw that the city I lived in, Augusta, GA, had a half Ironman in September. That sounds like a good next goal, right? I signed up the next day and then went looking for a bike and a place to swim (prior to that year, the furthest I had ever swam was from the center of the deep end to the ladder when I was 12 years old). Met some great new friends in Tri Augusta and trained and raced Augusta 70.3 in 2013 and 2014. For 2015, I wanted to focus on improving my run and sprint/oly distances only. The year started off great, I was making huge improvements in my run, I had nagging injuries that kept me from doing what I wanted and then...BAM. I just got totally burned out on all of it. Dropped off the swim/bike/run planet. For the next 18 months, I kept trying to find my mojo, but it was gone. Then, in April of 2017 I volunteered at a YMCA triathlon for children with disabilities, called "Tri my Best." Motivated by their atttitudes, I jumped back into training, signed up for Augusta 70.3 for that September and started training. Race day wasn't the most fun day I've had. I was underprepared, but didn't have my worst race on record. The next day, I made contact with a coach that I respect, and we've been working together since Oct. 1. I never thought I'd like being a coached athlete as much as I do. I love the accountability, I love the pats on the back from time to time, and I love being held accountable for when things don't go as planned. It's required me to really think about the things I do from day to day that impact my ability to train and improve. It doesn't hurt when your training plan and your consistency in pushing oneself to meet each day's goals allows you to take over a minute per mile off your run pace in 12 weeks. FAMILY STATUS: Married for 12 years to a PGA Tour caddie. 3 dogs, Louie (14 years old), James (8 years old), Edward (1 year old) CURRENT TRAINING: Currently run training only, prepping for a March marathon. Will then switch to multi-sport focus for the remainder of the year and into 2019. THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Columbia marathon (March 2018), Augusta HIM (Sept 2018), IM-Louisville (Oct 2019) GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I was a Manatee before I lost my mojo, and the Manatees are just a great group of people. I love the comraderie, the feedback, and thoughtfulness of the group. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Well, I'm built a little like a Manatee, I swim slow, and I don't think Manatees are the fastest swimmers. Manatees seem gentle and kind, and while I may have to become a whirling dervish from time to time when my 8th graders get out of line, I'm a pretty gentle and kind person. Seriously, though, I'll be a good sounding board whenever I can.

Welcome back Nancy! 

2018-01-02 2:31 PM
in reply to: anime_lover1992

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by anime_lover1992 Hi! I did this program last year and I really got benefit from it. I'm Angela and I am 25. Last year I went from being just a runner to a triathlete. The first sprint I did, I placed second in my age group. Then I trained and raced in IM Muncie 70.3 due to my swim, I received a DNF. I really want to change that and feel like I really earned my race gear and finisher's metal. I work weird hours from 1-9 p.m. and round trip commute for work is 50 miles. Gym with a pool closes right when I get off of work. I want to join a local tri club to get more OWS experience and I am training to complete my first marathon this year. My totals for training in 4.5 months look like this: Swim: 12.77 miles Bike: 626 miles Run: 86 miles I am trying to improve my speed and cardiovascular endurance. During my HIM swim about 1/3 of a mile in, I tanked and started to drown. I am wanting to make positive steps forward. I have modified the Barry P run program for myself, where I will go by how I feel, and purposefully go slower with walk breaks for longer distances. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank You

Hello! Are you looking to join the Manatee group? If so, please post a bio! Do you have a race in mind? If so, look at the training plans on the site, they should give you good ideas how to build your distances.  Based on your experience at Muncie, it looks like you could benefit not just from OWS experience, but time in the pool. Can you get to the pool before work?  I know a lot of us swim early, like 6 am. In my experience, most pools have lap swimming around that time.  I'd also look to see if there is a masters swim team at the pool you can join (and swim early with).  It would/should give you lots of guidance.

Hope this helps somewhat! Good luck.  

2018-01-02 2:38 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Zoe, our 2 year-old golden retriever, loves to rub and body slam the couch. Last night, she got wild started to run back and forth ribbing the sofa and the air was so dry in the house (from the heat running like crazy), she was creating a lot of static electricity. You could hear the crackling and her fur stood on end especially on her ears. Then she ran over and touched my husband, Kevin, with her nose. ZAP! She thought *he* had something to do with and went wild.

haha, that's too funny! Kevin needs to stop abusing Zoe!! Teddy is my first sporting breed; he gets the zoomies/wilding/sun-downers every evening. Since I got him I've heard other people with sporting dogs discuss their dogs' zoomies.  I suppose the sofa rubbing and body slamming is Zoe's zoomers!  This was never a thing with the working/herding dogs I previously owned.  It's pretty funny, but can be tiring!! And, apparently, electrifying!!

Yes, Zoe gets zoomies as well. She has to do laps of the backyard when that happens. I think the body slamming and sofa rubbing is roughhousing with virtual dogs :-D

Bart gets the zoomies and does laps around the living room, including the couches in his rounds.  Bart and Lysi get the zoomies together outside.  Lysi is so nasty, grabbing Bart by the tail cause she can't catch him!

2018-01-02 2:41 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Welcome Ally, Chris2, Angela and Jen!  Jen, I know what you mean about cat anger....since we brought Bart home (dog #4, and much larger and louder than the rest), Spartacus only comes downstairs when Bart is out of the house or in his ex-pen....I am hoping that once Bart settles a bit (he is just 7 months) then Spartacus will figure out that he is quite sweet, just big and loud!

2018-01-02 3:31 PM
in reply to: 0

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN
Greetings to all of my fellow Manatees! I'm so happy to be back.

I'm enjoying my last week of Christmas/winter/holiday break before starting the 2nd semester on Jan. 8. "The boys" (our 3 dogs) are especially enjoying have both my husband and me home for the past few weeks. I included a rather large picture of our 'baby,' Edward.

I realize it's cold everywhere, but this Ohio transplant to South Carolina about froze to death during my 5 miles on the track this morning. When it's usually in the 50s and you wake up to temps in the teens and a 14 mph wind, it certainly is a shock to the system (I did my long run on Saturday in short sleeves and shorts by comparison).

Hope everyone is having a great 2018 thus far.

Edited by glfprncs 2018-01-02 3:32 PM


Edward.jpg (845KB - 10 downloads)
2018-01-02 6:52 PM
in reply to: cdban66


Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN
NAME: Ellie

STORY: 36-years old, not athletic historically. I live in Shoreline, just north of Seattle, WA, and work as an arborist. I love to swim, so I started looking for the swimming equivalent of a 5K run. Didn't find anything in my area, so I thought I'd try a triathlon (go big or go home?). I did one in 2009, then took a break to have kids. I've done two since the kids.

FAMILY STATUS: Aforementioned two kids, both boys, now 4.5 and 7. Married since 2004. No pets, sadly. We will probably adopt someone soon, now that the kids are out of the absolutely demanding stage.

CURRENT TRAINING: I go to the YMCA, and occasionally train out in the real world.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: I did the Whidbey Island tri, but had the stomach flu just before, so I barely survived it (I did finish though!)

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I want to cut my times. I have finished three tris, but all pretty slowly. Now that I know I can finish, I want to start working on finishing with respectable times.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I am friendly and compassionate. I will cheer people on, and offer whatever advice I can.
2018-01-02 8:11 PM
in reply to: aphroditelaughs

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Welcome Ellie!  I am just north of you in Vancouver, BC.  There are a couple good open water swim races here in the summer.  One of my favorites is the Canada Day Challenge, which is held in the lake that a lot of triathletes train in.  C'mon up next summer if you can!

2018-01-02 10:00 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN
I'm in! I just got back from NOLA, I will do a bio tomorrow. It's so cold here I feel more like a walrus instead of a manatee.
2018-01-02 10:09 PM
in reply to: 0

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN
NAME: Dave Larocque

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, Strava

STORY: Started with road based triathlons, did the Muskoka 70.3 my first year out (first raced I signed up for) but then gravitated mostly to Xterra off-road tri's, trail running (did a 50km in 2016) and offroad - mountain biking and gravel style races. This year will be focused on mostly gravel style races in the spring and summer. Last years training was terrible when it came to consistency and volume as I changed careers and moved the family but 2018 looks like it will be a little more friendly to training. My work schedule is somewhat of a challenge as well as I work 12hr rotating shifts (7-7 am or pm) but I am sometimes able to sneak in a run at the gym at work and do have decent stretches of time off.

FAMILY STATUS: I have lived on this planet for 43 years I have been married for 17yrs, and have a 15yo son and 12yo daughter. My wife also runs so I try to get out with her every-once in a while. "pets" include goldfish and koi in my pond, no furry animals as I am super allergic.

CURRENT TRAINING: biking right now + never ending daily snowblowing of driveway.


Ontario "spring classics" gravel style races, summer will see a 140km and 160km gravel races if the schedules cooperate.

GOALS --Attempt to bring my cycling up to a non embarrassing level.

WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD MANATEE: If you are looking for validation of crazy hair-brained ideas that defy conventional wisdom and logic Im your guy.

Edited by DaveL 2018-01-02 10:11 PM

2018-01-02 11:29 PM
in reply to: DaveL

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN
Can i be in again too?

I will have to owe you a bio as its midnight and my battery is about to go flat and the person I am sharing a hotel room with at present is sleeping (unfortunately my insomnia has kicked in tonight).

I am having a great time at Disney so far, packet pickup is tomorrow so I think that things will get very real then. The weather hasnt been great and i have had to shop today for some warmer run clothes (well that's my story and I'm sticking to it).

We got here at around lunch time on new years eve so we caught a little bit of nice weather. Sunday night at 11:50pm Mum, E and I went out for a short run around the lake at our hotel (unfortunately Ks plane was delayed and she didnt arrive into Florida until after midnight). The plan was that we would start our run in 2017 and finish it in 2018. It was fantastic cause as we were running all of the fireworks started going off all around us (not close but we could still see them all). It was such a cool way to start the year - I would even go as far as saying epic ??

Thanks for all the well wishes and inspires about Dopey, I will let you all know how we go and post a bio once i have charged my battery.
2018-01-03 5:22 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN
Happy 2018 Manatees!!!!
I wasn't very active on the forums last year but hope to do a better job of keeping up. I'll post up my bio a bit later.
2018-01-03 6:17 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by StaceyK Can i be in again too? I will have to owe you a bio as its midnight and my battery is about to go flat and the person I am sharing a hotel room with at present is sleeping (unfortunately my insomnia has kicked in tonight). I am having a great time at Disney so far, packet pickup is tomorrow so I think that things will get very real then. The weather hasnt been great and i have had to shop today for some warmer run clothes (well that's my story and I'm sticking to it). We got here at around lunch time on new years eve so we caught a little bit of nice weather. Sunday night at 11:50pm Mum, E and I went out for a short run around the lake at our hotel (unfortunately Ks plane was delayed and she didnt arrive into Florida until after midnight). The plan was that we would start our run in 2017 and finish it in 2018. It was fantastic cause as we were running all of the fireworks started going off all around us (not close but we could still see them all). It was such a cool way to start the year - I would even go as far as saying epic ?? Thanks for all the well wishes and inspires about Dopey, I will let you all know how we go and post a bio once i have charged my battery.

The weather in Orlando has been miserable for 2 , now into the 3d, day. This is not normal!! Hopefully by lunch today the sun will come back out! It will be colder than normal for us, but should be great running weather for you.

2018-01-03 7:02 AM
in reply to: jenstewey

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by jenstewey

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by jenstewey

I'm doing Whole30 for January and will figure the rest out after that.

I'm also doing a January Whole30 - I did 29 days in December as well. Hit me up with any questions or awesome recipes you run across!

I definitely will!  I did a lot of pre-cooking to get ready, so I have lots of stuff in my freezer.  My bank account took a pretty big hit getting initial things... random ingredients like coconut aminos, ghee, etc, but also some small appliances since I'm doing a lot more cooking on my own now.  Hopefully that will settle down now that I have the basics.

Reading this made me laugh because Lisa said the same thing in her training blog when she got started around Thanksgiving :-)

2018-01-03 7:05 AM
in reply to: anime_lover1992

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by anime_lover1992 Hi! I did this program last year and I really got benefit from it. I'm Angela and I am 25. Last year I went from being just a runner to a triathlete. The first sprint I did, I placed second in my age group. Then I trained and raced in IM Muncie 70.3 due to my swim, I received a DNF. I really want to change that and feel like I really earned my race gear and finisher's metal. I work weird hours from 1-9 p.m. and round trip commute for work is 50 miles. Gym with a pool closes right when I get off of work. I want to join a local tri club to get more OWS experience and I am training to complete my first marathon this year. My totals for training in 4.5 months look like this: Swim: 12.77 miles Bike: 626 miles Run: 86 miles I am trying to improve my speed and cardiovascular endurance. During my HIM swim about 1/3 of a mile in, I tanked and started to drown. I am wanting to make positive steps forward. I have modified the Barry P run program for myself, where I will go by how I feel, and purposefully go slower with walk breaks for longer distances. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank You

Welcome, Angela!

2018-01-03 7:08 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by anime_lover1992 Hi! I did this program last year and I really got benefit from it. I'm Angela and I am 25. Last year I went from being just a runner to a triathlete. The first sprint I did, I placed second in my age group. Then I trained and raced in IM Muncie 70.3 due to my swim, I received a DNF. I really want to change that and feel like I really earned my race gear and finisher's metal. I work weird hours from 1-9 p.m. and round trip commute for work is 50 miles. Gym with a pool closes right when I get off of work. I want to join a local tri club to get more OWS experience and I am training to complete my first marathon this year. My totals for training in 4.5 months look like this: Swim: 12.77 miles Bike: 626 miles Run: 86 miles I am trying to improve my speed and cardiovascular endurance. During my HIM swim about 1/3 of a mile in, I tanked and started to drown. I am wanting to make positive steps forward. I have modified the Barry P run program for myself, where I will go by how I feel, and purposefully go slower with walk breaks for longer distances. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank You

Hello! Are you looking to join the Manatee group? If so, please post a bio! Do you have a race in mind? If so, look at the training plans on the site, they should give you good ideas how to build your distances.  Based on your experience at Muncie, it looks like you could benefit not just from OWS experience, but time in the pool. Can you get to the pool before work?  I know a lot of us swim early, like 6 am. In my experience, most pools have lap swimming around that time.  I'd also look to see if there is a masters swim team at the pool you can join (and swim early with).  It would/should give you lots of guidance.

Hope this helps somewhat! Good luck.  

What Ann-Marie said, I get to the pool when it opens so that I can get my workout in before heading to work. In my area, lap swimming is in the morning, then water aerobic, more lap swimming (not helpful to me due to work), "family swim," and finally the kids teams get the pool.

Another to look into is a masters swim group. Would a group that has masters swim at the noon hour work for you?

And yes, a bio wold be appreciated.

2018-01-03 7:10 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by IronOx

Welcome Ally, Chris2, Angela and Jen!  Jen, I know what you mean about cat anger....since we brought Bart home (dog #4, and much larger and louder than the rest), Spartacus only comes downstairs when Bart is out of the house or in his ex-pen....I am hoping that once Bart settles a bit (he is just 7 months) then Spartacus will figure out that he is quite sweet, just big and loud!

If Bart is anything like Zoe, that could take years!

We need a Bart photo in here!

2018-01-03 7:12 AM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Originally posted by glfprncs Greetings to all of my fellow Manatees! I'm so happy to be back. I'm enjoying my last week of Christmas/winter/holiday break before starting the 2nd semester on Jan. 8. "The boys" (our 3 dogs) are especially enjoying have both my husband and me home for the past few weeks. I included a rather large picture of our 'baby,' Edward. I realize it's cold everywhere, but this Ohio transplant to South Carolina about froze to death during my 5 miles on the track this morning. When it's usually in the 50s and you wake up to temps in the teens and a 14 mph wind, it certainly is a shock to the system (I did my long run on Saturday in short sleeves and shorts by comparison). Hope everyone is having a great 2018 thus far.

Edward is a cutie!

A lot of the issue with colder than normal runs is that we simply haven't invested in the appropriate running gear for the one week a year that this might happen. (Let's hope that it's just one week!)

2018-01-03 7:25 AM
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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

NAME: Laura Baron

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, Instagram (@baron.laura), Strava (hit me up here! I need more friends! )

STORY: I've been here on BT a long time (member ID 3341, if you can believe it) and did triathlons for a good chunk of that time. From 2005-2010, I was heavily involved -- got as far as doing a few half ironman races, helped friends train for their full IM's. Throughout all of it, I hated (no, you don't understand ... HAAAATED) swimming. Like, I would get to the pool for a workout and sit on the edge of the pool for 30 minutes dreading the moment of sliding into the cold water (and it's almost always cold). My swimming progressed from "looking like a drowning person" to "looking like a really slow but probably not in danger of losing her life" kind of swimmer and decided I had enough. I was an adult. If I didn't want to swim, I didn't have to. 

From there on out, I focused on running and biking (running is my first love). And then, starting around 2012, I got hit with a really bad depressive episode that took me a few years to work myself out of -- in the meantime, I had stopped training entirely, unless Olympic Cookie and Ice Cream Eating is a thing. Gained 50 pounds and now -- finally -- mentally healthy and looking to get back to being physically healthy as well. 

FAMILY STATUS: Single with a benevolent canine overlord (she's mostly benevolent, at least ... until she's hungry and thinks I'm not being quick enough to feed her. At that point, she attempts to throw her food bowl at me. Lord help me if she ever figures out how to actually do that...)

CURRENT TRAINING: Since running is where my heart is, I'm training for a half marathon at the end of April. Robin (ceilhdh) and I will be getting together in Louisville to celebrate our return to action! I'm also going to try and start biking again, mostly because my friends are all triathletes and this would be something I could do with them (also also also -- a newfound love of mountain biking! what fun!!). Also on the training regime (though not swim/bike/run related) is a lot of hiking as I'm hoping to do the Wonderland Trail hike towards the end of this year.

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: The only race firmly on the schedule -- The Derby Half Marathon (

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: Ideally, I'd love to get back to where I was before the depressive mess -- pretty fast runner, decent biker, reluctant swimmer. Mostly, I want to be able to get up and go and be active and not deal with my heart pounding so hard that I fear it literally coming out my chest.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I thrive on accountability and community. I figure y'all probably do too. So, with any luck I'll just slip in, make myself at home and help support everyone else in their goals.


Edited by StartingToTri 2018-01-03 7:26 AM
2018-01-03 7:27 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN
Same here. I have dug out all my old "polar gear" from the ten years I lived in Beijing, now that the folks have moved to Idaho! But in this case I don't think it's going to be an occasional thing--teens and twenties and snow is apparently pretty normal winter weather there.

2018-01-03 7:34 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

NAME: Jim Bacarella

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, Strava, and Snapchat: James Bacarella, Twitter:@James Bacarella, Instagram jabacarella (I've got teenagers, and I like to keep pace with what they are doing).

STORY: I ran for fun when I was younger, then career, marriage and family happened. I had a 15 year hiatus from all exercise. At 39 I had the "bad" physical; 30 lbs overweight and none of my numbers were good. I changed the way I eat, called it the "don't eat like a pig diet." I ate all of the same stuff just a lot less of it. I started walking, then running, then at 40 I ran my first race. Our town hosts a triathlon, and we were stopped by T1 and I told my wife, I'm going to do that next year, she responded with ok. Then I asked her to teach me how to swim, and she said ok to that. Fast forward 11 years unknown number of 5 k's, several sprints, 8 or 9 half's and 2 Ironman races and various other events later, I will do my 3rd Ironman this year.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm 51, married to Michelle (known each other and together 25 years and in August we will celebrate our 25th anniversary. 4 children 3 girls 23 law student at Tulane, 21 Junior at Michigan State, 19 Freshman at Ferris State and a 16 year old son who is a junior in high school. 1 dog he's 10

CURRENT TRAINING: Strength, running and plenty of time on the trainer


Sunrise Side HIM and Ironman Louisville, the rest is ala carte.

GOALS -Continue good health and go faster than last year.

WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD MANATEE: Regular participation in the forum and a love of the sport. OH, and I liked cyber hanging out with you guys over the last two years, and for real once.

Edited by JBacarella 2018-01-03 7:35 AM
2018-01-03 7:42 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN
New Orleans was freezing, We had one nice day that was 65 otherwise 40 F cold and wet. The only saving grave was the weather back home was -8, so we were thankful to spend the holidays in a "sub-tropical?" environment. Now we are home and it's a balmy 15 F out.
2018-01-03 7:49 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN

Welcome Ellie and Laura!

Welcome back to Jim, Dave, Stacey, and Anne.

I'll get the roster up-to-date ASAP. :-D

2018-01-03 7:51 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition OPEN
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by TXTriRook
Originally posted by awm007
Originally posted by jenstewey

Originally posted by awm007
Originally posted by TXTriRook Bio: I am 35 years old and live in Dallas, TX. I'm originally from Toronto, Canada and I've lived in Boston, Charlottesville and spent 9 long years in NYC
Charlottesville? UVA? I graduated from college there in 96.

I graduated from college there in 98

Excellent! Wahoowa! Glad basketball season is here. That bowl game was sad. Fortunately, I also went to Georgia who fared better.
Good to know there are some fellow Wahoo's on here! I went there for grad school but some of my best college memories are from C-ville.

My older sister got her PHD there and younger her MD; does that make me an honorary Wahoo? A wahoo in law?

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