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2016-02-09 12:59 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83 Attention please! Achievement of the month I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing! As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke. I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth. I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness Wishing you a successful week!

It's great when it becomes lalala in the water!!  Congrats!

2016-02-09 1:58 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83 Attention please! Achievement of the month I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing! As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke. I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth. I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness Wishing you a successful week!

That is AWESOME! It's huge to get over that hump and start to enjoy. Congratulations! You should be really really proud. 

2016-02-09 2:53 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by marysia83 Attention please! Achievement of the month I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing! As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke. I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth. I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness Wishing you a successful week!

That is AWESOME! It's huge to get over that hump and start to enjoy. Congratulations! You should be really really proud. 

Definitely! An awesome accomplishment! Way to go for sticking it out and making it this far  

2016-02-09 2:58 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Jen, this would have been my post 13 years ago. I was 18 weeks pregnant when I went in for my scheduled appointment. My two previous pregnancies had ended in miscarriages at 16 and 20 weeks, so my doctor was having me come in every two weeks. At 16 weeks everything was great, but two weeks later there was no longer a heart beat. I swear the worst part of all of this was telling my mom. About a week after having emergency surgery for complications, I had to put my 18-year old cat, Pipsqueak, to sleep. He by far was the coolest cat ever. I was originally not going to post my history, but I want you to know you're not alone. Miscarriage is not something we talk about and there are so many emotions and hormones going on that sometimes I felt like I was on a deserted island by myself. If you need to chat, I'm here. {{Hugs}}

Thank you so much for sharing your story - i know so many other awesome women who have experienced miscarriage - even in the last year. And i didn't realize the the wildness of the hormone swings. It really was making me feel kinda crazy. 

I feel kind of whiney going on about my 'stuff' when several people here have lost parents and other loved ones. But I have to feel what i feel and my loss doesn't take away or have to measure up to anyone else's in order to be real to me. 

Thank you manatees, you are a really awesome bunch! 

2016-02-09 2:59 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by marysia83

Attention please! Achievement of the month
I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing!

As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke.
I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth.

I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness

Wishing you a successful week!

Nice job, my fishy friend. Just keep swimming!
2016-02-09 3:20 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Jen, this would have been my post 13 years ago. I was 18 weeks pregnant when I went in for my scheduled appointment. My two previous pregnancies had ended in miscarriages at 16 and 20 weeks, so my doctor was having me come in every two weeks. At 16 weeks everything was great, but two weeks later there was no longer a heart beat. I swear the worst part of all of this was telling my mom. About a week after having emergency surgery for complications, I had to put my 18-year old cat, Pipsqueak, to sleep. He by far was the coolest cat ever. I was originally not going to post my history, but I want you to know you're not alone. Miscarriage is not something we talk about and there are so many emotions and hormones going on that sometimes I felt like I was on a deserted island by myself. If you need to chat, I'm here. {{Hugs}}

Thank you so much for sharing your story - i know so many other awesome women who have experienced miscarriage - even in the last year. And i didn't realize the the wildness of the hormone swings. It really was making me feel kinda crazy. 

I feel kind of whiney going on about my 'stuff' when several people here have lost parents and other loved ones. But I have to feel what i feel and my loss doesn't take away or have to measure up to anyone else's in order to be real to me. 

Thank you manatees, you are a really awesome bunch! 

Jen, I am so sorry to hear of your losses.  I really love how you are finding positives and the fact that you know that one person's loss/pain does not take away from anyone elses.  Hang in there!

2016-02-09 3:20 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Time for one of those proof of life posts.  I've been lurking around, but haven't been as active in multisport training (especially compared to some of you pros on Strava).  I'm actually on kind of a weightlifting kick atm, but I still plan on riding occasionally.  I'm usually not a fan of the BT log system, but their logging for strength training is one of the better ones that I've seen, so I'll start keeping better tabs on my progress through the log system.  

Originally posted by marysia83 Attention please! Achievement of the month I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing! As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke. I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth. I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness Wishing you a successful week!

Nice to hear!  Good stuff!

2016-02-09 3:21 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83 Attention please! Achievement of the month I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing! As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke. I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth. I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness Wishing you a successful week!

AWESOME!  Congrats

2016-02-09 3:33 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by marysia83 Attention please! Achievement of the month I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing! As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke. I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth. I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness Wishing you a successful week!

That is AWESOME! It's huge to get over that hump and start to enjoy. Congratulations! You should be really really proud. 

Definitely! An awesome accomplishment! Way to go for sticking it out and making it this far  

Nice going Mary!

2016-02-09 3:34 PM
in reply to: marysia83

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83 Attention please! Achievement of the month I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing! As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke. I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth. I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness Wishing you a successful week!


2016-02-09 3:58 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Jen, this would have been my post 13 years ago. I was 18 weeks pregnant when I went in for my scheduled appointment. My two previous pregnancies had ended in miscarriages at 16 and 20 weeks, so my doctor was having me come in every two weeks. At 16 weeks everything was great, but two weeks later there was no longer a heart beat. I swear the worst part of all of this was telling my mom. About a week after having emergency surgery for complications, I had to put my 18-year old cat, Pipsqueak, to sleep. He by far was the coolest cat ever. I was originally not going to post my history, but I want you to know you're not alone. Miscarriage is not something we talk about and there are so many emotions and hormones going on that sometimes I felt like I was on a deserted island by myself. If you need to chat, I'm here. {{Hugs}}

Thank you so much for sharing your story - i know so many other awesome women who have experienced miscarriage - even in the last year. And i didn't realize the the wildness of the hormone swings. It really was making me feel kinda crazy. 

I feel kind of whiney going on about my 'stuff' when several people here have lost parents and other loved ones. But I have to feel what i feel and my loss doesn't take away or have to measure up to anyone else's in order to be real to me. 

Thank you manatees, you are a really awesome bunch! 

Do what you need to get through this. Everyone is here to help each other with what they are dealing with. I still don't know for sure what kind of state I'm in. Thought I was doing ok a coulple weeks ago after the passing of a more distant relative (in addition to all that other stuff). But then an email announcement about a coworker showed up and my first instinct was "GDDMT she's dead too!". Second thought was maybe she's just in the hospital. Then finally calmed enough to actually read the thing and see it was a promotion announcement. I can't see how what you're going through wouldn't have a substantial effect.

2016-02-09 4:26 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
WOW so many ups and downs this week :/

Mary - Congrats on the achievement!!

Robin and Jen - so sorry for your losses both past and present.

2016-02-09 4:35 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Jen, this would have been my post 13 years ago. I was 18 weeks pregnant when I went in for my scheduled appointment. My two previous pregnancies had ended in miscarriages at 16 and 20 weeks, so my doctor was having me come in every two weeks. At 16 weeks everything was great, but two weeks later there was no longer a heart beat. I swear the worst part of all of this was telling my mom. About a week after having emergency surgery for complications, I had to put my 18-year old cat, Pipsqueak, to sleep. He by far was the coolest cat ever. I was originally not going to post my history, but I want you to know you're not alone. Miscarriage is not something we talk about and there are so many emotions and hormones going on that sometimes I felt like I was on a deserted island by myself. If you need to chat, I'm here. {{Hugs}}

Thank you so much for sharing your story - i know so many other awesome women who have experienced miscarriage - even in the last year. And i didn't realize the the wildness of the hormone swings. It really was making me feel kinda crazy. 

I feel kind of whiney going on about my 'stuff' when several people here have lost parents and other loved ones. But I have to feel what i feel and my loss doesn't take away or have to measure up to anyone else's in order to be real to me. 

Thank you manatees, you are a really awesome bunch! 


2016-02-09 4:37 PM
in reply to: brigby1

User image

Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Jen, this would have been my post 13 years ago. I was 18 weeks pregnant when I went in for my scheduled appointment. My two previous pregnancies had ended in miscarriages at 16 and 20 weeks, so my doctor was having me come in every two weeks. At 16 weeks everything was great, but two weeks later there was no longer a heart beat. I swear the worst part of all of this was telling my mom. About a week after having emergency surgery for complications, I had to put my 18-year old cat, Pipsqueak, to sleep. He by far was the coolest cat ever. I was originally not going to post my history, but I want you to know you're not alone. Miscarriage is not something we talk about and there are so many emotions and hormones going on that sometimes I felt like I was on a deserted island by myself. If you need to chat, I'm here. {{Hugs}}

Thank you so much for sharing your story - i know so many other awesome women who have experienced miscarriage - even in the last year. And i didn't realize the the wildness of the hormone swings. It really was making me feel kinda crazy. 

I feel kind of whiney going on about my 'stuff' when several people here have lost parents and other loved ones. But I have to feel what i feel and my loss doesn't take away or have to measure up to anyone else's in order to be real to me. 

Thank you manatees, you are a really awesome bunch! 

Do what you need to get through this. Everyone is here to help each other with what they are dealing with. I still don't know for sure what kind of state I'm in. Thought I was doing ok a coulple weeks ago after the passing of a more distant relative (in addition to all that other stuff). But then an email announcement about a coworker showed up and my first instinct was "GDDMT she's dead too!". Second thought was maybe she's just in the hospital. Then finally calmed enough to actually read the thing and see it was a promotion announcement. I can't see how what you're going through wouldn't have a substantial effect.

I hear ya!!!!!!! Every time we get a call from Denver my heart rate goes up and I start to panic.

2016-02-09 4:44 PM
in reply to: marysia83

User image

Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by marysia83

Attention please! Achievement of the month
I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing!

As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke.
I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth.

I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness

Wishing you a successful week!

2016-02-09 9:49 PM
in reply to: Richardsdrr

User image

Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by Richardsdrr

Hi. I'm after some advice and hoping someone has come across these problems before. I've just bought a 2nd hand disc fork that came off a Ridley (x-fire I think). The graphics/stickers/transfers are looking a bit worse for wear. Anyone know of the best way of removing these from carbon safely? Also, these forks don't have a point to connect my b and m luxos iq light. Anyone managed to fit this type of light without the normal bosses available? Thanks.

I would suggest contacting Ridley and see what they say. You would want to be pretty careful not to damage the CF with chemicals but if the fork has a clear coat you might be okay with something a little more aggressive like goo gone. Personally I would start what some hot soapy water and a rag and see how that works - especially if its bare CF.

2016-02-09 9:52 PM
in reply to: marysia83

User image

Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by marysia83

Attention please! Achievement of the month
I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing!

As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke.
I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth.

I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness

Wishing you a successful week!

Awesome, my sister in law, despite living next to a lake as a kid, never really learned to swim. She did take lessons as an adult and this summer will be taking on the 2km swim of the Muskoka 70.3 (along with some biking and running afterwards). Keep going - just keep swimming!
2016-02-09 10:22 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Jen, this would have been my post 13 years ago. I was 18 weeks pregnant when I went in for my scheduled appointment. My two previous pregnancies had ended in miscarriages at 16 and 20 weeks, so my doctor was having me come in every two weeks. At 16 weeks everything was great, but two weeks later there was no longer a heart beat. I swear the worst part of all of this was telling my mom. About a week after having emergency surgery for complications, I had to put my 18-year old cat, Pipsqueak, to sleep. He by far was the coolest cat ever. I was originally not going to post my history, but I want you to know you're not alone. Miscarriage is not something we talk about and there are so many emotions and hormones going on that sometimes I felt like I was on a deserted island by myself. If you need to chat, I'm here. {{Hugs}}

Thank you so much for sharing your story - i know so many other awesome women who have experienced miscarriage - even in the last year. And i didn't realize the the wildness of the hormone swings. It really was making me feel kinda crazy. 

I feel kind of whiney going on about my 'stuff' when several people here have lost parents and other loved ones. But I have to feel what i feel and my loss doesn't take away or have to measure up to anyone else's in order to be real to me. 

Thank you manatees, you are a really awesome bunch! 

No one bothered to tell me about the hormone thing. I had no clue. On my first miscarriage, my doctor was pretty much a jerk. He actually told me to toughen up and that it was no big deal.

Whine all you need to. We're here for you!
2016-02-09 10:23 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by marysia83

Attention please! Achievement of the month
I did the 0 to 700 swimming thing!

As some of you may remember, I was struggling with freestyle so badly (making it only to the first breath...) that I was almost about to train for Oly distance in breaststroke.
I made it! And the most important thing: it felt really good, it was not struggling anymore, it was not: "oh hell, how much more until the wall", it was like a sunny day and lalala in the water. So smooth.

I am so happy I had to share it with you guys And THANK YOU to everyone who supported me, especially to Steve, who was one of the few who was not yelling at me at TT for freestyle miserableness

Wishing you a successful week!

2016-02-10 8:45 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Hey everyone!

Wow... there have been a LOT of posts since I've been on here :-) I have some reading to catch up on.

Meanwhile, I have a problem I need to address and get some help with. I've been working toward a base-fitness plan from a top USAT coach and I think out of the tens of workouts that I've done over the past few weeks, I've been able to maybe complete one of them? It's demoralizing and it's sent me in a bit of a downward spiral. I have basically visibly started to lose motivation... I will "tell" myself I should work out and, of the times that I tell myself I am probably doing it about 50% of the time. Training has fallen drastically, there is an evident lack in the discipline I once had and I have my first full IM coming up in 8 months.

Should I ditch the plan and just go to what I used to do - spend time in all three sports, no real HIIT/plan and no core training but guaranteed to find it more enjoyable and stick with just building up the miles/hours, or should I re-evaluate the training plan to actually build a better athletic performance, or option C (which I will leave to you all to guide me :-) haha). Could this also be something that is driven by nutrition and vitamins/supplements? I haven't been the best in the past few weeks, too.

Any help would be great as I'm starting to panic a little now.
2016-02-10 9:04 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by juniperjen

Hi Manatees,

I have been very quiet lately and to be honest, I am having a rough time. I am usually in the optimistic very positive side of things and I can see the lemonade but I have to deal with the lemons before it gets that way. Nothing tri related and nothing crazy terrible but that kind of on-going doldrums.  I think picking my workout routine will help enormously so i am trying to do that this week. 

For those who have stopped by my training log you'll know that I had (am having? nearly done, it seems) a miscarriage. It happened around 10 weeks I guess. I knew early though - before my trip - from doing an ultrasound that my pregnancy wasn't 'viable' to use their term. The physical part was particularly rough last week and it seems to be coming to an end now. But on Friday I had to put my cat to sleep. It turns out he had FIP, an incurable virus that is usually contracted when they are young but it manifests later. So, he was about 13 and I had him for just over 10 years. Its very difficult but it was the best thing. And to continue i am getting a root canal tomorrow. 

Trying to keep things positive.

1.On the family front - i have a beautiful, happy 2.5 year old daughter who is awesome. There is no reason to believe i won't have a healthy pregnancy in the foreseeable future.

2. On the pet front: i had 10 wonderful years with my buddy - he was my first pet on my own and he was great. He was social, affectionate - a little vocal and generally a fun cat. He was even toilet trained for a while. When we moved it kind of fell apart but it was great while it lasted/ 

3. On the dental front: I don't have much. Just good to get it done with. Better than having another abscess, I suppose.

Anyway, i am a total downer lately but still love reading about your triumphs and daily tribulations even if i am not as participative as usal

Jen, this would have been my post 13 years ago. I was 18 weeks pregnant when I went in for my scheduled appointment. My two previous pregnancies had ended in miscarriages at 16 and 20 weeks, so my doctor was having me come in every two weeks. At 16 weeks everything was great, but two weeks later there was no longer a heart beat. I swear the worst part of all of this was telling my mom. About a week after having emergency surgery for complications, I had to put my 18-year old cat, Pipsqueak, to sleep. He by far was the coolest cat ever. I was originally not going to post my history, but I want you to know you're not alone. Miscarriage is not something we talk about and there are so many emotions and hormones going on that sometimes I felt like I was on a deserted island by myself. If you need to chat, I'm here. {{Hugs}}

Thank you so much for sharing your story - i know so many other awesome women who have experienced miscarriage - even in the last year. And i didn't realize the the wildness of the hormone swings. It really was making me feel kinda crazy. 

I feel kind of whiney going on about my 'stuff' when several people here have lost parents and other loved ones. But I have to feel what i feel and my loss doesn't take away or have to measure up to anyone else's in order to be real to me. 

Thank you manatees, you are a really awesome bunch! 

No one bothered to tell me about the hormone thing. I had no clue. On my first miscarriage, my doctor was pretty much a jerk. He actually told me to toughen up and that it was no big deal. Whine all you need to. We're here for you!


As you can see this group is great for its support as well as the advice you can get re: multisport.  I can't imagine what you've been through, but everyone is here for you.

2016-02-10 10:01 AM
in reply to: RookeyDavid

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by RookeyDavid

Hey everyone!

Wow... there have been a LOT of posts since I've been on here :-) I have some reading to catch up on.

Meanwhile, I have a problem I need to address and get some help with. I've been working toward a base-fitness plan from a top USAT coach and I think out of the tens of workouts that I've done over the past few weeks, I've been able to maybe complete one of them? It's demoralizing and it's sent me in a bit of a downward spiral. I have basically visibly started to lose motivation... I will "tell" myself I should work out and, of the times that I tell myself I am probably doing it about 50% of the time. Training has fallen drastically, there is an evident lack in the discipline I once had and I have my first full IM coming up in 8 months.

Should I ditch the plan and just go to what I used to do - spend time in all three sports, no real HIIT/plan and no core training but guaranteed to find it more enjoyable and stick with just building up the miles/hours, or should I re-evaluate the training plan to actually build a better athletic performance, or option C (which I will leave to you all to guide me :-) haha). Could this also be something that is driven by nutrition and vitamins/supplements? I haven't been the best in the past few weeks, too.

Any help would be great as I'm starting to panic a little now.

Oh no... the decrease in motivation is the worst.... Usually when it happens to me I just give myself few days/couple of weeks of rest, so my body and mind can reset, and then I go back to the training with a turbo bust of energy. But I am far from your IM goals and experience, and my training is probably way less intense than yours...
I am anxious to see what others have to say. I'm glad you are sharing your concerns 8 months before the race, and not 8 weeks...
2016-02-10 10:09 AM
in reply to: RookeyDavid

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by RookeyDavid Hey everyone! Wow... there have been a LOT of posts since I've been on here :-) I have some reading to catch up on. Meanwhile, I have a problem I need to address and get some help with. I've been working toward a base-fitness plan from a top USAT coach and I think out of the tens of workouts that I've done over the past few weeks, I've been able to maybe complete one of them? It's demoralizing and it's sent me in a bit of a downward spiral. I have basically visibly started to lose motivation... I will "tell" myself I should work out and, of the times that I tell myself I am probably doing it about 50% of the time. Training has fallen drastically, there is an evident lack in the discipline I once had and I have my first full IM coming up in 8 months. Should I ditch the plan and just go to what I used to do - spend time in all three sports, no real HIIT/plan and no core training but guaranteed to find it more enjoyable and stick with just building up the miles/hours, or should I re-evaluate the training plan to actually build a better athletic performance, or option C (which I will leave to you all to guide me :-) haha). Could this also be something that is driven by nutrition and vitamins/supplements? I haven't been the best in the past few weeks, too. Any help would be great as I'm starting to panic a little now.

"Not been able to complete them" = they are too difficult?  Too long?  Are you working with the coach or is it just a coach's plan?  If you are working with him/her and the workouts are too much, then a conversation is in order.  If it is just the plan, then perhaps it is beyond your current capabilities and you should reevaluate it.  It doesn't mean you can't get there, but if it currently too much, there is no point in trying to attain it.  8 months is a long time to be miserable

2016-02-10 10:11 AM
in reply to: RookeyDavid

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by RookeyDavid Hey everyone! Wow... there have been a LOT of posts since I've been on here :-) I have some reading to catch up on. Meanwhile, I have a problem I need to address and get some help with. I've been working toward a base-fitness plan from a top USAT coach and I think out of the tens of workouts that I've done over the past few weeks, I've been able to maybe complete one of them? It's demoralizing and it's sent me in a bit of a downward spiral. I have basically visibly started to lose motivation... I will "tell" myself I should work out and, of the times that I tell myself I am probably doing it about 50% of the time. Training has fallen drastically, there is an evident lack in the discipline I once had and I have my first full IM coming up in 8 months. Should I ditch the plan and just go to what I used to do - spend time in all three sports, no real HIIT/plan and no core training but guaranteed to find it more enjoyable and stick with just building up the miles/hours, or should I re-evaluate the training plan to actually build a better athletic performance, or option C (which I will leave to you all to guide me :-) haha). Could this also be something that is driven by nutrition and vitamins/supplements? I haven't been the best in the past few weeks, too. Any help would be great as I'm starting to panic a little now.

Give an example of a workout that you can't complete?  How are you tracking your effort?

2016-02-10 10:20 AM
in reply to: RookeyDavid

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by RookeyDavid Hey everyone! Wow... there have been a LOT of posts since I've been on here :-) I have some reading to catch up on. Meanwhile, I have a problem I need to address and get some help with. I've been working toward a base-fitness plan from a top USAT coach and I think out of the tens of workouts that I've done over the past few weeks, I've been able to maybe complete one of them? It's demoralizing and it's sent me in a bit of a downward spiral. I have basically visibly started to lose motivation... I will "tell" myself I should work out and, of the times that I tell myself I am probably doing it about 50% of the time. Training has fallen drastically, there is an evident lack in the discipline I once had and I have my first full IM coming up in 8 months. Should I ditch the plan and just go to what I used to do - spend time in all three sports, no real HIIT/plan and no core training but guaranteed to find it more enjoyable and stick with just building up the miles/hours, or should I re-evaluate the training plan to actually build a better athletic performance, or option C (which I will leave to you all to guide me :-) haha). Could this also be something that is driven by nutrition and vitamins/supplements? I haven't been the best in the past few weeks, too. Any help would be great as I'm starting to panic a little now.

Base fitness is important but we do this for fun so you need to keep that in mind.  I checked your logs and I didn't see any workouts so I can't address any specifics.  I would think that you should be doing some amount of SBR, core and tri specific strength work.  Do the core and strength stuff a few times a week if you can. 

Are you using a plan from a book or is it an individualized plan?  If it's a plan the coach did specifically for you, I'd talk about it with him/her.  Is there anything specific about the workouts that is problematic?  Are you have a problem finding the time to do them or is the duration too long or are the reps making you want to stab your eyes out?

I see that you did an Oly last August.  What kind of training did you do to prepare for that?

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.