Intermediate Full Ironman - 20 Week - HR Training Plan
- Week 1Expand
- Time: 1h 15m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 75
- 75' ride on a flat course to gently rolling. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run 20' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 3000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Form
- 60
- 3000
- WU: 500 free.
- MS: Work on form. Finger tip drag (high elbows), catch-up drill, fist drill, good follow through past hips:
- 20 x 100 drills at easy pace, focus on proper drill performance. 10 sec. rest between.
- CD: 500 free
- FTD - Finger Tip/Drag Drill - With each arm recovery, drag your fingertips through the water close to your body. This helps you really rotate your torso to get your elbow high enough to keep your fingertips in the water.
- CUD - Catch Up Drill - Push off the wall with both arms extended in front of you touching each other. Start with the right arm and take a full stroke, coming to rest in the forward position, before the left arm starts its pull. Repeat this all the way to the other side of the pool. Keep a strong kick going and focus on the pull portion of the stroke.
- CFD - Closed Fist Drill - You will be swimming freestyle with your hands closed in a fist. This should get you to have a better 'feel' for the water. Unless noted otherwise, this is usually done by swimming with your hands closed in a fist for 4 strokes, and then open your hands for 4 strokes, alternating until you get to the other end.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 55m
- Big Gear
- Power
- 55
- WU: 15'
- MS: 12x1' seated using the big gear - with 1' recovery.
- CD: 15'
- Time: 1h 10m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 70
- 70' ride on a flat to gently rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 35m
- Distance: 1800.00 yards
- Assess Fitness
- 35
- 1800
- WU: 200 warm up. 8 x 50 on 15 sec rest.
- MS: 1000 yd TT (time trial) for time.
- CD: 200
- The time for the 1,000 is divided by 10, to get your avg. pace. This pace is now known as your T-Pace.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 1h 30m
- Recovery - KEY WORKOUT
- Very Easy
- 90
- Easy spin for 90' in small chain ring (or middle ring if you have a triple crankset.) Zone 1 to upper 2 only.
- Time: 35m
- Run
- Strength
- 35
- Warm up easy 10 minutes. Run 15' on a flat course or treadmill. 10 minutes jog. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 30m
- Distance: 4000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 90
- 4000:
- 500 swim
- 500 pull
- 10x50 on 1:00
- 5x100 on 2:00
- Repeat
- Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 70
- Run 70' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Week 2Expand
- Time: 40m
- Big Gear
- Power
- 40
- WU: 10'
- MS: 8x1 minute sprint, with 2' recovery.
- CD: 5'
- Time: 35m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 35
- Run 35' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 3000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 60
- 3,000
- No warmup - swim 1,000 yds straight keeping each 200 yd increment within 5" of each other.
- Swim 1,000 yds pull with paddles keeping each 200 yd increment withIN 5" of each other.
- Swim 1,000 yds straight - same as first 1,000 yd straight. 30" rest between each.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 20m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 80
- 80' ride on a flat to gently rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- Form
- 45
- 2,500
- WU: 10 minutes alternating slow-fast pacing. Play with different strokes while warming up.
- MS: 30-minute steady swim. Swim without stopping. Count your strokes on the first 25 of each 100. Are they staying constant?
- CD: 5 minutes very easy. Choice of strokes or floating on your back and sculling.
- Time: 1h 50m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 110
- Run 110' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands, with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 1700.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Build
- 45
- 1700
- WU: 200 non-free
- MS:
- 400 slow freestyle
- 300 moderate freestyle
- 200 fast freestyle
- 100 very fast freestyle effort pace.
- *INCLUDE 100 backstroke BETWEEN each freestyle set for recovery.
- CD: 200 non-free.
- -This will virtually be a continuous swim getting faster as you get going.
- Time: 1h 50m
- IM early base - KEY WORKOUT
- Strength
- 110
- Warm up spin 10 minutes. Start 1 minute out of saddle larger gear Z2 to Z3 efforts, fully recover in Z1 high rpm spin. Repeat until end of ride. Repeat/rest ratio should be 1 to 5 approx. RPMs will be low, as big gear is needed to stand and muscle the large gear.
- Week 3Expand
- Time: 1h 15m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 75
- 75' ride on a flat course to gently rolling. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2300.00 yards
- Swim Form
- 2,300
- WU: 400 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 12 x 100 (10" rest between) moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20" rest between) moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 45m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 45
- Easy spin for 45' in small chain ring or middle chainring if you have a triple cranks (3 gears up front). Zone 1 only.
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run 20' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 30m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 30
- Easy spin for 30' in small chain ring. Zone 1 only.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 60
- Run 60' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2400.00 yards
- Swim Variable - KEY WORKOUT
- Easy/Speed
- 50
- 2400
- WU: 300 IM
- MS:
- 3 x 150 free broken down into (50 slow, 50 tempo, 50 sprint).
- 3 x 150 back (slow, tempo, sprint).
- 3 x 150 breast (slow, tempo, sprint).
- 3 x 150 kickboard (slow, med, sprint).
- CD: 300 easy freestyle cooldown.
- Rest between intervals: 20" & rest between sets: 30"
- Time: 2h 00m
- IM early base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 120
- WU: 20 min. spin Z1.
- MS: 4 x 20 minutes Z2 aero position repeats, only sitting up & spinning highest rpm's possible on uphills--otherwise large ring. Easy 3' spin between each 20' segment.
- CD: Cool down last 10 minutes Z1 spin.
- Time: 20m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 20
- Warm up easy 5 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 5 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 55m
- Mile Repeats - KEY WORKOUT
- Pace
- 55
- WU: 10-15'
- MS: 4x1 mile @ Marathon pace less 20-30 seconds per mile. Example: If the goal is 7:30 per mile for the marathon, the pace should be 7:00 for the mile repeats. Rest is 1'. If done on the roads (not a track) you can run these at 4x7:00.
- CD: 10-15'
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2800.00 yards
- Swim Tempo
- Tempo
- 60
- 2800
- WU: 50 free/50kick/100 free/100 kick.
- MS: 7 x 300 free at T pace. 45" rest between each.
- CD: 400 mix non-free cooldown.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Week 4Expand
- Time: 1h 00m
- Time Trial - KEY WORKOUT
- TT
- 60
- After 10 min. warm up, you are going to run 3 miles (read as: 12 laps) on a track. Set your HRM to target zone of 150 with absolute +/- of 3 beats for your alarm.
- Get up to 150 a.s.a.p., hold it there, it is very important to keep the HRM from beeping in that narrow HR range. Record your 800 splits and HR from your watch, and total time. Next TT you should see your average HR drop a little. Find a track to do this on.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1500.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Recovery
- 30
- 1500
- WU: 500
- MS: 5x100 with 15 seconds rest, moderate (6 or 7 effort on a scale 1- 10 effort level).
- CD: 500
- Time: 1h 10m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 70
- 70' ride on a flat to gently rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 45m
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Easy swim - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 50
- 2,500
- Easy 2.5k straight swim.
- Time: 55m
- IM early base
- Trainer/Road
- 55
- Warm up 10 min. build from easy 60 rpms (in aero) in large ring for 5 min. 70 for 5 min., 80 for 5 min., 90 for 5 min. back down to 80, 70, 60 for 5 min. each. 10 min. cool down Z1. Keep HR below top end of Z3 at all times, you may have to use an easy cog to stay below Z3, but stay in big ring.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 35m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 35
- Run 35' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Swim Tempo
- Tempo
- 60
- 2500
- WU: 100 breast/100 free/50 fly or free if you don't do fly well/50 kick.
- MS:
- 5 x 200 free at T pace, 30" (seconds) rest between.
- 5 x 200 pull w/paddles, 15" (seconds) rest between.
- CD: 200 backstroke easy.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Bike Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 75
- 75' ride on a flat course to gently rolling. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Week 5Expand
- Time: 30m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 30
- Easy spin for 30' in small chain ring. Zone 1 only.
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run 20' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 25m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 25
- Run 25' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Pacing
- LT
- 45
- 2,000
- WU: 400 swim then 6x50 on 15" rest.
- MS: 10x100 @T-pace - 5". Your rest is 15".
- CD: 300 easy.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 45m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 45
- Easy spin for 45' in small chain ring or middle chainring if you have a triple cranks (3 gears up front). Zone 1 only.
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 20m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 80
- 80' ride on a flat to gently rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2900.00 yards
- Swim Form - KEY WORKOUT
- Form
- 60
- 2,900
- WU: 400 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim 15 x 100 on :20 rest.
- #1-5 - focus on your CATCH.
- #6-10 focus on your PULL.
- #11-15 focus on your FINISH.
- Now swim another 6x50 swim golf and see if there is a difference in strokes or time.
- Last set is 4 x 50 kick (20" rest between) moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 1h 10m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 70
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 1800.00 yards
- Swim Variable
- Easy/Speed
- 40
- 1800
- WU: 300 IM
- MS:
- 3 x 100 free broken down into 25 slow, 25 moderate, 25 mod-hard, 25 sprint.
- 3 x 100 back (slow, moderate, mod-hard, sprint).
- 3 x 100 breast (slow, moderate, mod-hard, sprint).
- 3 x 100 kickboard (slow, moderate, mod-hard, sprints).
- *10 second break between every interval.
- CD: 300
- Time: 2h 00m
- Bike Strength - KEY WORKOUT
- Strength
- 120
- 120' ride on a hilly course. Push the uphills and recover on the downhills. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- Time: 20m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 20
- Warm up easy 5 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 5 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Week 6Expand
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2300.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 45
- 2,300
- WU: 400 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 12 x 100 (10" rest between) moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20" rest between) moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 70
- 70' ride on a flat to gently rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Time Trial - KEY WORKOUT
- TT
- 60
- After 10 min. warm up, you are going to run 3 miles (read as: 12 laps) on a track. Set your HRM to target zone of 150 with absolute +/- of 3 beats for your alarm. Get up to 150 a.s.a.p., hold it there, it is very important to keep the HRM from beeping in this TT.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 3250.00 yards
- Speed
- Speed/Endurance
- 65
- 3,250
- WU: 400
- MS:
- 6x75 on 20" rest - moderate pace.
- 12x100 on 10" rest.
- 200 easy.
- 8x100 30" rest. The 100 is swum as follows:
- - 1st 25 is a drill.
- - 2nd 25 is kick (no board).
- - 3rd 25 is swim.
- - 4th 25 is sprint.
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 30m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 90
- Easy spin for 90' in small chain ring (or middle ring if you have a triple crankset.) Zone 1 to upper 2 only.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 1h 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 80
- Run 80' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 20m
- Distance: 4200.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- IM Training
- 80
- 4200
- WU: 1,000 easy.
- MS: 500 non-free mix.
- 3 x 500 free with 2 minutes rest between each
- 1,000 straight free at goal IM pace.
- CD: 200 non-free cooldown.
- Time: 3h 00m
- Bike Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 180
- 180' ride on a flat to rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
- Time: 20m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 20
- Warm up easy 5 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 5 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Week 7Expand
- Time: 55m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 55
- 2,500
- WU: 200 non-free.
- MS: 500/400/300/200/100 freestyle at T-pace with 100 backstroke or kickboard recovery between each freestyle set.
- CD: 400 non-freestyle or kicking mix.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Mountain Bike
- Endurance
- 60
- Mt. Bike ride - Have fun!!
- Time: 1h 10m
- Strength - KEY WORKOUT
- 800s
- 70
- WU: 10'
- MS: You are going to run 8x 800 at the same time as your goal marathon pace. For example, if you want to run a 3:05 marathon, you will run the 800s in 3:05. If not done on a track then HR should be at LT to LT+ 5 beats.
- Recovery is 1' on these reps
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 40m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 100
- 100' ride on a flat course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2800.00 yards
- Swim Tempo
- Tempo
- 60
- 2800
- WU: 50 free/50kick/100 free/100 kick.
- MS: 7 x 300 free at T pace. 45" rest between each.
- CD: 400 mix non-free cooldown.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 2h 20m
- Strength - KEY WORKOUT
- IM
- 140
- Easy spinning up the longest hills you can find in Z2 to low Z3, get out of saddle on steep sections to stretch legs out and you will hit Z5. Cool down: ride Z1 last 10 minutes.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2200.00 yards
- Easy Swim
- Recovery
- 45
- 2,200
- WU: 500 easy.
- MS:
- 4 x 100: 50 free/50 kick on back, 10" rest between.
- 4 x 100 kickboard (free/breast kick mix). 10" rest.
- 500 with pull buoy (easy), straight into...
- CD: 200 non-free mix
- Time: 3h 30m
- Bike Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 210
- 3.5 hour ride on a flat to rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
- Time: 35m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 35
- Run 35' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Week 8Expand
- Time: 1h 50m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 110
- 110' ride on a rolling to flat course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
- Time: 45m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 45
- Run 45' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2600.00 yards
- Speed
- Race Start Speed
- 60
- 2,600
- WU: 4x200 no warm up on 3:30.
- MS: 500 at race pace. Rest 1'
- 6x200 at race pace with 30" rest.
- CD: 100
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 15m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 75
- 75' ride on a flat course to gently rolling. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 50m
- Race Specific
- 50
- WU: 10'
- MS: 5x5' at LT w/1' recovery.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 1800.00 yards
- Swim TT
- Assess Fitness
- 45
- 1800
- WU: 200 warm up (wu). 8 x 50 on 15 sec rest.
- MS: 1000 yd TT (time trial) for time.
- CD: 200
- The time for the 1,000 is divided by 10, to get your avg. pace. This pace is now known as your T-Pace.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 1h 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 90
- Run 90' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Distance: 3400.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- IM Training
- 70
- 3600
- WU: 400 warm up free, each 4th lap is backstroke.
- MS:
- 5 x 200 with 30 seconds rest between each.
- Kick 200/kickboard, 100 kick on back, 200 easy free.
- Repeat main set, with last 200 as cool down.
- Time: 4h 00m
- Bike Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 240
- 4 hour ride on a flat to rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
- Time: 20m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 20
- Warm up easy 5 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 5 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Week 9Expand
- Time: 1h 10m
- Strength - KEY WORKOUT
- 800s
- 70
- WU: 10'
- MS: You are going to run 8x 800 at the same time as your goal marathon pace. For example, if you want to run a 3:05 marathon, you will run the 800s in 3:05. If not done on a track then HR should be at LT to LT+ 5 beats.
- Recovery is 1' on these reps
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 30m
- Bike LT Test
- Assess Fitness
- 90
- BT:
- WU: Long warm-up of at least 30 minutes.
- MS: Then ride a 30 minute time trial all out, race effort. Use a flat, out and back course. This can also be done on the trainer. This is a very hard effort. 10 minutes into the time trial punch the lap button on your heart rate monitor. Afterwards, record your average heart rate for the last 20 minutes. Also record distance covered or average speed.
- CD: Cool down for at least 30 minutes.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Distance: 3600.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- IM Training
- 70
- 3600
- WU: 400 warm up free, each 4th lap is backstroke.
- MS:
- 5 x 200 with 30 seconds rest between each.
- Kick 200/kickboard, 100 kick on back, 200 easy free.
- Repeat main set, with last 200 as cool down.
- Time: 15m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 15
- Run 15' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, hands, and high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Distance: 4000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 75
- 4000
- WU: 300 & 8x50 on 10" rest.
- MS: All are done on a 1' recovery. 1x each:
- - 1000 at 70% effort.
- - 800 75% effort.
- - 600 80% effort.
- - 400 85% effort.
- - 200 85% effort.
- - 100 100% effort.
- CD: 200
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 20m
- Build
- Strength
- 80
- WU: 15 min. Z1. Trainer or road.
- MS: Then large gear, using smallest 4 cogs, Z3 to Z4 repeats of: 5 min. out of saddle/5 min. small ring spin easy. Repeat these out of saddle efforts uphill or downhill if on road, rpms will be around 50 if in large enough gear.
- *Number of efforts will be 5.
- CD: 15 min.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 3000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 65
- 3,000
- WU: 200 non-free.
- MS: 600/500/400/300/200/100 freestyle at T-pace with 100 backstroke or kickboard recovery between each freestyle set.
- CD: 200 non-freestyle or kicking mix.
- Time: 2h 00m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 120
- Run 120' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands, with high knees. Stay hydrated and eat! Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 2h 20m
- Creation - KEY WORKOUT
- Varies
- 140
- Any course, intervals/rest ratio. Hills, flats, small or large ring, group or solo ride, or road, mountain bike, or trainer/rollers. This is your day to simply put in the time, enjoy it, and go by your instinct/feel. Use HRM or don't, this is a creative.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Swim Tempo
- Tempo
- 60
- 2500
- WU: 100 breast/100 free/50 fly or free if you don't do fly well/50 kick.
- MS: 5 x 200 free at T pace, 30" rest between.
- 5 x 200 pull w/paddles, 15" rest between.
- CD: 200 backstroke easy
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Week 10Expand
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2900.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 60
- 2900
- WU: 300 Free & 3x100 on 20" rest. 200 technique (drill)
- MS:
- 3x100 15" rest
- 200 kick
- 3x100 10" rest
- 200 Pull
- 3x100 5" rest
- 200 easy
- Then sprint 16x25 FAST! 30" rest.
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Endurance
- Form
- 60
- WU: trainer or road, Z1 10 min.
- MS: Then large ring muscle it! Use as big a gear as you can, without losing form. HR limit: Z3. If you can hold it (form) the rest of ride without exceeding Z3, hold it. If not, recover to Z1 and then hold big gear and muscle it at maintainable rpms again, until you reach limit of Z3.
- CD: 10 min. Z1. Don't let knees wander too far from top tube!
- Time: 1h 10m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Strength
- 70
- Run 70' on a hilly course or treadmill. Let the HR get up to high Z3/low Z4 on the uphill and keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Speed
- Speed
- 45
- 2,000
- WU: 500 mix non-freestyle. 200 kick.
- MS" 5 x 200 free, build from easy to mass race swim start pace by last 50. Rest 20" between.
- CD: 300 mix non-free cooldown.
- Time: 1h 30m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 90
- Easy spin for 90' in small chain ring (or middle ring if you have a triple crankset.) Zone 1 to upper 2 only.
- Time: 50m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 50
- Run 50' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Distance: 3600.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- IM Training
- 70
- 3600
- WU: 400 warm up free, each 4th lap is backstroke.
- MS:
- 5 x 200 with 30 seconds rest between each.
- Kick 200/kickboard, 100 kick on back, 200 easy free.
- Repeat main set
- CD: 200 as cool down.
- Time: 5h 00m
- Long Bike - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 300
- 5 hour ride on a flat to rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
- Time: 30m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 30
- Warm up easy 10 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 10 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Week 11Expand
- Time: 1h 15m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 75
- 75' ride on a flat course to gently rolling. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 50m
- Run Hill Repeats
- Strength
- 50
- WU: 15'
- MS: Then run 4x2' up a hill. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- CD: 15'
- Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Big Gear - KEY WORKOUT
- Power
- 60
- Start in big ring, easiest gear. Spend 3' in each gear gradually working your way to hardest gear (total 27').
- Leaving it in big ring, hardest gear, do 10 x (30" grind, 30" all out, 30" grind, 30" stand). Do 5' grind in big ring, hardest gear.
- Gradually work your way back to your easiest gear by 1' for cool-down. Grind means sitting back on saddle, turning pedals over, not worrying about cadence.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 3150.00 yards
- Speed/Endurance
- 65
- 3,150
- WU: 400
- MS: 6x50 builds (each one gets faster) on 30" rest.
- Then 4x(4x100):
- #1 RI = 20"
- #2 RI = 15"
- #3 RI = 10"
- #4 RI = 5"
- Swim 200 ez.
- Then swim 6x75 on 20" rest. On the odds (1,3,5) the last 25 is sprint. On the evens (2,4,6) the last 50 is sprint.
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 40m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 100
- 100' ride on a flat course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 55m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 55
- 2,500
- WU: 300 & 6x50 on 60".
- MS: 4 x 250 on 4:15 or 4:30. First 2 are w/paddles, last two take paddles off.
- Then 5 x 100 on 1:45 or 2:00.
- Then 200 swim weak side breath.
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- BACK32530
- LEGS32530
- LEGS32530
- CORE100
- Time: 2h 10m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 130
- Run 130' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands, with high knees. Stay hydrated and eat! Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 3h 00m
- Creation
- Varies
- 180
- Any course, intervals/rest ratio. Hills, flats, small or large ring, group or solo ride, or road, mountain bike, or trainer/rollers. This is your day to simply put in the time, enjoy it, and go by your instinct/feel. Use HRM or don't, this is a creative workout.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 50
- 2500
- WU: 500
- MS:
- 4 x 250 yards broken by 50's as: freestyle/backstroke/breast-stroke/freestyle/kick on back ALL OUT. Rest between 250's is 15 seconds.
- Follow set with 100 kickboard easy, 200 free moderate, 100 kickboard fast, 100 free fast!
- CD: 500 easy
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Week 12Expand
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 60
- Run 60' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 3000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 65
- 3000
- WU: 200 non-free.
- MS: 600/500/400/300/200/100 freestyle at T-pace with 100 backstroke or kickboard recovery between each freestyle set.
- CD: 200 non-freestyle or kicking mix.
- Time: 2h 00m
- IM early base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 120
- Warm up 15 minutes, on rolling-hilly course. Slide back on seat, spin at 75+ rpms in small ring, holding arm rests or drops (not aero bars). Smooth pedal stroke all the way around. On flats/downhills, use larger big ring, in aero position, 70+ rpms.
- Time: 20m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 20
- Warm up easy 5 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 5 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 50
- Run 50' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Distance: 4500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- Form
- 75
- 4500
- 9 x 500 free. Full recovery rest, or 2 minutes between, whichever comes first.
- Time: 1h 30m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 90
- 90' ride on a flat course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 45m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 45
- 45' ride on a flat course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
- Time: 1h 30m
- Distance: 4000.00 yards
- Pacing
- Endurance
- 90
- 4000
- WU: 200 and 4 x 50 moderate free w/15 sec. rest between.
- MS: 30 x 100 steady-cruise Ironman pace, w/15 sec. rest.
- 300 kick
- CD: 300 easy
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 2h 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 140
- Run 140' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, hands, and high knees. Stay hydrated and eat! Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Week 13Expand
- Time: 1h 30m
- Bike Strength
- Strength
- 90
- 90' ride on a hilly course. Push the uphills and recover on the downhills. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Distance: 4500.00 yards
- Master's - KEY WORKOUT
- Form
- 75
- 4500
- Work on form. Get extra swimming in after Masters to get to 4.5k.
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 1h 40m
- Creation
- Varies
- 100
- Any course, intervals/rest ratio. Hills, flats, small or large ring, group or solo ride, or road, mountain bike, or trainer/rollers. This is your day to simply put in the time, enjoy it, and go by your instinct/feel. Use HRM or don't, this is a creative ride.
- Time: 55m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 55
- Run 55' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Strength
- 60
- Run 60' on a hilly course or treadmill. Let the HR get up to high Z3/low Z4 on the uphill and keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Distance: 4000.00 yards
- Master's
- Form
- 75
- 4000
- Work on form. Get extra swimming in after Masters to get to 4k.
- Time: 5h 00m
- Long Bike - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 300
- 5.0 hour ride on a mixed (hilly/flat) to rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
- Time: 30m
- Run Brick
- 30
- Warm up easy 10 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 10 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 25m
- Distance: 1200.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 25
- 1200
- Easy 1.2k straight swim.
- Week 14Expand
- Time: 2h 00m
- Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- 120
- "Four Days of Forty." Over the next four days, ride exactly 40 miles, all at Z2 pace, after 10 min. warm up. Stretch legs extremely well after each ride, hydrate, and stay in aero position at least 50% of each ride if terrain allows.
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 2h 00m
- Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- 120
- "Four Days of Forty." Ride exactly 40 miles, all at Z2 pace, after 10 min. warm up. Stretch legs extremely well after each ride, hydrate, and stay in aero position at least 50% of each ride if terrain allows.
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 40
- 2,000
- Easy 2k straight swim.
- Time: 2h 00m
- Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- 120
- "Four Days of Forty." Ride exactly 40 miles, all at Z2 pace, after 10 min. warm up. Stretch legs extremely well after each ride, hydrate, and stay in aero position at least 50% of each ride if terrain allows.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 2h 00m
- Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- 120
- "Four Days of Forty." Ride exactly 40 miles, all at Z2 pace, after 10 min. warm up. Stretch legs extremely well after each ride, hydrate, and stay in aero position at least 50% of each ride if terrain allows.
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 2300.00 yards
- Swim Form
- Form
- 30
- 2,300
- WU: 400 easy. Then 'swim golf' = 6 x 50 on 15" rest & count strokes. What combination of time and strokes gives you the lowest 'score?' (Ex: 43 strokes + 45" = 88).
- MS: Swim a moderate effort using the same stroke count in WU set. 12 x 100 (10" rest between) moderate. 4 x 50 kick (20" rest between) moderate.
- CD: 200 easy alternating 50 pull, 50 swim.
- Time: 45m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 45
- Easy spin for 45' in small chain ring or middle chainring if you have a triple cranks (3 gears up front). Zone 1 only.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 3300.00 yards
- Speed/Endurance
- 65
- 3300
- WU: 400
- MS:
- Swim 800 w/1' rest. Even split the 800.
- 2*50 drill - on 20" rest.
- 2*400 Even split - stay the same pace throughout. Rest is 20".
- 2*50 drill on 20" rest.
- 4*200 Even Split - make these 10" rest.
- 2*50 drill on 20" rest.
- CD: swim 200 easy.
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 2h 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 150
- Run 150' on a flat to rolling course or better if on trail. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 (upper Z2 tops…don't go into Z3). Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, hands, and high knees. Stay hydrated and eat! Stretch when done and add in Core #1, #2 or #3.
- Week 15Expand
- Time: 1h 30m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 90
- Easy spin for 90' in small chain ring (or middle ring if you have a triple crankset.) Zone 1 to upper 2 only.
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 2900.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 60
- 2,900
- WU: 300 Free & 3x100 on 20" rest. 200 Technique (drill)
- MS:
- 3x100 15" rest.
- 200 Kick
- 3x100 10" rest
- 200 Pull
- 3x100 5" rest
- 200 Easy.
- Then Sprint 16x25 FAST! 30" rest.
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 20m
- Creation
- Varies
- 80
- Any course, intervals/rest ratio. Hills, flats, small or large ring, group or solo ride, or road, mountain bike, or trainer/rollers. This is your day to simply put in the time, enjoy it, and go by your instinct/feel. Use HRM or don't, this is a creative ride.
- Time: 20m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 20
- Run 20' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 60
- Easy spin for 60' in small chain ring. Do this after a long run or race if one is scheduled. Zone 1 only.
- Time: 40m
- Distance: 2000.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 40
- 2000
- Easy 2k straight swim.
- Time: 1h 15m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- BACK32025
- LEGS32025
- LEGS32025
- CORE200
- Time: 5h 30m
- Long Bike - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 330
- 5.5 hour ride on a flat to rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2.
- Time: 30m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 30
- Warm up easy 10 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 10 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 45
- Run 45' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Distance: 3400.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- IM Training
- 70
- 3400
- WU: 400 warm up free, each 4th lap is backstroke.
- MS:
- 5 x 200 with 30 seconds rest between each.
- Kick 200/kickboard, 100 kick on back, 200 easy free.
- Repeat main set, with last 200 as cool down.
- Week 16Expand
- Time: 1h 30m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 90
- Easy spin for 90' in small chain ring (or middle ring if you have a triple crankset.) Zone 1 to upper 2 only.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE100
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 60
- Run 60' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Distance: 4000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Form
- 75
- 4000
- WU: 500 alternate stroke warmup.
- MS:
- 5 x 100 kick w/15 sec. rest between.
- 10 x 200 free with 20 seconds rest between at Z1-Z2 effort level.
- 5 x 100 kick w/15 sec. rest between.
- CD: 500 alternate stroke cooldown.
- Time: 1h 10m
- Bike Hill Repeats - KEY WORKOUT
- Strength
- 70
- WU: 15'
- MS: Then 4x5' up a hill at 65-70 RPMS. Recover on the downhills. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- CD: 15'
- Time: 45m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 45
- Run 45' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 60
- Easy spin for 60' in small chain ring. Do this after a long run or race if one is scheduled. Zone 1 only.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 3000.00 yards
- Speed
- Speed
- 50
- 3,000
- WU: 200 yds of different strokes.
- MS:
- 1,000 time trial.
- 500 pull with paddles.
- 2x:
- - 200 yd free w/ 20" rest
- - 150 yd free w/ 15" rest
- - 100 w/ 10" rest, 50 w/ 1' rest
- CD: 300
- SportTime
- Core Training45m
- Time: 2h 40m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 160
- Run 160' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, hands, and high knees. Stay hydrated and eat! Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 60
- Easy spin for 60' in small chain ring. Do this after a long run or race if one is scheduled. Zone 1 only.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Distance: 4000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 75
- 4000
- WU: 400 non-free.
- MS: 700/600/500/400/300/200/100 freestyle at T-pace with 100 backstroke or kickboard recovery between each freestyle set.
- CD: 200 non-freestyle or kicking mix.
- Time: 20m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 20
- Warm up easy 5 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 5 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Week 17Expand
- Time: 1h 00m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 60
- Easy spin for 60' in small chain ring (or middle ring if you have a triple crankset.) Zone 1 to upper 2 only.
- Time: 15m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 15
- Run 15' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, hands, and high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 20m
- Endurance
- Form
- 80
- WU: 10 min Z1 spin.
- MS: Z2 aero position, 80 + rpms. Keep hips from wobbling and bike from leaving a straight line down the road. Push/pull gears all around the pedal stroke.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 30m
- Distance: 4000.00 yards
- Pacing
- Endurance
- 90
- 4000
- WU: 200-easy. 4 x 50 moderate free w/15 sec. rest between.
- MS: 30 x 100 steady-cruise Ironman pace, w/15 sec. rest.
- 300 kick
- CD: 300 easy
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 60
- Run 60' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- BACK31520
- LEGS31520
- LEGS31520
- CORE200
- Time: 30m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 30
- Easy spin for 30' in small chain ring (or middle ring if you have a triple crankset.) Zone 1 to upper 2 only.
- Time: 50m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 50
- Run 50' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 3100.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Form
- 60
- 3,100
- WU: 300 yds of different strokes.
- MS:
- 5x300 Z1 (easy) - except laps 4, 8, 12 are fast. RI: 45".
- 10x 100 on 20" rest. 25 hard, 75 cruise.
- CD: 300
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Distance: 4500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- Form
- 75
- 4500
- WU: 500 alternate stroke warmup.
- MS:
- 5 x 100 kick w/15 sec. rest between.
- 10 x 200 free with 20 seconds rest between at Z1-Z2 effort level.
- 5 x 100 kick w/15 sec. rest between.
- 5 x 100 free all out with 30 sec. rest.
- CD: 500 alternate stroke cooldown.
- Time: 6h 00m
- Mountain Ride - KEY WORKOUT
- Strength Endurance
- 360
- 6 hour ride in the hills (or mtns if you have them). Let terrain and strength/endurance dictate pace and effort levels on hills. Practice steady hydration and nutrition throughout, keep stopping to a minimum (bathroom & food refills only).
- Time: 35m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 35
- Warm up easy 10 minutes. Run 15' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 10 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Week 18Expand
- Time: 1h 15m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 75
- 75' ride on a flat course to gently rolling. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 45m
- ExerciseSetsMin repsMax reps
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- BACK21215
- LEGS21215
- LEGS21215
- CORE200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Run Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Strength
- 60
- Run 60' on a hilly course or treadmill. Let the HR get up to high Z3/low Z4 on the uphill and keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 50
- 2,500
- Easy 2.5k straight swim.
- Time: 1h 40m
- Bike Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 100
- 100' ride on a flat course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Bike Hill Repeats
- Strength
- 50
- WU: 15'
- MS: Then 4x2' up a hill at 65-70 RPMS. Recover on the downhills. HR on the uphills can hit low Z4. Keep HR in Zone 1-2 otherwise.
- CD: 15'
- Time: 35m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 35
- Run 35' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 3800.00 yards
- Speed
- Speed
- 60
- 3,800
- WU: 300 & 6x50 on 10" rest.
- MS: 30x100 - 10 on 40" rest, 10 on 30" rest and 10 on 20" rest.
- CD: 200
- Time: 2h 00m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 120
- 120' ride on a rolling course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Insert aero position majority of ride after warm up if you have aero bars on.
- Time: 35m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 35
- Warm up easy 10 minutes. Run 15' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 10 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 50m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 50
- Run 50' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 3600.00 yards
- Speed/Endurance
- 65
- 3600
- WU: 500 then: 3x100 on 20" rest - build each 25 to go faster. Then 3x100 on 25" rest.
- MS:
- 5x300 on 30" rest. Try to make each one faster from 1-3, then 4-5.
- Then 200 easy.
- 6x100 w/paddles on 20" rest. Make each one faster again with #6 being faster then #3.
- CD: 200
- Week 19Expand
- Time: 45m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 45
- Easy spin for 45' in small chain ring or middle chainring if you have a triple cranks (3 gears up front). Zone 1 only.
- Time: 45m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 45
- Run 45' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 45m
- Run Pacing - KEY WORKOUT
- Pace
- 45
- WU: 10'
- MS: 6x400 at 10k race pace. A pacing only workout - no concern for speed. RI: 1'.
- CD: 10'
- Time: 1h 00m
- Distance: 3000.00 yards
- Easy swim
- Endurance
- 60
- 3,000
- Easy 3k straight swim.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Bike Base
- Endurance
- 75
- 75' ride on a flat course to gently rolling. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 15m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 75
- Easy spin for 75' in small chain ring (or middle chainring if you have a triple crankset). Zone 1 to upper 2 only.
- Time: 45m
- Distance: 2500.00 yards
- Swim Endurance
- Endurance
- 45
- 2,500
- WU: 300 wu, & 6x50 on 60.
- MS: 4 x 250 on 4:15 or 4:30. First 2 are w/paddles, last two take paddles off. Then 5 x 100 on 1:45 or 2:00. Then 200 swim weak side breath.
- CD: 200
- Time: 1h 00m
- Recovery
- Very Easy
- 60
- Easy spin for 60' in small chain ring. Do this after a long run or race if one is scheduled. Zone 1 only.
- Time: 40m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 40
- Run 40' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running pretty. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 1h 40m
- Bike Base - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 100
- 100' ride on a flat course. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stand out of saddle for 1 min. out of every 10 minutes (you may hit low Z3 during this).
- Time: 1h 05m
- Distance: 3000.00 yards
- Swim Endurance - KEY WORKOUT
- Endurance
- 65
- 3000
- WU: 200 non-free.
- MS: 600/500/400/300/200/100 freestyle at T-pace with 100 backstroke or kickboard recovery between each freestyle set.
- CD: 200 non-freestyle or kicking mix.
- Time: 30m
- Run Brick
- Strength
- 30
- Warm up easy 10 minutes. Run 10' on a flat course or treadmill after bike workout. 10 minutes jog (or walking--yes, even walking). Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Week 20Expand
- Time: 30m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 30
- Run 30' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, and hands with high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 1000.00 yards
- Open Water
- 30
- 1000
- Open Water swim, start easy, practicing heads up navigation, and after a warm up, sprint hard on and off (use full recovery between sprints). Sprints should be about 20 seconds each 4-5 reps. Try to use navigation of "heads up" swimming to site your land.
- Time: 20m
- Pre Race Prep
- IM Prep
- 20
- Warm up for 10', make sure your bike is shifting properly and nothing is loose or rattling. Check tire pressure and make sure handlebars, stem, skewers are all tight. After wu, do 4x20" fast with a full recovery between each.
- Time: 30m
- Distance: 750.00 yards
- Open Water
- 30
- 750
- Open Water swim, start easy, practicing heads up navigation, and after a warm up, swim race tempo on/off as needed, but don't overdo it. Try to use navigation of "heads up" swimming to site your landmark on the horizon during sprints to swim a clean, straight line.
- Time: 15m
- Run Base
- Endurance
- 15
- Run 15' on a flat course or treadmill. Keep HR in Zone 1-2. Think about form and running with relaxed arms, face, neck, shoulders, hands, and high knees. Stretch when done and add in Core 1, 2 or 3.
- Time: 15m
- Bike, if available, 15 min. easy spin, check gears.
- Time: 15m
- 15 min jog Zone 1. All sports to be done by noon.
- Time: 15m
- Precompetition day SWIM:
- 15 min. easy freestyle/back/breast mix, check out swim line you'll take on race day, check out sun position & landmarks to use for sighting.
- Race Day
- Make sure your bike is shifting properly and nothing is loose or rattling. Check tire pressure and set your bike in the right gear for the start of the race. Take the first 10 miles out easy, and ease into the ride. Remember to eat/drink during the ride.
- Race Day
- Marathon
- 5' wu and cd. Marathon race. Break the race into 3 parts. First 10 miles are moderate effort, next 10 miles are up a notch on the effort level, and the last 10k are hard. Pace yourself, and think nutrition!! Especially when you are done.
- Race Day
- Warm up for 10' and race a 4.2k - (warm up for at least 500 yds) - if you can - throw in a few 50s - just to get your HR up and ready to race from the get go! Pick a straight line, get on some fast feet and Good Luck!
Day 1 | Print Day |

Day 2 | Print Day |

1. Rope jumping: 2 sets of 50 jumps (45 sec recoveries)
2. Skipping: 3 sets of 50 skips(45 sec walk recoveries)
3. Forward 2-leg hopping for height: 2 sets of 30 hops (45 sec walk recoveries)
4. Forward 1-leg hopping for distance: 2 sets of 30 hops/leg (45 sec walk recoveries)
5. Bench jumps: 1 set of 30 jumps/leg (45 sec recovery)
Core #1, 2, and 3
Bench Jump (Plyo workout) - Place 1 foot on the bench & 1 on the floor, and you pull yourself up with the higher leg in a sort of explosive jump--bringing the one on the floor up to the height of the one on the bench. It is more of a lifting of your weight with the higher leg than a jump.
Day 3 | Print Day |

Day 4 | Print Day |

Day 5 | Print Day |

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 6 | Print Day |

Day 7 | Print Day |

Day 8 | Print Day |

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 9 | Print Day |

Day 10 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 1-2
Reps 12-15
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 45
Day 11 | Print Day |

Sculling - moving your hand back and forth in the water, at your hips, your shoulder or over your head to keep your body balanced in the water while providing some propulsion. More specifically, this means to gently propel yourself through the water by moving your hands close to and just under your hips, using the figure-eight pattern. Basically, just easily push yourself through the water on your back.

Day 12 | Print Day |
Day 13 | Print Day |

Day 14 | Print Day |

Day 15 | Print Day |

Day 16 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Period AA
Sets 1-2
Reps 12-15
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 45
Day 17 | Print Day |

Day 18 | Print Day |

IM - Individual Medley - Fly, back, breast, free.

Day 19 | Print Day |
Day 20 | Print Day |

Day 21 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Period AA
Sets 1-2
Reps 12-15
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 45
Day 22 | Print Day |
Day 23 | Print Day |

Day 24 | Print Day |

Day 25 | Print Day |

Day 26 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 27 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 28 | Print Day |

Day 29 | Print Day |

Day 30 | Print Day |

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 31 | Print Day |

Day 32 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Catch Up Drill - Push off the wall with both arms extended in front of you touching each other. Start with the right arm and take a full stroke, coming to rest in the forward position, before the left arm starts its pull. Repeat this all the way to the other side of the pool. Keep a strong kick going and focus on the pull portion of the stroke.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 33 | Print Day |

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 34 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
IM - Individual Medley - Fly, back, breast, free.

Day 35 | Print Day |

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 36 | Print Day |
Day 37 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 38 | Print Day |

Day 39 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 40 | Print Day |

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 41 | Print Day |

Day 42 | Print Day |

Day 43 | Print Day |
Day 44 | Print Day |

Day 45 | Print Day |

Day 46 | Print Day |

Day 47 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 48 | Print Day |

Pull Buoy - A swim aid that you put between your legs to help you maintain a neutral body position while concentrating on your pull rather than trying to remember everything at once.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 49 | Print Day |

Day 50 | Print Day |

Day 51 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 20-25
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
Time 75
Day 52 | Print Day |

Day 53 | Print Day |

Day 54 | Print Day |

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 55 | Print Day |

Day 56 | Print Day |

Day 57 | Print Day |

Day 58 | Print Day |

Day 59 | Print Day |

Day 60 | Print Day |

Day 61 | Print Day |
Day 62 | Print Day |

Day 63 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.
Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 64 | Print Day |
Day 65 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 66 | Print Day |

Day 67 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 68 | Print Day |

Day 69 | Print Day |

Day 70 | Print Day |

Day 71 | Print Day |

Day 72 | Print Day |

Day 73 | Print Day |

Day 74 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Period AA
Sets 2-3
Reps 25-30
Speed Slow
Recovery 1-1.5'
AND Core #1, 2, and 3
Day 75 | Print Day |
Day 76 | Print Day |

Day 77 | Print Day |

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 78 | Print Day |
Day 79 | Print Day |

Day 80 | Print Day |

Day 81 | Print Day |

Day 82 | Print Day |

Day 83 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 84 | Print Day |

Day 85 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 86 | Print Day |

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 87 | Print Day |

Day 88 | Print Day |

Day 89 | Print Day |
Day 90 | Print Day |

Day 91 | Print Day |

Day 92 | Print Day |

Day 93 | Print Day |

Day 94 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 95 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 96 | Print Day |
Day 97 | Print Day |

Day 98 | Print Day |

Day 99 | Print Day |

Day 100 | Print Day |

Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.
Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 101 | Print Day |

Day 102 | Print Day |

Day 103 | Print Day |
Day 104 | Print Day |

Day 105 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 106 | Print Day |

Day 107 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 108 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 109 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.
Pull Drill - Focus will be on learning to 'catch' the water with your forearm and pull yourself through the water. If you feel your lats (the muscles under your arm pits that go down the side of your back) engage, then you are starting to get it. If your shoulders are tired, then you are still using too much shoulder and not enough lats.

Stretch - use D3 program
Core Strength 15' - 2x through of Core 1, 2 or 3
Flex Band Routine - please see D3 Athletes Page
Day 110 | Print Day |
Day 111 | Print Day |

Day 112 | Print Day |

Day 113 | Print Day |

Day 114 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 115 | Print Day |

Day 116 | Print Day |

Day 117 | Print Day |
Day 118 | Print Day |

Kick (Regular) - regular kickboard kick or kick on back with hands over head, fingers locked.

Day 119 | Print Day |

Day 120 | Print Day |

Day 121 | Print Day |

Day 122 | Print Day |

Day 123 | Print Day |

Day 124 | Print Day |
Day 125 | Print Day |

Day 126 | Print Day |

Day 127 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 128 | Print Day |

Day 129 | Print Day |

Day 130 | Print Day |

Day 131 | Print Day |
Day 132 | Print Day |

Pretty Running - lean forward, roll off your big toes, keep hand above your waist, look about 6 feet in front of you with your eyes, drive your elbows back and never cross your midline with your hands.

Day 133 | Print Day |

Day 134 | Print Day |
Day 135 | Print Day |

Day 136 | Print Day |

Day 137 | Print Day |

Day 138 | Print Day |

Day 139 | Print Day |

Day 140 | Print Day |

Wk #1 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 3000 Yd ![]() | Wednesday ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 1800 Yd | Friday ![]() | Saturday ![]() ![]() ![]() 4000 Yd | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 8800 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #2 | Monday ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() 3000 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Friday | Saturday ![]() ![]() 1700 Yd | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 7200 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #3 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() 2300 Yd ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() ![]() 2400 Yd | Friday | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() ![]() 2800 Yd ![]() | Week Total ![]() 7500 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #4 | Monday | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 1500 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Friday ![]() ![]() | Saturday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6500 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Month 1 totals

Wk #5 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 2900 Yd | Friday ![]() | Saturday ![]() ![]() 1800 Yd | Sunday ![]() ![]() ![]() | Week Total ![]() 6700 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #6 | Monday | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 2300 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 3250 Yd | Friday ![]() ![]() | Saturday ![]() ![]() 4200 Yd | Sunday ![]() ![]() | Week Total ![]() 9750 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #7 | Monday | Tuesday ![]() 2500 Yd ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() | Friday ![]() 2800 Yd ![]() | Saturday ![]() ![]() 2200 Yd | Sunday ![]() ![]() | Week Total ![]() 7500 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #8 | Monday ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 2600 Yd ![]() | Wednesday ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 1800 Yd | Friday ![]() | Saturday ![]() ![]() 3400 Yd | Sunday ![]() ![]() | Week Total ![]() 7800 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Month 2 totals

Wk #9 | Monday ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 3600 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() 4000 Yd ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 3000 Yd | Friday | Saturday ![]() | Sunday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd ![]() | Week Total ![]() 13100 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #10 | Monday | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 2900 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd | Friday ![]() | Saturday ![]() ![]() 3600 Yd | Sunday ![]() ![]() | Week Total ![]() 8500 Yd ![]() ![]() |
Wk #11 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 3150 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd ![]() | Friday | Saturday ![]() | Sunday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd ![]() | Week Total ![]() 8150 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #12 | Monday | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 3000 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 4500 Yd | Friday ![]() | Saturday ![]() ![]() 4000 Yd ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 11500 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Month 3 totals

Wk #13 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() 4500 Yd ![]() | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 4000 Yd | Friday | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() 1200 Yd | Week Total ![]() 9700 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #14 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() ![]() 2300 Yd | Friday | Saturday ![]() ![]() 3300 Yd ![]() | Sunday ![]() | Week Total ![]() 7600 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #15 | Monday ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 2900 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 2000 Yd ![]() | Friday | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() ![]() 3400 Yd | Week Total ![]() 8300 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #16 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 4000 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() ![]() 3000 Yd ![]() | Friday | Saturday ![]() | Sunday ![]() ![]() 4000 Yd ![]() | Week Total ![]() 11000 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Month 4 totals

Wk #17 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 4000 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() ![]() 3100 Yd | Friday | Saturday ![]() ![]() 4500 Yd | Sunday ![]() ![]() | Week Total ![]() 11600 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #18 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() ![]() 3800 Yd | Friday | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() ![]() 3600 Yd | Week Total ![]() 9900 Yd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wk #19 | Monday ![]() ![]() | Tuesday ![]() ![]() 3000 Yd | Wednesday ![]() ![]() | Thursday ![]() ![]() 2500 Yd | Friday | Saturday ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() ![]() 3000 Yd ![]() | Week Total ![]() 8500 Yd ![]() ![]() |
Wk #20 | Monday | Tuesday ![]() | Wednesday ![]() 1000 Yd | Thursday ![]() ![]() 750 Yd | Friday ![]() | Saturday ![]() ![]() ![]() | Sunday ![]() ![]() ![]() | Week Total ![]() 1750 Yd ![]() ![]() |
Month 5 totals

Print Intermediate Full Ironman Triathlon Training Plan- 20 Week
Who is the plan for?
The following basic plan is for a beginner who has:
Completed a Half-Ironman, and is in the process of training for an Ironman with 20 weeks to go.
Has been training a minimum of 10 hours per week.
Have an idea of proper training zones.
*As opposed to the 20 Week Beginner IM plan by HR, this plan has fewer 'total rest weeks' but follows the principle of alternating weeks of long bike and runs. If you find that you need more defined 'rest' weeks, then the 20 Week Beginner IM plan by HR will be more appropriate.
**You can use this Intermediate plan for you first IM if you have maintained a higher training volume of 10 hours per week. If you haven't been, the Beginner plan by HR will be more appropriate as it starts off at 7 hours per week.
Background requirements
Since our athlete has already competed in a Half-Ironman distance race, we must find a starting point at which they have run and biked. It is likely the athlete has already run 1 hour 30 minutes (1:30). It is also likely they have biked 3 hours (3:00). These will be our starting points. There will be a gradual increase in both the run and bike times, for their key workout of the week. That key workout is known as the “Long Run or Long Bike.” This is usually done on the weekend because most people have the weekends off from work.
It is often good to have a companion about the same speed for the run and bike. The bike can be done with a friend or group ride. Part of the group ride can be done, and just have some time added either at the start or back end of the group ride in order to reach the prescribed goal times. The social aspect as well as honing of bike handling skills can be of great benefit to the athlete. Training zones should be closely watched as the Ironman distance race they will compete in will likely not (and should not exceed Zone 3).
Plan scheduleThis basic 20 week plan is a quick ramp up in overall volume, but with 20 weeks to train only, it is a gradual and safe approach because of the alternating weeks of the long run/bike. The weekly hours will vary with each individual; however, the key long workouts need to be achieved so that ample endurance is built up for the race. Example, you wouldn’t train for a marathon by only running 200 meter sprints would you? So the time needs to be put in, there is no way around it.
During the “Base/Build” phase, stretching, increase in protein, massage, appropriate vitamin intake (consult your nutritionist) and sleep should be encouraged to stave off injury from overuse, and promote recovery.
Regarding the bike/run
For a beginner, it is a better idea for time sake, and injury prevention, to focus on either the long bike or long run each week, alternating the long workouts. While the athlete is doing a long bike one weekend, they are resting their running legs by just doing maintenance work during that week. While they are focused on a long run at the end of the week, they are resting their legs from the incredibly long hours of the bike week. This promotes recovery and quality of workout that the traditional long bike/long run (on the same weekend), does not. That is virtually too much for the body to recover from, for a beginner.
While training long in BOTH the bike and run weekly may work for highly experienced professionals with many Ironman races, it is a recipe for injury for a virgin Ironman racer. In fact, I still use this method for training, even after 16 Ironman events I’ve competed in. I’m healthier, and happier, and lead a more balanced life because of it, and it is rare that I have injury.
On swimming
The swim should be spent mostly with a Master’s swim group, again, providing motivation through socialization. There will always be faster swimmers, and a coach, that will be able to help you with your technique. Pull either the coach aside, or a faster swimmer at the end of the workout, to give you pointers on technique. You may even find an experienced Ironman athlete amongst your group that has done the same race you are training for. Then they would be able to provide you with information such as how to dress for the weather, the terrain details, course details, etc. The point of Master’s swim group should be focusing on technique, so move into a slower lane and focus on that, rather than making the time intervals of a high-intensity swim set.
A word on tapering
Tapering is of utmost importance, the athlete will want to begin taper at three weeks out from the race. Week 18 should have a maximum ride time of three hours (3:00), Week 19 a max of two hours (2:00). The run times should be dropping off as well, dropping to an hour (1:00) for Week 18 & 19. Early in the Peak/Race week, the longest bike ride should be no more than 90 minutes, and the longest run should be no more than 45 minutes. All preferably less than this—the point is to be fully rested, and stay away from any training that will put you in an energy deficit for race day.
Weights, they will provide the overall conditioning and strength for competing in the three disciplines of triathlon. However, taper off of them around four or five weeks before the Ironman. Weight tears down muscle quickly, and you should begin focusing on healing from all the training you have done in past weeks. If you do your long bike/run workouts on the weekend, you will have Tuesday as a weight day, because it gives a day of easy/lighter training on Monday. Last thing you want is to lift weights on exhausted muscles. Same goes for weights on Thursday, there is no point in tiring your muscles out the day before the KEY workout (bike or run) on a Friday, so making Thursday your second weight day will allow you to take Friday completely off of any training.
I hope this information helps the transition from a Half-Ironman to a full Ironman in a 20 week period a little easier. The key long workouts and injury prevention are achieved only through the motivation you are willing to put forth. Use your resources wisely to motivate, prevent, and learn, then you can call yourself an Ironman one day.
Weight Training and Core Strength
The program that I am using this time around is adapted from The Training Bible and has been tweaked to include some exercises that I think are important. The program should be fairly balanced between core and strength training.
See 'Related Articles' below on more plan details and links to terms, core strength and weight training.
Good Luck in your Iron Distance Triathlon!
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