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Buffalo Springs Lake - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

View Member's Race Log
Lubbock, TX
United States
90F / 32C
Total Time = 6h 22m 25s
Overall Rank = 455/650
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 22/32
Pre-race routine:

Woke up around 3:30, Ate a bagel, took a shower. Packed the car and drove to the site. Set up transition. Gabbed with the other BTers that I could find (someone remind me to bring my flashlight next year!). Basically stood around a lot.
Event warmup:

Jumped in the lake for 100m or so just to adjust the wetsuit and get the arms a bit loose. It was a tough area to try to warm up in. Small cove and too many people.
  • 34m 42s
  • 2112 yards
  • 01m 38s / 100 yards

Of the 12 girls in my AG that beat me, 3 of them beat me by less than 15 seconds! Urgh :( Bad swim. I tried to get a fast start to draft behind the fast swimmers...but I got stuck in the middle of a crowd and then ended up trying to play catchup and pass folks. Rounding the last buoy to the east the girl to my right decided she HAD to swim within six inches of the buoy and cut right across the front of me, punching me smack in the right goggle in the process. It was several minutes before I could really think straight. I kept swimming, but DANG that hurt! Eye is still sore. I am surprised I don't have a black eye. I was doing a terrible job sighting. I kept pulling right. The getting punched thing scared me into hanging out by myself on the side so I never drafted other than about 10 seconds somewhere in there. Near the final turn someone came up behind me and hit me in the back. This caused a 'WARDROBE MALFUNCTION'. My wetsuit came completely unzipped and I had to stop, reach behind me to rezip it, then start up again. About 100m from the end another guy not paying attention and using a swing-arm recovery instead of the nice keep-your-dang-arms-near-your-own-dang-head recovery slapped me right across the back of the head. Ow. Whatever. Get me out of this stupid mosh pit! ALMOST 4 minutes faster than last year's swim...
What would you do differently?:

Try to get out front and draft off the fast girls.
Transition 1
  • 02m 31s

Slow, but we had a long run to get to our bikes. Bad thing was that even though the wetsuit strippers pulled the zipper down for me, I neglected to take the suit off my shoulders until I was standing at my bike. Stupid Jen. Then my wetsuit got stuck on my chip. Oh well. I kind of took my time since this was a HIM and I didn't want to forget anything or have my socks stuck on funny. Really not bad considering. The mount line was poorly marked. But once across 'the line people were pointing at' I got on my bike better than last week!
What would you do differently?:

Get the wetsuit down to my waist before getting to my bike.
  • 3h 18m 55s
  • 56 miles
  • 16.89 mile/hr

Wow...that is smokin' fast for ME in Texas with hills and headwind. And it was STILL a PASS JEN PARTY!!!!! :) Seriously, HUNDREDS of people passed me! Gina passed me about 10 minutes in, and Jessi caught up about 50ish minutes in. I felt really good for about the first 30 miles. Even though people were passing me, I was seeing some really good speeds in my bike computer so I kept it semi-easy. Definitely harder than I've been riding, but I knew I couldn't go overboard. I really tried to keep a spin going. The first two hills right out of transition hurt worse than usual. Not really sure why. Felt very HEAVY going up them. But once up and over I just started spinning. The headwinds were not as bad as usual early on. Maybe I've just been riding in some nasty winds? That or it was still sort of early so the temp and winds hadn't picked up yet for the first southbound leg. Got up the third hill okay. Coming back DOWN that one I hit 43.9mph!!!! Wooohooo! Next 15ish miles were fairly uneventful. Past 30 miles I was starting to get a little bit uncomfortable on my bike. When I hit 40 I was downright HURTING. Lower back ached. Neck ached. Right knee was starting to complain. And the saddle was NOT comfortable! The last 10 miles were just awful for me. It didn't help that during those last 10 we were on a road that had 'hidden ruts' that you literally could NOT see until you hit them. I actually screamed a couple of times because of those ruts. I tried to sit up and put my hands in the horns when I wasn't going into the wind. And I also stood up a few times even on flats to give my body a break. I think the pain slowed me down because I did the first 40 miles in 2:20 and the last 16 took me almost an hour. I was drinking plenty of water and I had a water bottle with four diluted gels in it. But an hour and a half in I started to get hungry...bad sign. So at one of the last aid stations I took an extra gel. That's FIVE gels on the bike...I'm a pig! It didn't start to really get hot until the last hour. That's good! It's like racing against the sun...the faster you go, the less heat you'll have to deal with on the run!
Overall...the time is VERY good for me...even if it's not good in general. Last year the bike leg took me 30+ minutes longer...sheesh!
What would you do differently?:

Ride more long rides. I did one 56 mile ride and maybe 3-4 40ish mile rides. Not enough long stuff. Also going to get my bike fit tweaked...I thought I had enough time from buying the bike til this race to get it right...I think I was wrong. It needs some adjusting.
Transition 2
  • 03m 42s

Again...the mount/dismount line was poorly marked. I clipped out too early and had my feet on the pedals not clipped in. About 15 feet before the line I felt them about to slip off the pedals and I ended up doing this funky hop astraddle my bike thing to keep from landing on my crotch or falling over. I'm sure it looked ugly. Oh well. Looks like a slow transition, but I had to shove someone's bike aside who hadn't racked it properly to put mine in. Then I put some sunblock on so I wouldn't turn into a lobster. AND I stopped in the porta potties. AND there was a long run to the exit. Not bad, really....
What would you do differently?:

Get off my bike safely. My day almost ended there!
  • 2h 22m 32s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 10m 53s  min/mile

Mile 1: 9:11
Mile 2: 9:17
Mile 3: 9:37
Mile 4: 10:27
Mile 5: 10:36
Mile 6: 10:11
Mile 7: 11:07
Mile 8: 10:24
Mile 9: 9:44
Mile 10: 12:14
Mile 11: 11:48
Mile 12: 13:03
Mile 13: 14:06

Now for the play by play...I felt GREAT at the start of this run. I planned to run with a bottle of propel so that I could get more fluids in me at the beginning of the run. So I take off, sipping on my ice cold propel, feeling slow because the world was going by much faster on the bike. I resist the urge to push too hard because I KNOW my brain always tells me I'm going slow when I first start running but I'm really not. I already notice one bonus to having gone faster on the bike. Dang...the eye candy is GOOD! To think I missed all this last year! All the fast boys are coming in! Shirts unzipped or flipped up so their six packs are exposed. Hmmm...I might enjoy this run more than I thought! Anyway....I wait til the first mile marker to decide how it's going. Wow...9:11...I'll take that...good pace! Keep plodding along and get a 9:17 for mile two. Very happy. Feeling great. Getting some good fluids down. At the aid stations I'm just grabbing water to dump on my back to keep myself cool. I expected my bottle of propel to last 6 miles, but coming up on aid station 3 (at mile 3) it's almost gone. I plan to finish it off by Mile 4. I turn the corner at mile 3 and hit the first B*tch of a hill. Notice how much slower 4 was than the first three...stupid hill. It was HUGE! Go right back down a big hill to finish off mile 4, but the damage had been done from the big UPhill. Mile 5 and 6 get a little hazy. There was another large hill in there...I THINK it was in mile 5. But that kind of knocked me out for mile 6, but since it was flat I tried to push a little and as you can see, the time was faster than both 4 and 5 and I thought...well, 10's for the rest of the day would be okay. I ate a gel right before the turn around. Two aid stations in mile 7 and my knees were starting to complain so it was slow. They started complaining MORE during mile 8. Uh oh...NOT good. But as you can see, I was still holding pace. Mile 9 had a huge downhill in it so it was speedy, but I was really starting to shuffle from the knees. They were straight up aching all the way through. The pain got sharper and sharper and as it did the pace got slower and slower. Otherwise, I felt GREAT still. But the pain in my knees was just too much. There was still another uphill in there somewhere. The last two miles I walked a lot. People started passing me. Walking felt MUCH better to my knees. Every time I'd start to run again they were just screaming. I actually thought I was going so slow that I wasn't going to make my goal time. But I guess I went JUST fast enough. Oddly enough, I NEVER walked during the race last year but I still went faster THIS about 4 minutes...hmmmm....
What would you do differently?:

Get new knees.
Post race
Warm down:

The BT gang was there to greet me (since I was the slowest). I stood around getting angry at my knees. Drank a little water. Took pictures. Gathered up my stuff and Lane helped Gina and I walk back up the stupid hill out of transition to our cars.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

My knees.

Event comments:

This is a tough, tough course! But I was SOOOOO ready for it and everything was going great. I was very, very upset at my knees. Almost in tears at the finish. I worked so hard, they hadn't really been bothering me, and they just gave up on me. Other than my knees trying to cecede from my body with 5 miles to go...I have to admit that I had a good race.
1. I wanted to go under 0:35 for the swim. I did.
2. I wanted to go under 3:30 for the bike, I did (and then some). In addition, I did not want to flat on the bike and I didn't.
3. I wanted 2:15 for the run, and if my knees hadn't hurt I think I would have made it.
4. But my overall time goal was 6:25 and I beat it. AND that crushes last year's time by FORTY minutes.
I should be happy. I just have some decisions to make about my knees, which makes me very unhappy.

Sorry for the long RR...but it was a long race...

Last updated: 2005-04-24 12:00 AM
00:34:42 | 2112 yards | 01m 38s / 100yards
Age Group: 13/32
Overall: 220/650
Performance: Average
Suit: Promotion sleeveless
Course: Counter clockwise around a lot of buoys. It was a weird shape so you kind of had to look for the buoys. First stretch off the beach went to a very narrow opening then turned east right into the rising sun...yuck!
Start type: Run Plus: Waves
Water temp: 76F / 25C Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Bad
Waves: Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Average
Time: 02:31
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Good
03:18:55 | 56 miles | 16.89 mile/hr
Age Group: 25/32
Overall: 516/650
Performance: Average
Wind: Strong
Course: Modified out and back. Two long stretches directly into the nasty headwind. Okay, so we got to turn around and have the tailwind too :) Most of the rest of the ride was primarily a crosswind with the odd quartering headwind. Eight ENORMOUS hills. Most of the roads were chip-sealed and actually rather smooth for Texas. Lots of large ruts on one. Put simply...the course SUCKS!
Road: Rough Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Too hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 03:42
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Bad
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
02:22:32 | 13.1 miles | 10m 53s  min/mile
Age Group: 22/32
Overall: 462/650
Performance: Bad
Course: Out and back. Three ginormous hills. Little to no shade.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2005-06-27 2:31 PM

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: Buffalo Springs Lake
Great to meet so many of the BT crew! :)  We had lots of fun!  Thanks for the support!

Edited by jldicarlo 2005-06-27 2:40 PM

2005-06-27 2:45 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Extreme Veteran
Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Great race, Jen - congratulations on smashing last year's time. That's HUGE! Sounds like a heck of a swim - I can't imagine my wetsuit coming unzipped, getting hit in the eye and knocked over the head. But despite all of that, you had a killer swim time! Sorry about the knees - I hope they're feeling better today.
2005-06-27 2:46 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake

Damn, I'm amazed you can remember that much stuff about the run. LOL! GREAT race! Bummer about the knees (I bet they'll bounce back quickly), but you beat your goals and knocking 40 min off of last year's time is incredible. I can't believe that heat! You never even mentioned it, but 90o? OUCH!

Great job, Jen! You are definitely one hoss chica!

2005-06-27 3:35 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Plant City, FL
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake


You met almost ALL of your goals.  Girl you should be pretty freaking proud of yourself!!

2005-06-27 3:36 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Well we know where your strengths are. Great swim, Way to smash your times across the board! Imagin what the bike will look like next year when you get the setup a little more comfortable and you have a full season of training on it Great race and way to go!
2005-06-27 3:38 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Great race Jen....You totally crushed ;ast years time   Enjoy the post race glow girl...

2005-06-27 4:50 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Jen I will echo everybody else's sentiments and say, "Great job."

You did really well and it's awesome that you crushed your time from last year by 40 minutes. That's a huge improvement.

The swim sounded a bit scary, but you handled it well and great job on the bike.

2005-06-27 5:14 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake

Jennifer, you did GREAT!  40 mins off last year's time?  That's amazing!  You posted some awesome times there girlfriend!

We'll have to start the bad knee club and look for donors for ourselves.....damn knees.  Yeah well, the knees are going to HAVE to cooperate.  That is just the way it is!

2005-06-27 5:39 PM
in reply to: #184699

Online or Offline
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Nice race Jen -- 40 MINUTES off last year!! Woo hoo!! Great race report, I can't believe you did that swim in :35 with all the crap you had to deal with!! Awesome bike and way to hang in there on the run!
2005-06-27 8:50 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Lafayette, CO
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
You ROCK Jen!  That was an awesome race!  When I grow up, I want to be fast on the swim like YOU!
2005-06-27 9:13 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Jen...EXCELLENT race!  Congrats.  You totally shattered last year's time.  That's totally because all the hard work you've put in over many months.  Its been great seeing you excel at your PT testing, and great seeing this race report.  Way to go!

2005-06-27 11:26 PM
in reply to: #184699

, Alabama
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake

Great RR!  Beat the tar out of the old PR even with uncooperative knees.  Just wait 'til next year when you clobber this course again!


2005-06-27 11:44 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake

We gotta keep meeting like this!  It was great to see you again at a tri.  Great race and great bike ride.  Sorry to hear about your knees.  I hope you recover quickly.


2005-06-28 1:00 AM
in reply to: #184699

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Way to Go!  Ice those knees if you haven't already.
2005-06-28 4:34 PM
in reply to: #185041

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
snikpos - 2005-06-27 10:26 PM

 Just wait 'til next year when you clobber this course again!

Hopefully next year I will be FAR FAR away from Texas   But maybe SOMEDAY I'll do this one again...once I learn how to ride a bike

2005-06-28 8:35 PM
in reply to: #185747

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Great race. You rule. Period.

2005-06-28 9:07 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Extreme Veteran
SW part of US
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Good race...

Wife says Hi! And, good luck on your next tri.

Joe "sniffly" Moya
2005-06-28 9:09 PM
in reply to: #184699

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Good job! You make just finishing a half sound's not, at least not to me! I hope your knees feel better in a few days, and you can laugh at your PT's skepticism. You can tell him you've been taking some of that bogus shark cartilage or something.
2005-06-29 11:57 PM
in reply to: #184699

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2005-06-30 11:23 PM
in reply to: #184699

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
So it looks like if there is another race we do together I am going to draft off of you. That is once I learn how to draft in swimming. Great Race!!!

2005-07-01 11:55 AM
in reply to: #187794

Texas! & Ann Arbor, MI!
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Great race! it was nice to meet you!

2005-07-02 3:24 PM
in reply to: #184699

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springs Lake
Congratulations on beating your goal. Sounds like you had an awesome race.
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