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2020-01-01 5:27 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Welcome back, Lisa!

2020-01-01 7:54 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!
Name: Robin

Other Social Media: Facebook, Instagram @fortissimo_15, Twitter @fortissimo15

Story: I grew up as a swimmer and walked away from it in college. Refused to swim laps until I decided to try a tri about 25 years later. I've done a few sprints, Olympics, a full IM, and about 9 70.3s. I've also done a few half marathons and some 10ks. This is my 31st and last year of teaching middle school band and orchestra in the same school I attended as a kid.

Family: A husband, Greg, and four fur kids: Caesar the cat, almost 15; Jack the Golden Receiver (he retrieves nothing) is 13; Lilo the lap cat is 6; and Kokua the English Cream Golden Retrieve who can't catch to save his life is 6 months old.

Current training: I'm a member of the PlayTri Westminster team, but use my own coach. He's been with me since 2012 I think, and he's the perfect coach for me. He pushes me, holds me back when needed, and tells me like it is. Right now we're looking at races for next summer and gearing up for them.

Races: Right now the only race I've already signed up for is Challenge Daytona Middle Distance on Dec. 6. I'm also looking at the Harvest Moon here in Boulder which is Sept. 12. I purposely picked late races so I would have something to do while my husband and my friends are all back in the classroom next fall. I'm also thinking about a Sprint in early June in Boulder.

Goals: Get my swim back, my speed up on the bike, survive the run.

What makes me a good Manatee? I send silent good luck thoughts to those racing and positive thoughts to those who need them. Honestly, these past few months I've been a horrible Manatee because school is so time consuming right now. However, after May 26, I'll have a lot more time on my hands.

2020-01-02 7:06 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

NAME: Mark Loken

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook - Mark Loken; Instagram- Mark_Loken; Twitter: @markloken; Strava: Mark Loken

STORY: I am 51 years old and am a banking executive.  I have been doing triathlons for about ten years; although, the last three have been very limited.  I got into them as my "mid-life crisis" when I was 40.  In June 2018, I found out I was in aFib and likely had been for a while.  I had gained a lot of weight and was not active at all.  I had changed jobs the year prior and was not managing stress well at all.  So, I have made many changes in the last 18 months.  No caffeine, sleep studies, reduced alcohol, and I have lost 60 pounds since last February.  The weight loss has been the result of switching over to the Keto plan.  I love it and will try to integrate training using it (looking for advice).  My heart rhythm is good and I've started running again.  I have competed in all triathlon distances; 5- full IMs; 3-half IMs; 6-Olys; and 2-sprints.  I really enjoy training as much as racing. I recently upgraded my bike and am looking forward to riding again. 

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married 27 years and we have two daughters.  The oldest is 21 and a Junior in college and the youngest is 18 and will graduate high school this spring.  We have not pets at this point. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I am getting back into training based upon cardiologist approval.  It is a slow process back. I am running a bit and will start biking after my next check-up.  I'll start some pool work in the spring. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Nothing booked yet; but I'd like to do an Oly and perhaps a late summer half IM.  I am also likely going to do the Twin Cities Marathon next fall.  This assumes I can stay in rhythm and the doctor gives me the "thumbs up."

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: I am looking for support and new friends.  I have been on BT for years and like a lot of people, got away from it.  I guess, I'm looking for support and advice.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I was a Manatee years ago, recruited by Yanti.  I will contribute as much as I can and offer support to the group. 

2020-01-02 7:15 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

NAME:- cdban66/Chris/DubSix

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: @cdban on Twitter, @cdban66 on IG and Chris Banting on Facebook.

STORY: I had been somewhat athletic in High School, playing soccer, beach volleyball and basketball, but that was a long time ago. Marriage, two children, business ownership and sale thereof, and the general busyness of life just got in the way. A number of years back I began going to the gym, lifting weights and such. Then in late July 2010, we had a family weight loss challenge. In order to lose weight, I began running. My youngest daughter suggested we run a race at Walt Disney World, so I began to prep for that and my oldest sister joined in as well. Before that race had happened, I began looking for more challenge/diversity, since I was enjoying the training. I had a friend who had been in tri’s a while back, he gave me his old bike and it grew from there. That has morphed into mtb riding and now I am a board member with our local Off Road Riding group, SCORR. We now own a small camper and drag that around on occasional weekends to ride in different areas. We don't usually go too far, although I have gotten far enough north to ride with a Manatee spouse.

FAMILY STATUS: I am a 6’3”, 53 yr old male and I've been married for over 32 years. I have 2 girls, ages 29 and 31. My wife, Ann or TW (THE Wonder or Wife), is the most wonderful person a man could have in his life and is now riding an e-assist bike with me in the woods. Daughter 1 was wed last year and Daughter 2 will be doing the same this year. I'll become "Pop" (grandpa) to Alayna(7) and William(9), which has been an interesting adjustment to our lives. We live in Florida.

CURRENT TRAINING: My primary focus right now is the mtb. I enjoy riding with my LBS group, with TW, with SCORR, or alone, and have taken a bike mechanic class as well. I have built a fixed gear for training on the road. I currently also have a Jamis road bike that I converted from a TT bike, a hardtail MTB, and a junk pile reclamation beach cruiser that I will use for pub riding and getting groceries. There *may* be a softtail MTB and a gravel grinder in my future, although paying for weddings has slowed my ability to add bikes to the rack in my garage. PF has sucked the joy out of running for me and I was never really committed to swimming, so my triathlete years may be behind me. Never say never though, I have been thinking about an Xterra event for a few years, but it truly doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon.

2020 RACES: Races?!?! I "participate" in "events" at this point. I need to get through the SCORR event "Piggy's Revenge" this weekend. And by get through, I mean volunteer the heck outta the thing. Then there is the Hamster Wheel the next weekend, which will be a road event this year, with as many miles as you can do on a 9 mile circuit. I will probably take part in the ONG gravel ride in February and after that, I am open.

2020 GOALS: There may be a return to North Carolina or a trip out to Bentonville for a long weekend and we have a few weekends of camping/biking planned. Quite honestly, I just want to stay in shape to be able to take advantage of other opportunities I get to spend time on the bike with friends.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MANATEE: I am not the fastest, but I am supportive, upbeat, and really do want to be a better rider. I read logs for info and motivation, post a bit and you will likely receive an "Inspire" or 2 from me every now and again.

2020-01-02 8:11 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Welcome back, Chris, Robin, and Mark!

2020-01-02 9:11 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Hello to Mark, Robin and Chris - happy Thursday.

I went back to the office today after a holiday break. My daughter is still on break but at my parents' house being spoiled at the moment. My little guy was happy to go see his friends at daycare this morning. Anyway, nice to have some quiet time (hahahaha, work is quiet time) to organize myself and be out of the house. Because work is also very very quiet. I suspect that by the middle of next week it will be super crazy but until then i will just keep at it. 

So, with the new year is the build up to the HIM. Workout planned for tonight is lane swim - i probably will procrastinate on going but i think if i post it here it will be public accountability - right?? Manatees? You will keep me accountable?? 

And so to kick off some discussion: i have read so much and know so many early birds who workout at the crack of dawn (Janyne, I am looking at you) but I have accepted that for me this training cycle will be primarily evening training. This is about making life work and for me i have my tri club swim late two days a week. It's 8:30pm which is awesome because my kids are in bed and i don't miss family time. But this also makes waking up early super difficult. And, my 2.5 year old is not all that consistent about not waking up at 3am and still wakes up at 6am so for me the early morning is good in theory is not terribly practical for me at this time. 

When in the day do you workout? Is this your preference or would you change if your circumstances were different? 


2020-01-02 9:26 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hello to Mark, Robin and Chris - happy Thursday.

I went back to the office today after a holiday break. My daughter is still on break but at my parents' house being spoiled at the moment. My little guy was happy to go see his friends at daycare this morning. Anyway, nice to have some quiet time (hahahaha, work is quiet time) to organize myself and be out of the house. Because work is also very very quiet. I suspect that by the middle of next week it will be super crazy but until then i will just keep at it. 

So, with the new year is the build up to the HIM. Workout planned for tonight is lane swim - i probably will procrastinate on going but i think if i post it here it will be public accountability - right?? Manatees? You will keep me accountable?? 

And so to kick off some discussion: i have read so much and know so many early birds who workout at the crack of dawn (Janyne, I am looking at you) but I have accepted that for me this training cycle will be primarily evening training. This is about making life work and for me i have my tri club swim late two days a week. It's 8:30pm which is awesome because my kids are in bed and i don't miss family time. But this also makes waking up early super difficult. And, my 2.5 year old is not all that consistent about not waking up at 3am and still wakes up at 6am so for me the early morning is good in theory is not terribly practical for me at this time. 

When in the day do you workout? Is this your preference or would you change if your circumstances were different?

Oh yeah.  I totally understand the making life work for you scheduling.

I get up early because I am not fit to talk until I've been up for a good long time. Also, I can "hide" more training there than after work/dinner/dog walking. Finally, NC is hot and humid in the summer so running more or less needs to be in the dark.  I just keep the same schedule year round now.

2020-01-02 9:34 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hello to Mark, Robin and Chris - happy Thursday.

I went back to the office today after a holiday break. My daughter is still on break but at my parents' house being spoiled at the moment. My little guy was happy to go see his friends at daycare this morning. Anyway, nice to have some quiet time (hahahaha, work is quiet time) to organize myself and be out of the house. Because work is also very very quiet. I suspect that by the middle of next week it will be super crazy but until then i will just keep at it. 

So, with the new year is the build up to the HIM. Workout planned for tonight is lane swim - i probably will procrastinate on going but i think if i post it here it will be public accountability - right?? Manatees? You will keep me accountable?? 

And so to kick off some discussion: i have read so much and know so many early birds who workout at the crack of dawn (Janyne, I am looking at you) but I have accepted that for me this training cycle will be primarily evening training. This is about making life work and for me i have my tri club swim late two days a week. It's 8:30pm which is awesome because my kids are in bed and i don't miss family time. But this also makes waking up early super difficult. And, my 2.5 year old is not all that consistent about not waking up at 3am and still wakes up at 6am so for me the early morning is good in theory is not terribly practical for me at this time. 

When in the day do you workout? Is this your preference or would you change if your circumstances were different?

Oh yeah.  I totally understand the making life work for you scheduling.

I get up early because I am not fit to talk until I've been up for a good long time. Also, I can "hide" more training there than after work/dinner/dog walking. Finally, NC is hot and humid in the summer so running more or less needs to be in the dark.  I just keep the same schedule year round now.

I am an early workout person b/c that is when i can fit it in! When training for HIM or IM there is often a day or 2 when I need to get a trainer ride in after work b/c the morning was already taken up with 1 or 2 other workouts! I resisted early workouts for a long time, but finally gave in and really they do work better for me. Of course that means I am in bed early too, so I am quite fun to be around  

2020-01-02 9:38 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Hello to Mark, Robin and Chris - happy Thursday.

I went back to the office today after a holiday break. My daughter is still on break but at my parents' house being spoiled at the moment. My little guy was happy to go see his friends at daycare this morning. Anyway, nice to have some quiet time (hahahaha, work is quiet time) to organize myself and be out of the house. Because work is also very very quiet. I suspect that by the middle of next week it will be super crazy but until then i will just keep at it. 

So, with the new year is the build up to the HIM. Workout planned for tonight is lane swim - i probably will procrastinate on going but i think if i post it here it will be public accountability - right?? Manatees? You will keep me accountable?? 

And so to kick off some discussion: i have read so much and know so many early birds who workout at the crack of dawn (Janyne, I am looking at you) but I have accepted that for me this training cycle will be primarily evening training. This is about making life work and for me i have my tri club swim late two days a week. It's 8:30pm which is awesome because my kids are in bed and i don't miss family time. But this also makes waking up early super difficult. And, my 2.5 year old is not all that consistent about not waking up at 3am and still wakes up at 6am so for me the early morning is good in theory is not terribly practical for me at this time. 

When in the day do you workout? Is this your preference or would you change if your circumstances were different?

Oh yeah.  I totally understand the making life work for you scheduling.

I get up early because I am not fit to talk until I've been up for a good long time. Also, I can "hide" more training there than after work/dinner/dog walking. Finally, NC is hot and humid in the summer so running more or less needs to be in the dark.  I just keep the same schedule year round now.

I am an early workout person b/c that is when i can fit it in! When training for HIM or IM there is often a day or 2 when I need to get a trainer ride in after work b/c the morning was already taken up with 1 or 2 other workouts! I resisted early workouts for a long time, but finally gave in and really they do work better for me. Of course that means I am in bed early too, so I am quite fun to be around  

Yes, it does make for an early bedtime. Soon I'll be in bed before Jen's kids!

It's actually way easier now than when I first started the early morning routine. Now everything is on a DVR or on-demand or whatever.  We watched Jack Ryan over the holidays and we just started the new season of Mrs. Maisel.  Before that it was Man in the High Castle and Dublin Murders (well done but the books were better).

2020-01-02 10:18 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!
Originally posted by juniperjen

When in the day do you workout? Is this your preference or would you change if your circumstances were different? 


In general I prefer to get workouts in before work, as once I'm home for the day there's no peeling me off the couch. I start at the office at 7:30, so it does make for some tough early mornings, which I do not enjoy. I wish I was better about consistently waking up, or that I could be in the office about an hour later.
2020-01-02 10:19 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!
When do I workout? After school as I am not a morning person at all! I think 4:30am swim practices as a kid ruined me for life haha.

I get home from school a bit before 5. I feed the kids, change, then go to the gym for my swim or run. If I have a bike I do that on the trainer in the basement and then if I have a short run after the bike I will go to the rec center. If my coach gives me a "do this in the morning and this in the afternoon" it's all going to be after school.

The one thing I am looking forward to the most in retirement is to be able to train whenever I want!

Edited by fortissimo 2020-01-02 10:20 AM

2020-01-02 10:48 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

This past weekend (Dec. 29, 2019) I did the Kris Kringle race. My days are very mixed up in my head at this point as far as weekends, weekdays, and when in the week are we, LOL!

I also got a little surprise when I looked at my email today - apparently my new coach, Coach Kim, posted some fun into Training Peaks for me.  I've got a run this evening and (gasp - brace yourselves) a swim tomorrow, so I'll be getting my butt to the pool finally, no more excuses!

2020-01-02 10:49 AM
in reply to: 0

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Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Same for me on the early workouts.  I rarely take lunch and if I want a double workout, morning and early evening.  For me, I will be up at 4am to get a swim or bike in.  In enjoy running in the evenings, especially in the summer. I hate running in the dark during winter. For the next 3.5 months, it is treadmill and trainer time.

Edited by Buckshot 2020-01-02 10:49 AM
2020-01-02 10:57 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!
Originally posted by jmkizer

I get up early because I am not fit to talk until I've been up for a good long time. Also, I can "hide" more training there than after work/dinner/dog walking. Finally, NC is hot and humid in the summer so running more or less needs to be in the dark.  I just keep the same schedule year round now.

LOL this is so me! I have to go early. At the gym, I wear my hat low and don't make eye contact ("don't talk to me"); at the pool there is no chit chat and running and biking I can do by myself.

It started when we got our first dog we staggered our schedules and I started working out in the am and DH would do PM. Now we kinda both do both but you do get used to the early mornings (took a LONG TIME of consistency) although clearly I do not get up as early as some of you. 4:50 at the EARLIEST and that's rare - 5:15 on the average weekday.

2020-01-02 11:03 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!
Happy 2020!!!

Name: Marysia

Other Social Media: Facebook (Marysia Grabowska), Instagram (mary.grabie), LinkedIn (Maria Galent, CRA)

STORY: I am Polish, living in US for over 15 years, and moving to Colorado this coming June (yay!!!). I've done several triathlons, including one 70.3, I absolutely love ultra running, am also engaged with mountain biking and rock climbing. Currently going through programming bootcamp and raising two kids, so time is not my best friend right now, but I am managing I work for the university, and its biggest advantage is that I have a gym on my campus, right across a street, with pool and indoor track, thus, there is never an excuse...

FAMILY STATUS: I was a single mother of two, and for the last two years going through life with a fantastic and sports-loving partner. He cannot swim and can't run for long due to his metal-knee, but is an excellent rider, thus, we've been contemplating a tri raley together. My kids are also into sports, Zosia (10) does gymnastics (and whatever sports are offered at school), and my son Mikolaj (12) loves running and volleyball. We also have a wonderful cat (who acts like a dog...) His name is Kicia and his favorite sport is speed-running throught teh hallway. One day (when we move to CO) we will have a dog too.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've been climbing on weekends, and that's it... but with New Year's resolutions and plans I am planning to train more (time permits...)

THIS YEAR's EVENTS: I want to run 50 miles in KY in April. I am planning to move in June, and I expect it could be a hectic time, thus, I have not planned/scheduled anything for summer. If the move goes smoothly, I am pretty sure I will find something local there for the end of summer or fall

GOALS: main goal this year is to make it to the finish line at the 50 MI with no injuries.... Training wise: strong core.
I also have a plan "40 fourteeners for 40th birthday" which would start this year, thus, I need to be in a good shape. Endurance, strength, patience, and humblness are the keywords for this year.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I have to admit with the school going on and some extra stress at work I am not as available to check in at BT as often as I used to... But I am hoping this will change this year. As a Manatee, I offer plenty of support and enthusiasm to all others who train hard!

Have a wonderful and sunny new year!!

2020-01-02 11:07 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Originally posted by jmkizer

I get up early because I am not fit to talk until I've been up for a good long time. Also, I can "hide" more training there than after work/dinner/dog walking. Finally, NC is hot and humid in the summer so running more or less needs to be in the dark.  I just keep the same schedule year round now.

LOL this is so me! I have to go early. At the gym, I wear my hat low and don't make eye contact ("don't talk to me"); at the pool there is no chit chat and running and biking I can do by myself.

It started when we got our first dog we staggered our schedules and I started working out in the am and DH would do PM. Now we kinda both do both but you do get used to the early mornings (took a LONG TIME of consistency) although clearly I do not get up as early as some of you. 4:50 at the EARLIEST and that's rare - 5:15 on the average weekday.

I admire all of the morning folks... I tried so many times to wake up in the morning, but never had enough motivation... I even tried to have a picture of an athlete I admire next to me, hoping that if I look at them in the morning, it will remind me about the training, and goals, and hard work.... But it didn't work out... It is especially true when it's glummy and cold outside.
I enjoy evening training much more. I think I am mentally there in the evening. Work is done, school is completed, kids are in bed... I feel like I have all things checked for the day, and have a space for the training. No rush, just me and the training. Then I go to sleep with a satiscaftion of completion. That never happens in the morning. In the morning all that I think about is the cozy warm cover and my bed....

2020-01-02 11:38 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Originally posted by melbo55

This past weekend (Dec. 29, 2019) I did the Kris Kringle race. My days are very mixed up in my head at this point as far as weekends, weekdays, and when in the week are we, LOL!

I also got a little surprise when I looked at my email today - apparently my new coach, Coach Kim, posted some fun into Training Peaks for me.  I've got a run this evening and (gasp - brace yourselves) a swim tomorrow, so I'll be getting my butt to the pool finally, no more excuses!

Glad i'm not the only one confused by the day! I'm a little concerned that you are starting training for Choo and i don't start for 3 weeks and i am way out of shape, so really should have started a month ago!  I keep telling myself i'm going back to the pool, but so far it's just been a lie!

2020-01-02 11:39 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Lunch time/afternoon is definitely my sweet spot for training. I'm not a morning person whatsoever. When I'm forced to do something athletic in the morning I'm foggy, groggy and pissed off. I know doing it for years on-end would make it routine and possibly enjoyable (doubt it), but I have no real reason to torture myself to get to that point. 

I have a fabulous gym on-site where I work (including shower facilities, towel service, hair dryers, etc.), so it's easy to pop down over lunch or right after work when I'm feeling my best. #TeamNOmorningworkouts 

2020-01-02 11:47 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Welcome back, Marysia!

2020-01-02 1:37 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by melbo55

This past weekend (Dec. 29, 2019) I did the Kris Kringle race. My days are very mixed up in my head at this point as far as weekends, weekdays, and when in the week are we, LOL!

I also got a little surprise when I looked at my email today - apparently my new coach, Coach Kim, posted some fun into Training Peaks for me.  I've got a run this evening and (gasp - brace yourselves) a swim tomorrow, so I'll be getting my butt to the pool finally, no more excuses!

Glad i'm not the only one confused by the day! I'm a little concerned that you are starting training for Choo and i don't start for 3 weeks and i am way out of shape, so really should have started a month ago!  I keep telling myself i'm going back to the pool, but so far it's just been a lie!

Don't be worried, she's easing me back into the training routine, I don't think we are near the serious level yet.  Besides, you've been training waaaaay more than me!

2020-01-02 4:45 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!
My "sweet spot" is really mid-day (about 11-1) and I tend to get going around then on weekends and in the summer, but that doesn't happen during the work week! I used to try to train after work, but it was really hard to be consistent. My work hours (at least where I've taught) tend to be unpredictable after the kids leave--varying amounts of prep, sometimes unannounced meetings, coaching at some jobs. Plus when I was living in Saigon, the weather tended to go south in the afternoon during rainy season (six months a year). So I got in the habit of getting up early to train, at least for run and bike.

Have pretty much continued that here due to inconsistent PM commitments and limited winter daylight. It's hard to get up, but I find the day goes better if I've trained in the morning--I feel both more alert and energetic all day, though I do crash early in the evenings. Swimming, though, I have almost always done after work--I don't have convenient early AM pool access here and rarely did when I lived overseas. Plus my body just doesn't seem to like early morning swims. I'm okay for run and bike (though really top end stuff if a bit sluggish) as long as I get 15-20 minutes warmup, but whenever I swim before about mid-day, my back feels tight the entire time and I am a lot slower than later in the day. It's been like this since I was a kid, so I guess it is just how my body works. Race days seem to be the only exception--I guess the effect or adrenaline or something!

2020-01-02 6:18 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!
When Do I train?
I prefer to run at lunch aka Runch. Everything else is in the evening. I am a morning person, but I HATE morning exercise. It is the worst thing ever. I just want to drink coffee and work in the morning.
2020-01-02 9:28 PM
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Laramie, Wyoming
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Thank you to Janyne for the invite! I am excited to be here!  

NAME: Tom / UberClydesdale

Blog: (I hope that I will get around to updating it more frequently… someday)

STORY: I am an IT professional during the day, so desk work is the norm.  I have a long off-on relationship with athletics. I grew up in southern California doing age group swimming, high school water polo and swimming, and raced road bikes in high school. I also worked the summer before my senior year as a bicycle mechanic and assembler at my favorite LBS.  After graduating from high school, I attended college and held a part time job, but unfortunately I gave up the sports life. I kept eating like I did in high school and my slowly built up, peaking about twenty years later at 420(now at 315). A (brief) failed marriage convinced me to take my health seriously, with my food choices and getting back in the pool and on the bike. . 

In the mid ‘90s and from 2010-2015, I swam with masters swim groups. In 1996 I completed the LaJolla Rough Swim (1 mile in the Pacific) and starting about 2011 (or so) I was regularly competing at USMS meets. I’ve always wanted to do a multisport event, but running was never something I could do. That’s why I am interested in doing an aquabike in 2020. 

FAMILY STATUS: I currently live in Laramie, Wyoming, home to the 8-9 month winter season. Celebrating 5 years married to my wonderful wife. I have with two adult stepkids, one 3 yr grandson, and two dachshund fur babies

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now my training consists of swimming 3x/week. Each swim is just over 1 hour long and is about 2,000 yards. I write all of my own workouts. I just returned from a holiday vacation visiting family/friends in California, so I am going to get my bike ready for some indoor trainer work. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: My race goal for 2020 is to complete my first sprint aquabike. The one I’m looking at is the Steamboat Lake Triathlon ( ) in July 2020. I’m also planning on doing some USMS swim meets this year. 

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: This is part of my journey, a journey to becoming healthier me. Completing an aquabike race will help me to complete a life long dream and show myself that I can anything. 

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: Life has shown me that having like-minded friends when you are on a journey makes it more rewarding. I”m here to contribute where I can and learn from those who are more experienced.

WEIGHTLOSS: I started my journey at 420 lbs though my weight fluctuated for many years. In the last year I have dropped to 315 lbs. My ultimate goal is to get to about 230 lbs. 

If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to ask! --Tom

Edited by UberClydesdale 2020-01-02 10:24 PM
2020-01-02 10:09 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Laramie, Wyoming
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

When in the day do you workout? Is this your preference or would you change if your circumstances were different? 

I usually work until 3:30 or 4:00 but my wife works until 5:00, so I generally get my workouts in after work. I am not a morning person, so this actually is my preferred time slot for exercising. --Tom

2020-01-03 6:32 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees Roar into the 20s!

Originally posted by juniperjen

When in the day do you workout? Is this your preference or would you change if your circumstances were different? 

When I was running, it was in the morning. Any other time and the heat becomes a bit much. TW and I often carpool to work, so I'll throw the bike into the car and ride home on occasion. Or we'll put our MTB's in my truck before work and ride after work together.

Given my druthers, I'd run early and ride in the morning, but that isn't an option for another 15 or so years 

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