BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2019-07-03 9:08 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
It sounds like she either does the swim version of sprinting when she works out, which may be why she doesn't like the longer pool, or she doesn't want to commit to a masters group and didn't want to say it directly (weird polite thing).
Personally, I prefer to do the majority of my workouts by myself. Not being completely anti-social, I just enjoy the solitude. It gives me time in my head, without a lot of clutter.

2019-07-03 10:37 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Maybe just a mental hangup, or she has the habit of hanging on the wall for a while and taking a break (good reason to learn flip turns!)? There are fewer chances to do that when training in a 50m pool. Personally I prefer long course for long-distance freestyle (less dizziness from flip turns, easier to count long sets) but would feel differently about fly. (Which I can't do at all now, but whatever...) I would really miss those quick breaths on the wall!

Always wonder how master's swim goes at North America's longest pool--it's in a park in Vancouver, Canada, is 137.5 meters long, and I've done a couple of workouts there. One of the most painful things I've done in a pool in recent memory was the result of a dare from some swimmer who said he bet a triathlete couldn't swim an IM in that pool. I did, thinking how hard can it be if I've done an 800m IM before, but 137.5m of fly is a long, long way. That's 5 1/2 normal lengths with no wall to cling to and gasp. Ouch!
2019-07-03 11:00 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by Hot Runner Maybe just a mental hangup, or she has the habit of hanging on the wall for a while and taking a break (good reason to learn flip turns!)? There are fewer chances to do that when training in a 50m pool. Personally I prefer long course for long-distance freestyle (less dizziness from flip turns, easier to count long sets) but would feel differently about fly. (Which I can't do at all now, but whatever...) I would really miss those quick breaths on the wall! Always wonder how master's swim goes at North America's longest pool--it's in a park in Vancouver, Canada, is 137.5 meters long, and I've done a couple of workouts there. One of the most painful things I've done in a pool in recent memory was the result of a dare from some swimmer who said he bet a triathlete couldn't swim an IM in that pool. I did, thinking how hard can it be if I've done an 800m IM before, but 137.5m of fly is a long, long way. That's 5 1/2 normal lengths with no wall to cling to and gasp. Ouch!

Heated, salt water 137.5m

I suspect that it is a mental hangup.  I had that issue.  The safety of the wall after 25m is surprisingly comforting.  I wonder if you could suggest that she swim in the lane nearest the wall, that way she has it if she needs it?

2019-07-04 9:17 AM
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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by JBacarella It sounds like she either does the swim version of sprinting when she works out, which may be why she doesn't like the longer pool, or she doesn't want to commit to a masters group and didn't want to say it directly (weird polite thing). Personally, I prefer to do the majority of my workouts by myself. Not being completely anti-social, I just enjoy the solitude. It gives me time in my head, without a lot of clutter.

I would suspect it's something more like this. It's a weird excuse that might not even be the real reason ... but people are funny - it's cool to want to do your own thing. But sometimes it's hard to define even for ourselves. Particularly with something like this where it's logical that swimming with the master's would be 'better' but she still doesn't want to ...

Edited by juniperjen 2019-07-04 9:20 AM
2019-07-04 3:33 PM
in reply to: #5253173

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
The only reason I have suggested Master's swim is that she 1.complains that when she tries to swim early, there are no lanes available (Master's swim would guarantee space), 2. Talks herself out of workouts, but then wants me to help her be accountable (her accountability is not my responsibility, but with a set workout, the Master's coach would help her be more accountable), 3. Wants swim instruction, but doesn't have a ton of money ($50/year for great instruction), 4. Has expressed her concerns for being prepared for the LOU swim (see #1-3 above).

I'll just accept my confusion and keep on worrying about my own training. ??
2019-07-05 4:21 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by glfprncs The only reason I have suggested Master's swim is that she 1.complains that when she tries to swim early, there are no lanes available (Master's swim would guarantee space), 2. Talks herself out of workouts, but then wants me to help her be accountable (her accountability is not my responsibility, but with a set workout, the Master's coach would help her be more accountable), 3. Wants swim instruction, but doesn't have a ton of money ($50/year for great instruction), 4. Has expressed her concerns for being prepared for the LOU swim (see #1-3 above). I'll just accept my confusion and keep on worrying about my own training. ??

You've done your part by letting her know about the masters program and the benefits it would provide her.  There is something holding her back.  I've long believed if you (the global you) want to do something bad enough, you'll find a way.  If not, you'll find an excuse.  Of course this comes with very limited exceptions such as true emergencies/unforeseen circumstances.

2019-07-08 8:05 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by glfprncs The only reason I have suggested Master's swim is that she 1.complains that when she tries to swim early, there are no lanes available (Master's swim would guarantee space), 2. Talks herself out of workouts, but then wants me to help her be accountable (her accountability is not my responsibility, but with a set workout, the Master's coach would help her be more accountable), 3. Wants swim instruction, but doesn't have a ton of money ($50/year for great instruction), 4. Has expressed her concerns for being prepared for the LOU swim (see #1-3 above). I'll just accept my confusion and keep on worrying about my own training. ??

You've done your part by letting her know about the masters program and the benefits it would provide her.  There is something holding her back.  I've long believed if you (the global you) want to do something bad enough, you'll find a way.  If not, you'll find an excuse.  Of course this comes with very limited exceptions such as true emergencies/unforeseen circumstances.

Agreed. Sounds like she's looking to you for a buddy rather than actually wanting the instruction/accountability/etc. That or a mental hangup like the others have mentioned.

Hope all is well with the pod. I've been offline with travel and a kitchen backsplash remodel that's taken all of my training time about about 10x longer than expected (you'd think I'd learn that these sort of things always go that way, but alas I do not). With no race on the books and summer temps in NC, it's hard to get motivated to get outside.
2019-07-08 10:55 AM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by glfprncs

The only reason I have suggested Master's swim is that she 1.complains that when she tries to swim early, there are no lanes available (Master's swim would guarantee space), 2. Talks herself out of workouts, but then wants me to help her be accountable (her accountability is not my responsibility, but with a set workout, the Master's coach would help her be more accountable), 3. Wants swim instruction, but doesn't have a ton of money ($50/year for great instruction), 4. Has expressed her concerns for being prepared for the LOU swim (see #1-3 above).

I'll just accept my confusion and keep on worrying about my own training. ??

Dude just walk away LOL

Sounds like she's not that close of a friend - and right now you gotta keep your head down and worry about your own training like you said. Get rid of the negativity and the doubt - unless your talking to me because that's just my normal state

2019-07-08 5:44 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
I hope you are all having a great summer and enjoying those longer hours of daylight while those of us on the bottom of the world cope with the dark. Good news for me, and bad news for you though, is that the corner is turned and every day we steal a second or too back.

We moved offices a few weeks ago and we are now located on a really busy main road with no footpaths or safe place really to run at lunch - or so I thought and then last week I found a beautiful park about 5 minutes drive away that has a massive big lake in it and a track that is about a mile long that goes all the way around. The place is full of birds and trees and grass and is beautiful. So when I haven't had meetings or it hasn't been pouring with rain (which we have had a lot of in the last month) I have headed there at lunch time and gone for a run in the sunshine and cold - it's been great. Some days I've only had time for one lap but it still been fantastic to get outside in the sunshine.

022E78F6-F125-4086-B18E-8287598E5F62.jpeg (2701KB - 6 downloads)
2019-07-08 6:56 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by StaceyK I hope you are all having a great summer and enjoying those longer hours of daylight while those of us on the bottom of the world cope with the dark. Good news for me, and bad news for you though, is that the corner is turned and every day we steal a second or too back. We moved offices a few weeks ago and we are now located on a really busy main road with no footpaths or safe place really to run at lunch - or so I thought and then last week I found a beautiful park about 5 minutes drive away that has a massive big lake in it and a track that is about a mile long that goes all the way around. The place is full of birds and trees and grass and is beautiful. So when I haven't had meetings or it hasn't been pouring with rain (which we have had a lot of in the last month) I have headed there at lunch time and gone for a run in the sunshine and cold - it's been great. Some days I've only had time for one lap but it still been fantastic to get outside in the sunshine.

I am happy we turned the corner -summer in Florida is my least favorite season!! So good news for both of us

That looks like a great place to run or just hang out -good find!

2019-07-08 10:35 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Lucky you with the nearby park! We are in the throes of real estate drama and had to pull out of one offer when the otherwise charming little house turned out to have way too many maintenance issues. Now finalizing an offer on another house which is really nice's basically on the same GINORMOUS hill I used to live on (or rather, my parents lived on and I did too when I was in town). Less than a mile away. (We looked there because the new job happens to be at a school really near our old house.) What is means is that EVERY run will involve several hundred feet of steep up and down, unless I drive somewhere and park to run. It's great for fitness, but that 500 foot climb can be a tough pill to swallow at the end of a 2 or 3 hour run (or a longer ride)!

And where is my new workplace? At the TOP of said hill. I believe it is the highest school in town. It does have a nice track/walking path on the grounds, and is near a nice little, pretty much flat two-mile loop out in the country that I used to run sometimes.

2019-07-09 9:13 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by StaceyK I hope you are all having a great summer and enjoying those longer hours of daylight while those of us on the bottom of the world cope with the dark. Good news for me, and bad news for you though, is that the corner is turned and every day we steal a second or too back. We moved offices a few weeks ago and we are now located on a really busy main road with no footpaths or safe place really to run at lunch - or so I thought and then last week I found a beautiful park about 5 minutes drive away that has a massive big lake in it and a track that is about a mile long that goes all the way around. The place is full of birds and trees and grass and is beautiful. So when I haven't had meetings or it hasn't been pouring with rain (which we have had a lot of in the last month) I have headed there at lunch time and gone for a run in the sunshine and cold - it's been great. Some days I've only had time for one lap but it still been fantastic to get outside in the sunshine.

How wonderful you found the beautiful, nearby park to help chase away the winter blues with some fresh air and sunshine!

2019-07-09 11:50 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by Hot Runner 

What is means is that EVERY run will involve several hundred feet of steep up and down, unless I drive somewhere and park to run. 

That's my current home situation, well maybe not as severe as several hundred feet, but when I do a 1/2 mile out, 1/2 mile back run I log 111 feet of elevation 

2019-07-09 1:32 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by Hot Runner 

What is means is that EVERY run will involve several hundred feet of steep up and down, unless I drive somewhere and park to run. 

That's my current home situation, well maybe not as severe as several hundred feet, but when I do a 1/2 mile out, 1/2 mile back run I log 111 feet of elevation 

I'm at the top of a hill too. It's the kind of hill that can kill your whole ride average up to .5mi/hr for short rides 213ft over 1.15mi
2019-07-09 3:37 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Anyone see this article about augmented reality swim goggles? They're rather pricey, but a cool idea-I think.  I always want real time confirmation about just how slowly i am swimming 

2019-07-09 4:29 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by amd723

Anyone see this article about augmented reality swim goggles? They're rather pricey, but a cool idea-I think.  I always want real time confirmation about just how slowly i am swimming 

Sounds like a cool idea, but I worry it would be distracting me too much...

2019-07-09 4:29 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
...but I would definitely accept it as a gift...
2019-07-09 5:41 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by Hot Runner 

What is means is that EVERY run will involve several hundred feet of steep up and down, unless I drive somewhere and park to run. 

That's my current home situation, well maybe not as severe as several hundred feet, but when I do a 1/2 mile out, 1/2 mile back run I log 111 feet of elevation 

I'm at the top of a hill too. It's the kind of hill that can kill your whole ride average up to .5mi/hr for short rides 213ft over 1.15mi
Im about half way up a hill like that so I can chose whether I want to go up (and up, and up) for the first half of my run or for the second - so at least I get variety. The bonus I have discovered is that when you then have flat runs they feel super easy and are heaps quicker.
2019-07-09 9:05 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Both new house and old are about halfway up the same hill, about 500 vertical feet from the valley floor. The first crest of the hill is at about 1000 feet, it flattens for a bit in some parts and then goes up again. School is at maybe 1200 feet, but a road goes beyond it to trailheads and a radio station with a huge transmission tower near the top. Way up, maybe 2000 or 2200 feet. It's to one side of the biggest hill in town, 2500 feet. Basically the whole town slopes upward to the south; it is a series of big hills (or small mountains), connected by a trail system. In college my teammates and I called this part of town the "Vertical Universe". Awesome trail running along the ridge--you couldn't get me off of those in my college days--but I have lost the nerve. Not just injury related but cougar sightings, women attacked occasionally, etc. Maybe with a group.

Actually where I live here in Idaho has the potential for even more vertical fun. It is possible, in the course of a normal long run distance or bike ride, to go all the way from about 2600 on the valley floor to almost 7000 feet, but I have never actually done it. I have ridden from the house (at 2600) to about 6000 feet though.
2019-07-10 8:43 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723

Anyone see this article about augmented reality swim goggles? They're rather pricey, but a cool idea-I think.  I always want real time confirmation about just how slowly i am swimming 


Me, getting to the wall at the end of my set. I knew that I was slow but...  Now I could have that data as it's happening!

2019-07-10 10:36 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Have any of you been following the Frank Meza story?  He was suspected of cheating in the LA Marathon where he apparently set an age group world record, finishing in 2:53:10.  After a whole internet blowup, he was disqualified on June 28.  He was found dead, in an apparent suicide on July 4.  Very sad and disturbing.

2019-07-10 10:42 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Have any of you been following the Frank Meza story?  He was suspected of cheating in the LA Marathon where he apparently set an age group world record, finishing in 2:53:10.  After a whole internet blowup, he was disqualified on June 28.  He was found dead, in an apparent suicide on July 4.  Very sad and disturbing.

Yes, I've followed it loosely as the saga was unfolding, forgot about it and then saw the headline on CNN that he was found dead. I have no problem with a cheater getting identified and disqualified; but i do have problems with the people who think they should bully another on social media, leave reviews on his website etc calling him out, saying nasty bullying things!  Social media has some good points (this thread for example ), but it also creates a lot of problems.  

2019-07-10 10:54 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Have any of you been following the Frank Meza story?  He was suspected of cheating in the LA Marathon where he apparently set an age group world record, finishing in 2:53:10.  After a whole internet blowup, he was disqualified on June 28.  He was found dead, in an apparent suicide on July 4.  Very sad and disturbing.

Yes, I've followed it loosely as the saga was unfolding, forgot about it and then saw the headline on CNN that he was found dead. I have no problem with a cheater getting identified and disqualified; but i do have problems with the people who think they should bully another on social media, leave reviews on his website etc calling him out, saying nasty bullying things!  Social media has some good points (this thread for example ), but it also creates a lot of problems.  


I have followed a bit as well and I think it is important to differentiate the two things in this regard.

  1. He cheated.
  2. He was bullied.

Was there some cause and affect? Sure, but the first does not excuse the other. And the second is generally much worse in the end than the first. It is a sad day when someone cheating in a hobby ends up in death. I think it would be interesting for law enforcement or some other governing body, to go back through the whole thing, find those that were involved and start calling those people to the carpet. It is apparent that the way people act within the realm of the Internet is oftentimes different than IRL. And it would be interesting to see folks get educated in regards to their actions and the possible ramifications of those actions.

As someone who has been through something similar, I am consistently sickened by some members of society.


2019-07-10 11:47 AM
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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Have any of you been following the Frank Meza story?  He was suspected of cheating in the LA Marathon where he apparently set an age group world record, finishing in 2:53:10.  After a whole internet blowup, he was disqualified on June 28.  He was found dead, in an apparent suicide on July 4.  Very sad and disturbing.

Yes, I've followed it loosely as the saga was unfolding, forgot about it and then saw the headline on CNN that he was found dead. I have no problem with a cheater getting identified and disqualified; but i do have problems with the people who think they should bully another on social media, leave reviews on his website etc calling him out, saying nasty bullying things!  Social media has some good points (this thread for example ), but it also creates a lot of problems.  


I have followed a bit as well and I think it is important to differentiate the two things in this regard.

  1. He cheated.
  2. He was bullied.

Was there some cause and affect? Sure, but the first does not excuse the other. And the second is generally much worse in the end than the first. It is a sad day when someone cheating in a hobby ends up in death. I think it would be interesting for law enforcement or some other governing body, to go back through the whole thing, find those that were involved and start calling those people to the carpet. It is apparent that the way people act within the realm of the Internet is oftentimes different than IRL. And it would be interesting to see folks get educated in regards to their actions and the possible ramifications of those actions.

As someone who has been through something similar, I am consistently sickened by some members of society.


I hadn't really followed; I remember vaguely hearing something about cheating when it happened, then heard about his death.  Didn't realize it had been ruled a suicide though.  I agree, that the first doesn't justify the second.  He screwed up, he got caught; the consequences of that should have been enough.  So sad.

ETA: I'm sorry you have been through something like that Chris.

Edited by IronOx 2019-07-10 11:48 AM
2019-07-10 11:55 AM
in reply to: #5253173


Subject: RE: Manatees - 2019 Edition - Practice Maximum Enthusiasm - CLOSED
Hi, I'm not sure that I'm doing this correctly. Do I need permission to join this group? I didn't see a place to post my bio.
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